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Everything posted by scott100

  1. A shoutbox will require some kind of server language to process the information and a database to store it.Example here: http://www.php-editors.com/contest/1/67-read.htmlIn the example it uses a table to display the data so you could use<table style="border:1px solid black">This will give it a black border
  2. You cannot use body tags together with the frameset tags, remove the body tags and it should work.Frame example: http://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?fi...html_frame_cols
  3. I think you will have to keep some sort of database.Are you wanting the changed contents to be applied to everyone, or just that individual member?If it's everyone then one row on the database will be enough.If it's for everyone then you will have to keep a row for each member.
  4. Thanks for the heads up, if i am using NOT NULL and the table throws a wobbler then i will remember this post
  5. You want to change the options text/value?document.getElementById('cars').options[0].text="ford";cars is the name of the select box and 0 is the first item.to change the values as well as text just use .value="ford"
  6. PHP is one language you could use to process the form by email: http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_mail.aspYour server must support php and the mail() function.
  7. There is no way that this can be done, it may take someone a little longer but there is always a way.Right clicks and the like are just pointless and annoying.
  8. Yes this is what javascript is good for Just hide the section you don't wan't to be shown, then when the button is clicked show the section.Here's an example to get you started <body><form><p>Pet name<input type="text" /></p><p>Type of pet<input type="text" /></p><div id="ap" style="display:none"><p>Another Pet's Details<input type="text" /></p></div><p><input type="button" value="Add another pet" onclick="ap.style.display='block'" /></p><p><input type="submit" value="submit" /></p></form>
  9. @ pulpfiction, thanks i got it to insert, this will be very usefull in future @ aspneyguy, what? can you explain more please, i didn't understand
  10. scott100


    value deprecated too is this planned for the future because it validated as strict ok? Must be because it's part of CSS level 2 revision 1, IE doesn't fully support level 2. http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/generate.html#counters
  11. scott100


    Nope it failed.Error Line 9 column 48: there is no attribute "start".<ol style="list-style-type: upper-roman;" start="7">So what's replaced it?
  12. scott100


    I don't know I try a page under strict and see what happens.
  13. scott100


    This is the old way to style a list and start it from a specified number. <ol type="I" start="5"> <li>Coffee</li> <li>Tea</li> <li>Milk</li></ol> This is the new way, but i can't figure out how to start it from 5 <ol style="list-style-type: upper-roman;"><li>Coffee</li><li>Tea</li><li>Coca Cola</li></ol> Simple? probably, but i can't find out how anywhere
  14. Ok thanks, i'll try it out later and let you know
  15. scott100

    Drop-down menu

    You cannot change the style of the arrow in a select tag, this is controlled by the Operating System and you cannot change it through css.
  16. scott100


    If you open up the picture in paint and hover over the image you will see the coordinates in the bottom right of the screen You tell the page your using a rectangle then specify the dimension 0,0,82,1260,0 = top left of the rectangle82,126 = bottom right of the rectangle
  17. VB Script should never be used on the client side - only Internet Explorer supports it. Always use Javascript
  18. scott100

    Margin Problems

    Add the code in red to the body, btw the <style> tag should go in the head, not the body.body {background: url('tile.gif') 823px 0px repeat-x;marging:0;padding:0;} You cant have 2 background images on body, you could use a div and set the image as it's background, this could then sit on top of the body background...
  19. I don't think so I think your stumped with this one
  20. The condition in the script always remained false, you need to set it back to true in the else statement, should now work ok. <head><script>firsttime = true;function switchImage(obj){if (firsttime){obj.src = 'http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/style_images/w3sbanner.gif';firsttime = false;} else {obj.src = 'http://www.w3schools.com/images/logo_new2.jpg';firsttime = true;}}</script></head><body><img src="http://www.w3schools.com/images/logo_new2.jpg" onmouseover="switchImage(this);"></body>
  21. See here for one way of doing this: http://www.w3schools.com/dhtml/tryit.asp?f...trydhtml_menu10
  22. I'm not sure what you mean <input type="button" value="submit" onclick="window.location='http://www.google.com'" />
  23. The whole point of a form is to gather information from the user, if it does nothing then what's the point in having one Anyway here's an example of what you asked:http://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?fi...tml_form_submitHere are some different things you can also do:http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_forms.asp
  24. scott100


    Never seen ask jeeve on here before I guess there all here at some point in time.
  25. scott100

    Audio Ads

    This was raised and dealt with many moons ago.http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.ph...w=findpost&p=43It activates on mouseover, so stay clear of it
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