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Everything posted by scott100

  1. Ok i think i can see what you meant, if you add the code in red to your .bio class then it will shift the text over to the right..bio {padding-left:50px;}Yes it should look ok now in IE and FF but in Opera it's all messed up, you might want to check that out
  2. aaahhhhh never ever ever ever use mailto - it's cheap, nasty and unreliable. Stick with php, it'll see you good
  3. Here's a couple http://www.w3schools.com/dhtml/tryit.asp?f...slidehorizontalhttp://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex1/slideinlink.htm
  4. This is a job for cssYou can set differnt styles for screen (@media screen) and print(@media print)See this page: http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_mediatypes.asp
  5. No it's not covered so don't worry.You cant do it the way you are probably thinking:body{ background-image:url('bg.jpg'); width:100%; height:100%;} This wont work Basically you have to use a div to contain and stretch the image.Then use another div (that sits on top of the previous one) for page content.This gives the illusion of a normal page with a backround and content. credit to cssplay for this solution: http://www.cssplay.co.uk/layouts/background.html Here is my "chopped" version which you might find a little easier to implement:http://scott100.atspace.com/Background_Stretch.htm
  6. When i tried to view the link i got an errorParse error: parse error, unexpected '=' in /home/content/d/l/i/dlidgi/html/todaysrates.php on line 94 I would use either FF or Opera when doing my layout then patch it up for IE, not the other way about.
  7. lol it was after helping you out a couple months back that i decided to create an account with them maybe it's only stable for folks in UK
  8. Didn't work for you either This is weird, i have never had any problems viewing my/other sites on atspace.com Anyway, atspace is only temporary, i just started it up as somewhere to keep live working demos for peep's to see, rather than posting lenghty code and saying "change this bit to yours" etc.After i get back my summer hols i'm going to get a paid host, i was checking out your recommendation - webhostingbuzz.com - i'm sure i can stretch to $3 a month (geez that's only £1.65 for me less than renting a dvd for 3 days )
  9. Your kidding Here's the code from the page <html><head><script type="text/javascript">function mover(id,img){document.getElementById(id).src=img;}function mout(id,img){document.getElementById(id).src=img;}</script></head><body><img id="img1" src="1.gif" onmouseover="mover(this.id,'2.GIF')" onmouseout="mout(this.id,'1.gif')" /><img id="img2" src="3.gif" onmouseover="mover(this.id,'4.gif')" onmouseout="mout(this.id,'3.gif')" /><img id="img3" src="5.gif" onmouseover="mover(this.id,'6.gif')" onmouseout="mout(this.id,'5.gif')" /></body>
  10. Sorry, i had to remove it, one of the images didn't work.http://scott100.atspace.com/rollover.htmSo yeah, make sure you give each image an unique id.
  11. Here's the code you need, remember to change the id for each image for this to work.
  12. Your global variable wasn't being recognised, i tend to use a function onload to set globals (minus the var).<html><head><script type="text/javascript">function go(){myv=document.getElementById("mya").innerHTML;}function mouseOver(){document.getElementById("mya").innerHTML="Hi";}function mouseOut(){document.getElementById("mya").innerHTML=myv;}</script></head><body onload="go()"><a id="mya" href="http://www.w3schools.com" target="_blank" onmouseover="mouseOver()" onmouseout="mouseOut()"><img border="0" alt="Visit W3Schools!" src="b_pink.gif" width="26" height="26" /></a></body></html>
  13. All you had to do was use a pre-made javascript (as posted in #6), just copy and past. Microsoft should be the ones that have to pay, not us
  14. scott100


    C:\Mydocuments\pagename.html pagename = the name of your web page.If you got to the webpage and open it with your browser you will see it's address in the address bar, just copy that address to get it's absolute location
  15. i use thisif (isset($_POST['submit'])){//form has been submitted, validate it}else{form has not been submitted, display it}Again, Google is your friend
  16. You could use window.open() and remove toolbars etc then create a page that looks similar to the alert, but with formatting allowed.http://www.javascript-coder.com/window-pop...ndow-open.phtml
  17. By writing an innerHTML on the anchor tag you destroy the rest of it's contents - the image - so it no longer exists. To make it appear again you would have to put it back using innerHTML on the mouseout function mouseOut(){ document.getElementById("mya").innerHTML="<img src=\"b_pink.gif\" />";}
  18. This is w3schools.com (forums), not to be confused with w3.org - both are not related.
  19. Christ I would get the jail for having such things
  20. That didn't make sense What is it you wan't to do?
  21. Validate Emailto validate a field i use empty() functionif (empty($_POST["name"]){...}If you ask google you will find example on Form Validation
  22. The easiest way would be to have 2 submit buttons a distance apart, when you mouse over one hide it and show the other, then vise versa<head><script>function toggle(val,app){document.getElementById(val).style.display=app;}</script><style>div{padding:10px;position:absolute;top:10px;}#d1{left:50px;display:block;}#d2{left:250px;display:none;}</style></head><body><div id="d1" onmouseover="toggle(this.id,'none');toggle('d2','block')"><input type="submit" value="Send" /></div><div id="d2" onmouseover="toggle(this.id,'none');toggle('d1','block')"><input type="submit" value="Send" /></div></body>
  23. Php would be easier but you could do it with javascript too:Here's how you would access a simple address.<body><script> loc=window.location;document.write(loc);</script></body> You would then split the sring after the ?
  24. scott100

    Table Issue

    Your structure is slightly incorrect. you had <td> mixed with <th>, it should look like this, all <th> in the first row then thereafter <td> <table border="1" cellpadding="5" align="center"><tr> <th> </th> <th align="center">No </th> <th align="center">Rank </th> <th align="center">NW </th> <th align="center">NW% Increase </th> <th align="center">Land </th> <th align="center">Land% Increase </th></tr><tr> <td>Gwydion</td> <td align="center">779</td> <td align="center">60 (+25)</td> <td align="center">8,037,181</td> <td align="center">40</td> <td align="center">14,370</td> <td align="center">26.2</td></tr></table>
  25. Don't use document.all. document.getElementById() is supported by every Javascript supporting browser released since 1998.source: some website
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