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Everything posted by scott100

  1. scott100

    new to php

    Sorry i don't understand what you mean If you want to learn something search for some tutorials or buy a book.Practise as you go along.If you get stuck ask your questions here.
  2. scott100

    new to php

    We can help with any problems but to learn a language you should read some tutorialshttp://www.w3schools.com/php/default.asp
  3. scott100

    is it working?

    USE my_db To select the database SHOW tables To see all the tables in the db.Also to see info in the table, if it has any: SELECT * FROM tablename To see all the contents of the table name tablename
  4. scott100


    Nearly spot on How do i save them as unix timestamp format, i am using now() to timestamp everything logged in the db
  5. scott100


    Yeah apparently they don't go together, i found this on another forum and it works, maybe it will help someone else //Remove the '-' from the standar MySQL sate formatlist($Year,$Month,$Day) = split('-',$row['date']); //Create a UNIX style timestamp from the result$stampeddate = mktime(12,0,0,$Month,$Day,$Year); $realDate = date("jS F Y",$stampeddate);
  6. scott100


    Date is saved in mysql datebase.When printed from the database with this: {$row['date']} I get this result: 2008-12-31what i want to do is format that date so it looks neater so i need helpI tried this $d=date('j F y', $row['date']); but that prints out1 January 70for all my dates How can print my date formated?
  7. You forgot type="text" on your tag.<form id='search' method='get' action='http://dcole.ath.cx/'><input name='DCT' id='dcse_DCTEx' /><input type='submit' value='Search' /></form>That didn't fix it though
  8. That should do it for you then
  9. Wait, you want the scrollbar on left, but text also?Just add the page contents in a container <html><head><style type="text/css">body{direction: rtl}#container{direction: ltr}</style></head><body><div id="container">Scrollbar on left so am i</div></body></html>
  10. Yes is possible, your codes a little messed up <html><head><style type="text/css">body{direction: rtl}</style></head><body><h1>This is header 1</h1></body></html>
  11. Yeah, how cool is that
  12. Anyone else noticed with Opera 9, when you click the roller wheel on the mouse and scroll the page it judders
  13. Yes, it said that there was a problem with the mail, but i could still login ok. Then i couldn't post but maybe i was to be validated?Chat off topic here at the Coffee Lounge
  14. He see's a gap in the market and strikes
  15. I can't realy explain the benefits cause i've never used XAMPP. I followed the directions in a book i bought and it recommended installing these seperately. I'll check it out later and see why
  16. I have read that XAMPP is good, i haven't used it though so can't comment.http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html I downloaded php, apache and mysql seperately and linked them together. It's a tricky process, realy frustrating but great once you get it working. This way means you have to communicate with mysql through the command line (DOS).
  17. Are you trying to make a toolbar for the browser? This is not possible, you can show/hide browser toolbars but not create them like i said previously.
  18. Yes you can create menu's, there are many kinds though, what do you have in mind?Here's a simple one: http://www.w3schools.com/css/tryit.asp?fil...e=trycss_float5
  19. Specify a higher z-index on the element you want on top.
  20. what HTML can't create a toolbar, it's only a markup language.Do you mean the toolbars on the browser? Javascript can show and hide these when using window.open() but it cannot create any.
  21. This is you javascript that should be added to the page, i haven't touched the css or html and it works. <script> onload=function check(){var links = document.getElementsByTagName('div');for (var l = 0; l < links.length; l++) { str = links[l].innerHTML; if (str.match (/Praetorian's Reading Room/i)) links[l].innerHTML = str.replace (/Praetorian's Reading Room/i, "The Library of Cira Karohn"); }}</script>
  22. Yes i would agree that an off topic section should be considered.I would also add that posts made to the off topic section should not be counted, disable it or something.
  23. There is not tagname div.nublog_titleyour code will work if you just use divvar links = document.getElementsByTagName ('div'); If you need to access the class then you will need something like getAttribute()
  24. Oops sorry your not near that stage yet I thought you had already created a mysql account.mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); To connect with another account you have to make it firstI don't know how though, never used easyphp, is there no documentation you can follow?
  25. You could try FLUSH PRIVILEGES to make sure your changes take effect in mysql.Also try restarting the apache server.
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