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Jack McKalling

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Everything posted by Jack McKalling

  1. A program that can do that, would be difficult (but possible). But I can tell you how to edit an option of a selectbox.Each option consists of both a "value" (if added) and "text" (the text visible in the list). The value of the selected option will be the value of the selectbox when submitted.To choose the options of a <select>: To choose the index number of the selected option: To choose the selected option of a <select>: To choose the visible name of the selected option: To choose the invisible value of the selected option: To modify the visible text of an option: Replace the greens by the correct form names.Replace the blue by the index number you want, beginning with '0'.I hope this helped
  2. I'm not sure, but I thought I heared "className" was about cross browser issues?
  3. The onChange event will do just fine too
  4. Well, I understand where you're coming from, but believe me, no can do :)Like that, that is. JavaScript can't just be translated, most of the time. When it is plain JavaScript without any DOM, it would be different storyYou could try to give the user the option to choose their selves, would that do it? If so, I'll explain how it can.
  5. Recent versions of operating systems have Flash installed already.So maybe not every one, but a lot have Flash :)That Flash hides the target of a clickable area can be positive too. If you use javascript in the link, the build in code action won't be visible when you hover. It's nicer when only real links are shown, isn't it? :)I don't like fully Flash pages, as they can't do much, only grafixs and some clicking. Fully Html on the other hand can't do much either: only one presentation, use a manipulating language inside it, might do some Flash, and it will be great.
  6. The switch command has to be like this:switch (variable){case "value1": ... ...break;case "value2": ... ...break;}And navigator.userAgent belongs to Html DOM, which cannot be used by php :(Why bother to create browser dependant stylesheets anyway Try to make one, independant of which browser you're using
  7. Fairly simple to do that last one :)learn how to use $_GET["your_variable"], use it on the targets of the links, to the same page.Then ask in PHP for that variable. If a..Ahwel,, I can't explain. Look at this: Don't know if it works though
  8. Are you playing Memory? :)Yes, that PHP would be the same as the javascript thing.Something like this:<?php$fr = fopen("your_CSS_file.css",r);while (!feof($fr)) { echo fgetc($fr,1000); }?>It may be invalid PHP, inthere I am a beginner. But like this, you'd write the CSS file directly inside the current file, so it would turn into internal, no css file needed.Use this information whatever you like
  9. Sorry I haven't read your file above :)But it seems to be far too long to me, as 'just a calculator' :)Using CSS, you could change the class of a button, so it knows the new style already Then you don't have to define all inline styles with Javascript.Not like this:" But like this:
  10. Maybe you could try to execute a stylesheet by PHP, which won't be visible in the source :)But an external CSS file, would always be visible for the browser in the end... Writing in PHP makes it internal, so making it directly visible in the source code.
  11. Lol! :)Yes indeed... I should have thought about that before..Anyway, try to read this little bit complicated code
  12. Oh, forgot that part. Sorry :)Nevermind then
  13. You can't ask us to write you a login code,.. it is pretty complicated, just to serve for you...Ask us how to write you a column changer, a smiley chooser, a table, but you can't let us make your site.I am sorry, but a loggin code uses many languages -Html or Xhtml,-Css,-JavaScript,-PhpAND-MySQLNot something little that we can write
  14. That is a window.Open() Not what vivek_damodaran wants, I think.Use window.createPopup() It can have a Close-button, but you should define it entirely, and manual.Like the document having an UL as content, LI being inline (aligned next to eachother). The right LI element would have an X as a character, and the left LI the content of the popup.And this is important: the onclick (at the X) event should activate the showing of the popup. When doing that, just say it has to show it at location (0,0), like it disappears after clicking the X character :)I can give an example of such popup, but it is incredibly complicated. As I defined every style inline for every element, it is not much readable.Try: Call this popup inside a javascript section, like this: ShowPopup();
  15. I am pretty much advanced with JavaScript, but only not for cookies.I passed the quiz at W3Schools, with 19/20 because I did not want to learn about cookies, dates and times.For the rest, I understand most of it, and can write my own codes :)I've been experienced in writing scripts for forms. I've also done a lot of JavaScript's alternate way of handling ?this=something in URLs (with match() and RegExp).Edit: but now I'll replace most the codes I've done with JavaScript by codes of PHP, which are stronger, more secure and well,. just better
  16. Emailing to yourself is not nice to handle. The inputting user has to confirm if he/she wants to send it to your email address, not that it will be done right away, there will be a confirmbox.And no, there is no way of storing data in a file with JavaScript. It can only store it for single user use, if someone else visits, he gets the information without the newly stored.However, PHP is not difficult to learn. If you like, we can write you what you want, just explain what exactly it has to do.
  17. I checked it right away, and indeed, in two years I would not have come cross the first pages :)Lets not care about their sollution, lets care about new lessons, about my way :)I read the example of the .createPopup(), and I understand most of it. But it is just a definition of a new document, defined inside the first document. How about an SRC to an external document I tried it, I am sure of 100%, that it is possible to apply a source to the popup. While the popup showed a blank document field above the window when a source, but nothing when invalid code had been applied.I mean, when I tried to give the popup a source, it did show the popup, but not the file inside. When I tried invalid code for that, then the popup did not show at all. So a source should be possible, I only didn't code it correct. I conclude that an external file for a popup should only be NOT possible when the popup does not show at all, just like when it wasn't valid at all.Before I dig up my test, knows anyone the correct syntax of a source Popup?
  18. Php is stronger than Asp , where CGI sucks
  19. Yeah, everywhere in our posts, exept inside Quote and Code boxes
  20. Like that indeed, the function overlib() they use
  21. No.That is really not what I want.Take it I want to have a popup field with explaining text about the hovered element when hovering it :)Exactly when someone hoveres an IMG with a certain ALT specified. The person would get a tooltip there too, wouldn't he :)The popup would be just like another layer on the document, cascading everything that is behind it, not caring about characters that would be cut-off. Like a tooltip which is the text specified in ALT by an IMG, the popup would disappear when you click in the window or the tooltip.As I said before, and I shall say it again: the window.open() is not able to do that. You can't open a window that closes itself when the other window is clicked. Popups do
  22. Maybe in Dhtml, you could be right. I don't recognise it inside JavaScript used in Xhtml, nor when used in Html (does that make any difference ?)But according to me, GetElemetById should also define which Id, don't blame me if I'm still wrong; I'm no expert, only read lots of codes. Never found it without the Id definition @ Jonas & Chocolate570: I just explained in Dutch because I instandly recognised my own laguage in her Error message :(Tried to make it clear to you
  23. Nope, not allowed.En Juiice, om die fout uit te leggen: als er een foutmelding wordt weergegeven dat .getSomeThing(...) leeg is of geen object is, betekent dat, dat die instructie niet gevonden kan worden op je document :(In dit geval was het dat je opgegeven hebt dat het moet zoeken naar een element met een speciaal ID naam, maar niet WELK En tja, dan kan hij het niet vinden ook :)Je zou het zo moeten schrijven:if (document.getElementById("een_of_andere_ID")){...}Deze instructie vraagt of dat element aanwezig is, zo ja, dan voert het de script regels tussen ze accolades uit :DTranslation: what that error meant, and how she should prevent that error specially in this situation.
  24. True, so both our codes have their own pros and cons :)We'll give the decission to her what she prefer to use.
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