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Everything posted by boen_robot

  1. You mean transparency. Well, there simply isn't a way with Paint. There is a way with Paint.NET I think. I'm sure there's a way in Fireworks and Photoshop, but those are probably too elite programs for a Paint user. SnagIt has a good editor that allows binary transparency (making a single color completely transparent) which is usefull in your case, but at one point, it might not be enough.
  2. boen_robot

    free php hosting

    There are a lot of paid and free hosters listed in the host and DNS discussion topic. Look for my later post. It lists some free PHP enabled hosts.
  3. You have applyed the :hover only on h4. In order to make it work on all headings, you must use:h1:hover, h2:hover, h3:hover, h4:hover as a selector instead.P.S. You do realize that any :hover visual (I don't know about aural) effects on headings are not going to work in IE6, right?
  4. boen_robot

    edit XML

    I think (s)he means having the same format and actually having the same XML, but only replace for example "09/15/2006" with "09/19/2006" when the user enters on that date.In any way, the XML save and XSL edit XML demonstrate some ASP methods for changing XML.I can't write a PHP equivalent, but I can tell you that for PHP, you need to use the XML writer, or simply use regular expressions, though I don't reccomend that for large applications. In the end, you'll need to save your file though and I don't know how to do that. Perhaps the XML writer does it.
  5. Well, in that case, you can't do anything without a server side script. JavaScript can only be executed on the same domain. There are only 2 other ways to initiate an XSLT transformation:1. Call it from the XML file. This (I think) works across domains, but scince you don't have control over the creation process, you can't do that.2. Use a server side script's XSLT processor. Server side scrips can fetch files across domains and you're the one in control. However, your server is requred to have server side scripting support.The only client side way I can think of is this trickery:Use the JavaScript above with any XML and an XSLT that processes the remote XML by using the document() function. An important thing to note is that this doesn't work in Opera 9, even though it otherwise does have XSLT support.
  6. Dreamwaver is either a WYSIWYG editor or a code editor.For WYSIWYGers, there isn't much dreamwaver can do. Simply because the price to do those things automatically is extra code that makes the page unaccessable.For coders, there isn't much accessability help that could be done either. Unlike validation, there are acessability guidelines that are simply impossible to verify automatically.The better way is to simply validate your XHTML code, validate your CSS code and eliminate all errors that appear. Fixing the warnings is a plus, but optional. After that, read and follow the WCAG list as much as you can.In one sentence, I can say "Use XHTML elements for what they define, not for how they look and use CSS to manage the look instead" or "Use semantical markup" in short. In other words: Don't use tables for layout! That's probably the biggest pill to slallow. Use lists for a list of items. Most notably, for your navigation. Do not use headings only because the text shown is bigger. Use CSS if you want to make some text bigger. Use different headings depending on how deep is the text you're putting the heading on. Use CSS if you want to make inner headings as big as h1 (or larger). Use <div> for devisions of your page, <p> for blocks of text, <span> for inline text that needs different style. Use <strong> instead of <b>, <i> or <u>. Screen readers pronounce this tag differently then normal text, unlike the other three. You can tweak the settings for screen readers with Aural styles if you need more effects then a simple <strong>.
  7. You can achieve that with plain HTML and JavaScript. XSLT is NOT a language for adding dynamics to pages on the fly. Only JavaScript (and VBScript, but only for IE) is. I'm sure scott100 once wrote such a script, but I'm not sure where that script is now.
  8. The menus have perfect markup. Great job .You weren't able to use list-style-image because you turned the list into an inline element and list-style-image applyes to... you've guessed it. List items .Personally (maybe it's just me) I don't like the images used on the #topmenu. Representation of the former green line would habe been better. The white edges on that image are probably the reason why this feels bad.You are still using <br /> as a spacer instead of margin, but it's a good progress that you've at least eliminated the empty <p></p> elements.Speaking of empty elements <div id="contentbottom"></div> is empty. Is there something that's supposed to be there? If not, then remove it. What is there for anyway? I'm sure they is some CSS way around the problem you had.As for the text in IE7. It's actually only the line "www.biblegateway.com" where the ".com" gets on the black border and the "m" even goes beyond. You can apply special styling on only that line or better yet, apply a smaller font-size in "<!--[if IE7]" stylesheet.
  9. For starters, remove the classes of no class "p" elements.Replace <p class=""> with <p> I mean.Also, there's no "p.n" class defined in the CSS, so if you intend to use p.a { font-weight:bold;color:red;padding-bottom:0px; margin: 0 auto} then use p.n { font-weight:bold;color:red;padding-bottom:0px; margin: 0 auto} instead.
  10. So where exactly is the problem?And what do you need XSLT for if your XML is completely empty anyway?
  11. Would you at east show your current (X)HTML code?
  12. Well, then download another theme, but use it only as a reference to what you need to do, to add a new column to your existing theme. Or (the easier way) apply the theme and change the original images to your existing images, so the look and feel of the current page could be preserved.Either that, or you'll have to get your hands dirty and figure out another holly grail scheme.
  13. Use XSLT. If you don't have a server side scripting language, you can use this JavaScript to execute the transformation from within the (X)HTML page.
  14. Once again. Find yourself a new WordPress theme. I said that on the first place. Just didn't include a link.
  15. boen_robot

    cant erase

    Are the copy/paste key combinations disabled? I mean CTRL+C/CTRL+V or CRTL+INS/SHIFT+INS? Drag&drop? If none of those works, then I don't know. Maybe if there is a "read-only" wsitch you could push/pull?
  16. "Scheme" is an Enligh word, whereas "Schema" is more of a name.W3C Schema was originally suggested by Microsoft. Does Microsoft actually have another method? Even if it does, W3C Schema remains better.Why are you asking theese questions in this topic anyway?
  17. Good. The search box is now not that big . Great job.However, the text above it is still too big in IE7. Give it some explicit size that will look good in all browsers. PM me if you want, so I could tell you if it works with IE7 too.I see you haven't done my markup suggestions yet, but no matter. It's good anyway .
  18. I haven't said it's impossible, nor limited. It's just that IE has a lot of problems that hold designers back. The specification is already flexible enough to allow you to easily add a third column. Search for "CSS layouts" and you'll get what you need. How to adopt it for WordPress is another question though.
  19. Your nickname sure felt really familiar. And now I remember the case too . You're welcome .
  20. I think I have an idea. What does the history.back() return when there's no record? I mean, it must return something... if it's an empty value, then wouldn't something like: var history = history.back() if (history !== '') {history.back()}else{location.href='myindex.htm'} work?[edit]@holmedwa04, not the code I gave. It's a really raw form of my thoughts and this form needs to be accessed differently. I'm waiting for someone more experienced at JS to give this piece of $hit a $hot.[/edit]
  21. The good news is that even in Firefox, the content is floated properly. I think I know what this problem is. Use "overflow: hidden" on the main div.
  22. Ok. That's getting weird. Try to make the width smaller. Small enogh so it could visibly fit the main div's width and INCLUDING the margins and padding.Another thing. Try to add a Srtict DTD. Theese problems might be due to QuriksMode behaviour.
  23. If you switch the places of the right column and the left column in the markup, it will work. If you insist on this order, use positioning and/or negative margins (complicates the things).
  24. Your right div has class="rightt" whereas your CSS has ".right". Because of that, the right float is not applied.
  25. @Dan The idea is to link back to the previous page in history when a record in it exist. Returning to the home page should only occur when the script otherwise leads nowhere.
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