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Everything posted by boen_robot

  1. Have some patience man. All of the things you're asking are answered well enough in the links johneva gave you. Read it all, or just skip to the reference and look for the desired CSS property. However, I wouldn't advise you to do the last thing though, because it's a shame to ask something like "how do u make divs in css?". It sounds as you need to read the HTML tutorial first too.
  2. Sorry that I haven't answered earlier, but I think I have the solution now. Scince recetly there were solutions for showing an XML linearly in table discovered, I think that's what could help you here. Here's the XSLT adopted for your XML: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE xsl:stylesheet [ <!ENTITY nbsp " "> <!ENTITY copy "©"> <!ENTITY reg "®"> <!ENTITY trade "™"> <!ENTITY mdash "—"> <!ENTITY ldquo "“"> <!ENTITY rdquo "”"> <!ENTITY pound "£"> <!ENTITY yen "¥"> <!ENTITY euro "€">]><xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"><xsl:output method="html" encoding="windows-1251"doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" doctype-system="http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd"/><xsl:param name="group-size" select="3" /><xsl:template match="/doc"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/> <title>Untitled Document</title> <style type="text/css"> table * {border: 1px solid #000000;} </style> </head> <body> <table> <thead> <th>Host</th> <th>IP</th> <th>OS</th> </thead> <tbody> <xsl:apply-templates select="list/*[(position() mod $group-size) = 1]" /> </tbody> </table> </body> </html></xsl:template><xsl:template match="list/*"> <tr> <xsl:for-each select=". | following-sibling::*[position() < $group-size]"> <td> <xsl:value-of select="." /> </td> </xsl:for-each> </tr></xsl:template></xsl:stylesheet> I tryed using distinc-values() function so I could also make it that new elements will automatically be added in a new column, but it didn't worked, because distinc-values seems to be XPath 2.0 function. Anyway, if a new element arises, you can simply edit the group-size parameter and that would be it.
  3. In addition to johneva's post, if you want to control theese things without a server side script, you may want to try stroring the links and other kind of such data in XML and use XSLT to transform it into the desired tag with the specified data in it.Though CSS can't control them, it is possible however to deliver an element with a specific attribute a specific styling with the attribute selector. Unfortunatly, it's not well supported yet.
  4. No. The xml:lang is only the replacement of the lang attribute in XHTML and nothing else. However, for the sake of old browsers compatability, it's advisable to use it with the lang attribute as well. New browsers read only the xml:lang (with or without the XML prolog) and old ones only the lang.
  5. It depends. XML is practically serverd as a basic syntax for a variety of languages cell phones could read. WML is one such example. All phones with internet acces can read it. Another is XHTML which as you most certanly know is XML based language. If you mean custom XML, well I guess it really depends on if the cell phone is able to read XSLT which would transform the custom XML to one of the other two. And what devices support XSLT... I don't know for sure but I think none. Most cell phones are just starting to have XHTML and CSS support, though SVG is also something that's being implemented lately.
  6. I would advice NOT to use the XML prolog yet. When IE6 encounters it, it swithes into Quirks Mode instead of following the Scrict DTD. To avoid most of IE's issues, you shouldn't use the XML prolog. If Quirks Mode (IE) and Strict Mode (FF and Opera) both suit you, then you could use the XML prolog.Just incase you don't understand the idea: Quirks Mode is a mode in which the browser(no matter which browser) decides what to do and doesn't follow the declared specification. It chooses among all avaiable(HTML and XHTML) and select what it thinks the author meant. This of course is most of the times different then what the Strict specification implies.
  7. By the way, there's a forth way, which I think could suit well XSLT. <date day="12" month="11" year="2002" /> However, note that this is not expandable. Any changes to this concept structure will cause major redesigns of the XSLT. The third way would only cause minor changes, which is why it's best.Attributes should be used when the data has no way of possibly expanding. In the case of a date, the forth format is acceptable. I mean, whenever is the day going to have something else? If you need hours, minutes, etc. you can simly add new attributes and/or change the date to "time" even. All is one change and few minor in the XSLT.Another use for attributes are functional purposes. For example <question>Which site are you browsing now?</question><answer correct="yes">W3Schools.com</answer><answer>Microsoft.com</answer><answer>W3C.org</answer> In this case, "correct" is an arrtibute which is not displayed on the screen, but it will be used by a server side scripting language to check if the given answer is correct.In all other cases, elements are the best way to go, scince they offer future expanding. I mean, just look at what XHTML 2.0 is expected to have. Deprecate the <img> tag, because the alt text can only be plain text (simply because it's in attribute, and attribute don't allow tags and attributes inside them). The solution instead would be to allow every element to hold an image, and it's content would be considered the alternative. The URI of an image is never going to be more then a string, so it's absolutely great to hold it in attribute. The ingenious thing here is the alternative, which unlike the URI is seen on the screen either as a tooltip(IE) or when the image is loading(FF and Opera).
  8. Well, I did said earlier that if you don't care for CSS layout's features and don't care for accesability, you could use table layouts. I don't edit site's mistakes either. What I meant was exactly what ben3001 mentioned- certain users need their own styles everywhere.Cellphones are just a plus I mentioned. I know it's not anything to really take into consideration, especially on shops, where a user is expected to have a credit card, thus have a browser with SSL support and most(all?) phones don't have SSL support yet.I also know it's possible to use PHP to select different XHTML. But that's exactly the point. Why maintain two or more XHTML files (one for each platform), when you could maintain one? Or if you don't have a server side scripting even (hipothetically... I realize all of your clients have one).
  9. And what if you want to have the same XHTML for both PCs and cellphones and/or if you wanted to have different position in printing? And why forbid the user to change the position of the site? What if I would prefer see the left colums below everything else? It shouldn't concern you how the user adjusts the page if he's going to get the same content, so why not provide him/her with as most possibilities as possible? There's always the !important rule if something is crutual to the design.
  10. boen_robot

    Ordered Lists...

    I don't think such thing is possible. Changing the display property of an item also turns off the default styling of the browser, thus eliminating the number. Adding list-style wouldn't work either scince list-style is applyed only to list items, not inline elements.If the actual idea is to have the list show in one row, such as1. Foo 2. More foo 3. Big fooYou could use the :before pseudo class, but as we know, it won't work in IE.
  11. And other files are displayed, right? I mean that such message is shown when the server is not running. If it was, you were going to see Error 404 (for HTTP server that is).
  12. Well, maybe not "sky-high" corporations, but smaller ones would. One could always show them the nice portfolio, thus later on writing this in the CV as an experience. Companies that know what they want know that a person is judged by experience and quality, not by a piece of paper.
  13. Yes. It's normal to have such popo-up. And by the way, the XML prolog looks like this: <?xml version="1.0" ?> Delete the XML element (both the opening and closing tags) and replace it with that. Also, note that only IE is capable of running XML inside HTML with Data Islands."For the sake of completeness": <?xml version="1.0" ?><family><mother><gender>Female</gender><age>60</age><name>Pam</name></mother><father><gender>Male</gender><age>61</age><name>Geoff</name></father><child><gender>Female</gender><age>28</age><name>Stephanie</name></child></family>
  14. boen_robot

    Multiple css

    It is only good to keep them is separate files if you have two or more styles for the site. The included style would be the one carrying the things the two styles share. Otherwise, it's useless and as mentioned above, it may actually have a performace hit.
  15. boen_robot

    css etiquette

    Because this means the user would have to wait for the second layout to download while (s)he's visiting a page which only uses the first layout. This means longer downloadings.If certain CSS properties are used only on one page, it's perfectly fine to have them in the XHTML. Scince the XHTML itself is also cached, this means it doesn't matter if a per page style is in external file or in the XHTML.
  16. boen_robot

    css etiquette

    It's best to put the styling in both sections I would say. If your front page shares common things with the rest of the site, theese things will be gathered from the external stylesheets. Only per page data should be kept in the head section.Infact, you could use multiple stylesheets for the whole of your site if you think about it. For example, put the things which the front page shares with the rest of the site in one stylesheet and the things that all other pages use in their own stylesheet. The second stylesheet will be loaded when the user goes into the site, thus reducing download time for the front page.
  17. FTP could also do the work, but yes. Some kind of server.[edit=vchris] You mean the quote? Who do you think I got it from ? Yup, the one asking .[/edit][edit=justsomeguy]Well, we are talking about a PDF document, not a page, so if the user is suppose to view the file with standalone application (Adobe Acrobat Rader most probably), there's no harm in using FTP. I do agree that HTTP server is better of course.[/edit]
  18. If you don't mind me saying, weren't we suppose to talk about layouts? The way we're going, it's just another Browser Discussion.
  19. Add some elements around the sections of the text you want to extract separately, perhaps even group them in another element by some sort of criteria, add the XML prolog and possibly some encoding to it. If your text has one of the special entities, you should also mark it in CDATA. Save the file with XML extension and you're done.
  20. I've had simmilar problems and it's not about copy&paste. It's about "Save As" and "New"+Copy&Paste.Instead of saving a new file from the old one(Save As) try to create a new file and copy&paste the source code from the old one in the new file. If it doesn't work... yeah... I guess you should try from scratch. If it doesn't work either, then your OS is starting to cry for reinstallation I think .
  21. Well, I guess this function is an XPath 2.0 function which means it's not supported yet. You shouldn't expect it in the future either though. W3C has deprecated it and added two new functions that act like it with parameters to true and false. See the changelog for details.
  22. Well, nowadays, XHTML is so popular, that you don't need a piece of paper to proove anyone anything. Saying that you could do it is enough for a site developer to give you the job of translating his/her content. Not to mention that most site developers try to separate content from presentation, thus allowing you to concentrate on the content anyway. If you are concerned for the content, you shouldn't proove to anyone any presentational skills.
  23. The margin property has existed scince the birth of CSS. To centerly align an element, you simply use margin: 0 auto; and for the sake of old browsers compatability use text-align:center;. And the float property (also part of CSS1 specs) is most widely used for left and right aligning, though it isn't exactly meant for that. Yeah, right... there is a vertical alignment in CSS. You just didn't looked for it. Here is what O'REILLY CSS reference says:
  24. Well, simply put a link that would open in a new window then. There's no other way.
  25. Well, without frames or actually compiling (thus duplicating) the content in some manner, I don't think that what you ask is possible. I think that what you are talking about is part of the Semantic Web initiative, which is not a very bright concept yet. It has a long way to go. I would still think about this thing though.By the way, what was the inital reason for not duplicating the data? SEO? I don't think Google or any other search engine bans anyone for that. It may ban for the excessive usage of keywords, hidden content and so on, but I don't think there would be penalties for duplicate one.
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