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Everything posted by boen_robot

  1. Would you please consider continuing your conversation about tables vs CSS and leave this topic alone?
  2. Actually, you could even nowadays use ID for a single element. IDs are threated with a greather priority then classes, so it's simmilar to using the style attribute. However, inline styles are usefull when you don't have full control over the head styles, so yeah. I am wondering too why are they deprecating it now. It's not the moment for such deprecation I think, but still- there is equivalent, so it's not that bad.
  3. There is such thing completed in CSSplay.co.uk. Only the best site for CSS demonstrations .
  4. Get the desired domain name and a host, then install IPB on it. As far as I know ipbfree.com doesn't allow you to backup the forum's database, so you'll have to start all over again.Another solution would be to use a domain redirecter. Register the desired domain and tell it to go to the existing domain I mean.
  5. Sounds like a job for a "web service". You would create a search engine in ASP. A SOAP request from the child domain (created with a child's domain server side scripting file) is given to your central search engine. The search engine perfoms the searches and gives the results as a SOAP response to the child ASP file. The childs accepts the SOAP response, processes it and generates the desired output with the result from the response. The output itself could either be an XML file, or any other file that the child's server side scripting language could generate.
  6. Free hosters usually win with the derictory or subdomain they give you. When a user goes to your site, he/she is sure to see that your site is hosted at their site. He would then go to the main page where the ads are standing. The ads are then doing the work.Well of course they don't interfere. You are paying after all. It's in your right to stop paying them if they do interfere, so they'll never do that as long as you pay and obay the previously given rules if any. If there are any rules, they would rely on abuse reports, not on monitoring.If by "chosen adress" you mean hot linking (getting resources from other domains), it depends. Some hosts don't allow such thing but if they don't they'll let you know it. Most (all?) payed hosts do allow such thing though. Some even offer "hot link protection" which means that unauthorized domains won't be able to adress your resources directly.
  7. Simply use the <object> tag to initiate the media player. Something like: <objectclassid="clsid:22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95"><param name="FileName" value="playlist.m3u" /></object> Where playlist m3u must be the playlis with all the files.You can create this playlist by choosing the songs you want and put them in a now playing list at Windows Media Player (I don't know if other players could it nor how they do it). Then select "File>Save Now Playing List As... " In the dialoug box, select the desired format (either wpl or m3u. I don't know their differences), write the desired name above that dropdown menu, select the location on your hard drive and "Save". Upload the newly created file on the same folder where the object tag will be used (in the code case above at least) and that's it.Note that you must play the desired music files from the server, or you'll create local paths.
  8. I don't know about multiple files, but I think you may load some playlist (m3u was the format I think) which would load all the needed files itself.
  9. OK. I was wrong. I'm guilty as charged . I did saw the one for the img though. Somewhere around this forum I found some FAQ about XHTML's future and the images inside every element (not only p's) is truly something I liked. I mean how cool is to have a media load and a styled text to load on fallback .
  10. boen_robot

    Story page

    That's what Chocolate570 initially suggested, but this would force the whole book to download all at once, instead on pieces, which by itself means longer downloading.
  11. boen_robot

    Story page

    Or simply write each page in it's own file and place a link on each page for the next and previous one (in other words: manually do the things)?
  12. I already told you on the PM you sent me to just create a div around the three colums and center that new div.By the way, I do see another problem with your page. When it first loads, all "pages" on left and right are shown. I have to click a number to get only that number's thing, but it's kind'a useless scince all the content is loaded anyway.
  13. Note that CSS3 is going to have a target replacement. It's listed in the CSS3 target specification. Nowaday browsers don't support it though, so JavaScript is the only valid solution now.Besides the above simplified solution by johneva, you may define your own "classes" of target behaviour and use/alter them all at once by using this script.
  14. I know about the <center> tag and the align="center" attribute. I was refering to the style attribute. I know that external stylsheets are the way to go, but the style attribute (a.k.a. "inline CSS" as it's in the quote) is definetly NOT going to be deprecated.
  15. And where did you learn that lie from? W3C would never deprecate something (the <center> tag in our case) without providing, or at least think of future providings of an alternative. Using inlinde CSS is sometimes crutual to solving global stylesheets problem. I don't think it's going to be deprecated that easily, but if you can give me an official W3C statement, I would believe it. I know that using external stylesheets is cool, but there are reason for inline styles' existense as well.
  16. I did. And I liked it a lot. However, all plug-ang-play server applications, both easyPHP and XAMPP make it hard to install extensions and manage their settings, so I currently don't have it. But for plug-ang-play server application, that is certanly the best choise.
  17. Is XSLT 2.0 even supported in today's browsers ? I thought it's still a candidate reccomendation and nothing yet supports it or at least, not it's features.
  18. That's what me and Vinz said actually. It displays correctly in both browsers, but technically speaking, it's not a valid XHTML output code. This is the only solution which you would have to stick with now, but if you're looking for a valid output, you should try to create something else as well.
  19. Besides the thing already mentioned, there are even more advantages on using CSS layouts instead of tables.Yes. Download times are technically reduced because the positioning data is downloaded once and cached instead of being loaded for every page.Also, tables have to be completely downloaded in order to be displayed while <div>s are displayed immediatly when they are closed (their childs are also displayed when they are closed) which makes the user feel as if the page loads faster while technically speaking tables are downloaded just as quick but only rendered later.There is also the device independence feature of CSS based layouts. You can have multiple CSS stylesheets optimized for different devices. Just imagine how will your favourite site that uses tables would look like on a cell phone for example. It will take you weeks to scroll to the desired part of the page. Using CSS for layout, you can customize the layout for this device while keeping the same XHTML.Accessability basically mens to let the user customize the page while still allowing him to easily use the same functionality and content. With tables, you force single positioning, a lack of logic, etc. and as mentioned, you disable some screen readers to read the content of your site.As for flexibility... it's much easier to see one <div> then to look up the exact coordiates of your content's <td>. When it comes to external CSS stylesheets (the last big paragraph of ben3001's post), that's why W3C's QA suggests that you use semantic class names. So you can clearly see where this belong and what it does, not how it's suppose to look like. Say ".title", not ".BigRedSign" for example.I actually review sites when they use tables and even like some. W3Schools is only the best example of such site. However, I do admit that I like tableless sites A LOT more. It gives a scence of comfort for me as a developer (a strong word for me, but still).By the way, I know this was an expected answer, but hey, it's the truth.
  20. boen_robot

    Modifying xml file

    XML is NOT good for storing passwords, simply because it's not secured. If I know the URL of the file, I can always see it. And if I don't, there are applications which can crawl through all of your site's content and find it. Such applications are only stopped by "forbidden" errors by the server, however such error also stops every other file to access something from that folder, making it useless.Using XSLT alone, you can't do that. With some client side scripting however I think it might be possible, but it's still not secured.Use SQL to store secured information such as passwords and server side scrtipting for manipulation. Keyword: Security.
  21. You can use the document() function and point it at the desired XSLT, however, notice that it's the XSLT that would be looked in for the value, not the output of it.
  22. Is the <xsl:text> really necessary? Shorten yourself a bit. If it is, then sorry. Put it back .As for this problem, I saw someone here that sucseeded in doing what you want with the only difference that he did it with <xsl:element>. I think it should work here as well.What you need to do is to turn the variable into parameter instead and use the string() function to select the parameter. So try using this: <xsl:template match="Foo"> <xsl:element name="xs:element"> <xsl:attribute name="ref"> <xsl:value-of select="Bar"/>:<xsl:value-of select="Bar"/> </xsl:attribute> <xsl:parameter name="bazNamespace"> xmlns:<xsl:value-of select="Bar"/> </xsl:parameter> <xsl:attribute name="{string($bazNamespace)}"> A:B:C:<xsl:value-of select="Bar"/> </xsl:attribute> </xsl:element></xsl:template>
  23. boen_robot


    AJAX by itself is not a new language, but just a term for manipulating XML with JavaScript. If you write a JavaScript that creates an instance of XML document, chooses and displays some parts of XML document, etc. this means you're using AJAX.
  24. Excuse me for saying this without anything more usefull but...OMFG! So simple page and yet use tables for layout?!?! You should REALLY start trying to use tabless layouts before it's too late. Maybe then the things would be A LOT more clear.
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