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Everything posted by LifeInBinary

  1. It just clicked in my feeble little head that you could code in an entire website pixel by pixel. You could slice any layout you want into 1px by 1px images, name them by row and column number, and make a giant table. It would have as many rows as it was pixels high, and as many columns as it was pixels wide. I know most of you are going to say I'm crazy without thinking about what I'm really saying. It wouldn't be a good idea, but an interesting one at least. It would be a unique experience. It would be awesome to be able to say that you created an entire website pixel by pixel.Well, I just realized the side affects of that, lol. There goes forms, there goes links, there goes animation... There goes anything really involved in websites, lol.I'm sorry guys. I'm pulling an all-nighter and I've gotten so little sleep lately that I'm having really crazy thoughts. I'll try not to make a post this stupid again in the future. No promises though. (lol, I just forgot that you have to hold shift down for it to work - I just pressed it real quick like any other key. Also, I typed 'promised' instead of promises, lol).I better get to bed.LifeInBinarioso. Yo tengo un gato mucho grande en mi pantalones. Lol, look that one up on altavista...
  2. Hey guys,I've been up late making an interface. Looks like the best one I've made so far. I was just wondering: does it look better with the green rollover or the white?Here is the URL for the green one:http://www.iribbit.net/i/lifeisbinary/interface_links-green/Here is the URL for the white one:http://www.iribbit.net/i/lifeisbinary/interface_links-white/It's all original work by the way.Really any suggestions or criticism would be fine. I'm okay with graphics, I just have a hard time figuring out what to create.(oh yeah, I have it with other colored links as well. I have red, black, orange, blue, and lcd-colored - didn't feel like hosting all those, I think I got it narrowed down to these two.)Thanks,LifeInBinary.P.S. - I know it's slower than grandma without her walker, but I sliced it up with over 500 images for a little security - it wouldn't be like that if I wasn't posting links to a bare template
  3. I hate to tell you this, but to be honest Rno - I think the only way you can do that is by putting the whole web site into a bunch of nested tables. That's frowned upon by the way, and for decent reasons - but it's an easy way out of a jam. Then you would take the text out of the slice that you need it in, and save the slice (without text). Use that as a background for a <td> in a table cell, then put the text in normal code for the cell.I happen to be working on a project doing exactly that right now. Here is an example of the code (also, the specific thing I mentioned will be in red):WEIRD, IT TOLD MY THAT MY NUMBER OF OPENING TAGS WERE NOT EQUAL TO THE NUMBER OF CLOSING TAGS - BUT THEY WERE, I CHECKED OVER AND OVER?! SORRY, NO CODE TO GO WITH THIS - ASSUMMING THIS EVEN WILL POST...You can also use divs in CSS - but I'm guessing that if you are letting a program do your code CSS might be a problem - no offense.If you decide to stick with the website thing though this is probably the best resource you will find... Lots of helpful and experienced people on here.Hope I helped,LifeInBinary.
  4. Like I said, you need to 'tell' it to email you...Also like I said, I can't help you much more than that... I really hope somebody else can though.You should see "Insert: CODEBOX" in a panel to your left next time you post a topic (or reply). Click that, then copy and paste your code into that box, then insert it to your topic/reply. That's kind of the standard method on here for posting code. It's okay to not use that if you don't have a lot of code to post, like one or two lines (but most do anyway, because it lets everyone know it's code) - but if you do a whole document or something it can make the post really long. Try to do it that way next time.Hope that helps,LifeInBinary.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------┐@justsomeguy - I didn't know you could use any server side language, someone told me you had to use ASP and I just took their word on it - thanks though. |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------┘
  5. I told somebody the other day that I would post some links for them. Sorry, but I forgot to do that - then I forgot who it was. I've been looking for the post but I don't see it.Could anyone who knows what I'm talking about please tell me what topic that was under?Thanks,LifeInBinary.P.S. - I didn't mean to leave you high and dry...
  6. Nevermind - I just realized you said your friend does that for you...My bad.
  7. So are you saying that you would be interested in having me do some graphics for jobs or are you just commenting?Let me know - as I am always looking for work (you don't have to pay me much either - like I said, I do this in my spare time and I'm just pretty good).Thanks,LifeInBinary.
  8. First off, let us know exactly what you are doing and exactly what is happening. Post the code if you want to help us figure out the answer for you.Also, there is a lot more involved in that than an HTML form - not sure if you expected to just make the form and have it work, but maybe I'm telling you something you already know.You have to first make the form, then tell it what to do in ASP. I'm stuck with the same thing myself. I can make the form, but not get it to really do anything but accept information. I don't even know what to do with the submit and cancel buttons.I suggest that you post the code for someone more experienced with forms so that they will be able to help you. No one is going to know what to do without either some more specific information or the code itself. The best way to get an answer will be to post the code - as someone more experienced will look through it and point out the errors, usually even rewrite it for you :)Good luck GAC!Hope I'm at least a little bit helpful,LifeInBinary.
  9. Thank you aspnetguy. By the way, do you think you could help me out with a contact form later down the road?Also, not to sound rude at all, but my question still stands. You probably don't want to read that whole post, but if you feel like it I asked some questions concerning the interface. Again, I apologize if that comes off a bit rude.Thanks for the comment,LifeInBinary.
  10. Yes, when I researched into this I had come to the conclusion that SSI is probably what I need...Now about the first option - just because it sounds easier and more likely to be available on free hosting.Would it look like this?<script type="text/javascript"><html><head>The contents I need for the head of what I'm inserting...</head><body>The contents I need for the body of what I'm inserting...</body></html></script> and then I would call that .js file from the .html?So if I had a clock that I wanted displayed at the top of every page for example, I would just insert a link to that .js into the begining of every page?And I would put the clock's HTML and JavaScript into that special .js containing HTML?Sorry to sound confusing, but thanks for the help,LifeInBinary.
  11. Just letting everyone know that I got hosting now and my site is up. The rough draft, not with all the coding I need yet.Please check out the topic I have called "Interface made with Fireworks/Dreamweaver" (I'm pretty sure that's the name of it anyway, it's close enough)I would prefer that all comments be left there - it doesn't really matter though.Thanks for the help,Jay Williams.
  12. I GOT HOSTING AND THIS HAS BEEN UPDATED!Special thanks to Skemcin.
  13. Thank you sooo much justsomeguy - that is some very helpful info.I was just curious... You sound like a Photoshop guy, so you might not know this, but maybe someone else will. I use Fireworks, and I can set transparency to a PNG8 image, but not for a PNG24... I guess I don't really even care about using Fireworks for this. I could make my images in Fireworks, then export the transparent ones with another program. Does anybody know of a small program (preferably free) that can export a transparent PNG24? I really don't want to install Photoshop just to do that - I also don't have the room on my hard drive...Thanks guys,LifeInBinary.
  14. LifeInBinary


    I'll give you some links for good tutorials - I was in the same spot a while back.I gotta eat now, but I'll do it later.Be looking.LifeInBinary.
  15. Thanks for that. Lot's of good info there that I haven't taken into consideration. You're right about me not even knowing how I'm getting paid, and about him maybe being satisfied with what I have so far. True. I think I'll take your advice and show him both mock-ups as well as the actual HTML if I can get it uploaded by tomorrow. I have college from 6:00pm to 8:00pm and it's an hour away...Wish me luck, and thanks for the info,LifeInBinary.P.S. - Could you possibly post or pm or email a copy of your contract so that I can get an idea of what vital elements I need to focus on when it comes time for me to write mine?
  16. I heard there was a way to 'force' your viewers to run your JavaScript. Do you know anything about this?Thanks,LifeInBinary.
  17. I tried removing the url and pasting the code, then I tried leaving the url in and pasting the code after it. Nothing but errors. I know I'm probably doing it wrong, but can someone please clarify?
  18. Yes, I'm very serious. I do stuff like that in my spare time with just a made-up company name or something - so might as well be productive and help somebody else with it That's awesome. So what does their design team do? Do you think I would have a shot at getting in? I'm still learning a lot with coding, but graphics I'm pretty good at. Not to say I'm not good at coding (what I know anyway).And, no offense intended at all - just curious - but why do you keep saying that you are really good at design? No offense, but you asked people to help you with design because you said you couldn't do it yourself - and then you say you are good at it? Maybe I'm just reading stuff wrong or confused - but I'm not trying to down you, I'm just wandering which it is... Are you good at design, or can you not do it?By the way, how do you get your clients? I would like to make myself available for web design, but how do you get business?Thanks,LifeInBinary.
  19. Those are some of the best layouts I have ever seen. Really impressive. Thanks for that.You know of anything else like that?Thanks,LifeInBInary.
  20. I have seen other people do that. This might sound weird, but this is the only way I have been able to even see the section for attachments... I tried to insert a link with the button beside the bold, italic, underline buttons - after i put in the url and hit enter, it told me something weird and the box said undefined - i hit enter again, and there's my link - then I noticed attachment options below my text. Weird. I was thinking, I had to select enable script something from my browser (I'm using the latest IE) to see the box to insert the link - so maybe that has something to do with it? I guess I'll try to insert a link, allow the script, then delete the link - then see if I can do attachments...Would it be cool if I attached a .zip with all the files for the site?Thanks,LifeInBinary.
  21. That's a very important issue.Does the script run vchris?Thanks,LifeInBinary.
  22. I would like to stay client-side on this one. This is stupid I know, but is that JavaScript or CSS? Also, could I just put that document.write code in a seperate file and call to it from the .html file?Could you give me an example of how I could do this?Also, XML DOM is very foriegn to me - so at least for now, that's going out the window, lol - no offense.Thanks for the help,LifeInBinary.
  23. adersmoen, I do graphics. I will make you an image that says andersmoen in the colors you like with maybe a guitar and drumset in the background. I do pretty good stuff - trust me. You want it or not? It might take me a while because I have college, a newborn, a freelance web design job currently, and working for a real web design company starting in a couple of days - but when I find the spare time, I'll make you that image. I could even make it highlight with a JavaScript rollover if you want - that way you could use it as a link to the home page or something. Just let me know and you got it. If you like my work, maybe I could design graphics for your personal website or maybe you could even outsource your graphics work to me for your web design jobs? I wouldn't be able to do that for free, but I would probably accept whatever you pay me - one web designer to another Maybe you could take some money you get from a client and use it to pay me for graphics?Down the road, I might not even mind making graphics for you navigation links and stuff if I have time... http://www.kenetix.net/ - In my opinion, this is the best website layout I have ever seen period - hands down.http://www.ultraweaver.com/ - This is good too. You should definitely at least check both of these out. They both have graphics tutorials by the way also.Hope that helps,LifeInBinary.
  24. Nice, glad you got that working Prateek!LifeInBinary.
  25. In theory, could you call a .html file from another .html file by doing the following?<script type="text/html" src="link.html"></script>I was wondering... Say I have a DHTML LCD clock that uses images, and I want to put it at the top of every page on a website...It has script that needs inserted in both the head and body of the .html file.So could I set up one .html file that contains only the clock script, then call it from all other pages on my website?Like this:<html><head><!--whatever script I need in the head--></head><body><!--whatever script I need in the body--></body></html>Let's say that is named clock.html - could I call it from a file named index.html by doing this?<html><head><script type="text/html" src="clock.html"></script></head><!--rest of normal file-->Sorry about not using codebox, I didn't think it was enough code to worry about it.Thanks guys,LifeInBinary.
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