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Everything posted by PrateekSaxena

  1. I use Komodo Edit on my MacBook.It is really nice, specially JS
  2. Any one try Coda (http://panic.com/coda) yet?
  3. You could use the FamFamFam comment icon, no issues there
  4. Thats really cool! Could you give me a link to that website?

  5. Alright, thanks for the info, I will try something else!
  6. Cant I change it for some time. I mean this setting.How do I do it for FF, I figured out for IE
  7. now IE is also not working, it show Access Denied
  8. Hi,I am trying to get the innerHTML of an iFrame. But when I alert the iFrameId.innerHTML then I am able to see the result on IE 6.0 but not on FF do you have any idea why this is happening?
  9. Hi,Can anyone please point me towards a tutorial which teaches me how to make my on vBulletin theme? I mean, I want to fully customize it. Is there a way to do that? Please give a link
  10. http://colojack.comhttp://wellstyled.com
  11. Hmmm...I was thinking of doing that, this is just an initial quick release. I will definitely make that change. Thanks for pointing that out Mr.Adam!
  12. PrateekSaxena

    My Game

    Hi,I have made game. It is very much like the Moon Lander arcade game. Please see it here http://ozlive.awardspace.com/. I would like to know of any bugs, new features, problem or compatibility issues(with browsers) and also if you liked it or not
  13. I'd recomment PHP too cause I think that is is more powerful. Also ASP is Microsoft stuff, and I am not really a supported of MS. Plus I have only PHP server not ASP
  14. Hi,I have a DIV called "container", this DIV is absolutely positioned as top:10px;left:10px;. There is another DIV inside it called" contained" as this too is absolutely positioned as top:10px;left:10px;. But it is positioning itself with respect to the whole document and not the DIV that it is contained in. How do I make it position absolutely with respect to the "container" div??
  15. Cause it is not fully supported in all browsers
  16. Hey astralaaron! Actually I have Flash MX only, and cant get 8 thats why I am sticking with it.
  17. But isnt it bad for the company???
  18. But if we ignore them, how will W3C earn bucks?
  19. Really? You dont? On the header to the right...
  20. totally, it is a very bad contract ....maybe it an unchangeable IPB theme
  21. How do I change the "class" of a <DIV> at runtime??I tried getElementById('divId').style.class and getElementById('divId').classbut it did not work
  22. Dude I am not stupid...i know Flash, I just wanna learn more
  23. Or try this - onload = loadIt;function loadIt(){var ifr = document.createElement("iframe");ifr.id = "myiframe";document.body.appendChild(ifr)}
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