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Everything posted by PrateekSaxena

  1. I think you should apply the style to the List item - li.list{position:absolute;left:100px;width:100%;padding:0;margin:0;list-style-type:disc;font: 900 15px arial;color:#996600;} Then in the body:- <ul><li class="list"> Road accidents</li><br><li class="list"> Habitat destruction - urban development</li><br><li class="list"> Dog and cat attacks - be responsible with your pets</li><br><li class="list"> Disease - adverse weather conditions</li><br><li class="list"> Flying into windows</li><br><li class="list"> Poisons in the environment -many household substances are toxic to wildlifeeg. fly spray, herbicides</li></ul>
  2. scrollbar-face-color : #000000;scrollbar-highlight-color : #000000;scrollbar-3dlight-color : #000000;scrollbar-shadow-color : #000000;scrollbar-darkshadow-color : #000000;scrollbar-track-color : #000000;scrollbar-arrow-color : #000000; Why dont you make your own??
  3. I want something simpler not THAT complicated!
  4. This is a frame by frame GIF animator much like Microsoft's GIF Animator, I am talking about something more dynamic....
  5. Is height and positioning allowing in decimal point numbers too??
  6. Even if it did, I dont have money to buy it
  7. This is mine http://www.google.com/coop/cse?cx=00068528...8%3Axvj-i48acfm
  8. the 2 urls that you hav given go to the same place...
  9. Alright....well MySQL is pretty fast!!
  10. Neither did I...does it allow other stuff other than templates??
  11. Well negative views are sometimes the best way to improve the application like the Console or the NotJustBrowsing's web browsers...
  12. This would only be for made products and the users to review it like the CMS by Andersmoen oor my Js Console and stuff...
  13. You expect us to count till 114? Is there something very obvious that I am missing here?
  14. But the things will be web based only, and it will help people to share code and the others can learn a lot by that and the developer too will get crucial feedback before the actual release of the product!
  15. Could you please show line 114
  16. I have a table in MySQL that has two fields Name and Age. Now there is a PHP file called check.php?name=Prateek. I want the PHP file to echo whether this name already exists in the table or not. Just a simple Yes or No, but I am not able to check the $result. PHP 4.3.6!
  17. Maybe a forum inside the General category where people Show there creations on the web, and the other people tell them what they fell about it and a Review it and give new ideas and stuff?
  18. Thanks Mr CHISOL and I not panicking
  19. Yup, I tested that code, it worked at my comp on FF
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