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Everything posted by PrateekSaxena

  1. Agreed! So why dont you write a tutorial for phpBB and we continue with our normal life.BTW: Here is a tutorial - http://www.phpbb.com/support/guide/
  2. Hello,I am trying to make a color picker in JavaScript. This is how the photoshop and the MSPaint color picker looks- PhotoShop 7MS Paint Ok, now what I am wondering is that how it should look? We all know that a color is made up of RGB values. Each of them can have differnet valus from 0 to 255, making it a total 64770 colors. So how do I allow the user to choose the color? How do I show him/her all the colors that aree available in a limited space of say about 250px by 250px :ph34r: . Also could you please tell me how I can convert HEX number into INT and INT numbers into HEX.Thank you very much in advance!
  3. Instead of asking at the forum, why dont you validate your CSS at the W3C CC Validator. It wold be much more precise and will be able to find out all the errors.
  4. In my little knowledge of this world I dont think that JavaScipt files need a DOCTYPE
  5. Oh thanks...Sorry for making a new topic
  6. Thanks, I have been trying to do this for my project too
  7. Why dont you start a new topic??
  8. I dont think that it is suppose to be 2cm. try this code- <html><head><style type="text/css">p.leftmargin {margin-left: 2px}</style></head><body><p>This is a paragraph with no margin specified</p><p class="leftmargin">This is a paragraph with a specified left margin</p></body></html> Tryit Editor<html><head><style type="text/css">p.leftmargin {margin-left: 2px;}</style></head><body><p>This is a paragraph with no margin specified</p><p class="leftmargin">This is a paragraph with a specified left margin</p></body></html>
  9. put the images in the same folder as he CSS
  10. then use PHP to open every single page search or tht word and display the url ...the other idea was just to AJAXify the whole process.
  11. I think that the one suggested by you in the first post is the best method. I would not use any other method other than that. the first method is simply perfect!!!!
  12. Let us say that if it is a blog. then what you can do is that you can get the RSS feed of the blog by the xmlHttpRequest. then thru Js only you can search the XMl file for whatever search term you are working with then if there arer any positive results then just tell the guythe url of the post in which you found that word.
  13. There are two thing that I would like to suggest - Make the extension of the file in CAPS Put the image file where the CSS is places i think that, this should do the trick
  14. Oh noooooooooooooo....aaahhh rames ... my eyes are burning....help me ..... frames are EVILBTW: Try specifying the border of the frame in the CSS frameset{ border-width:0px;} will this work???
  15. Write this HTMLbackground: url("img\page.PNG") repeat-y 50% 0;
  16. Try writing this - I want to change the font color of my websites Header, I have found this code but it is way too small and I need to be able to make the font larger and the font different. Any ideas? I'm new(In case you couldn't tell !)This is the code I found:<HTML> <HEAD><TITLE> test</TITLE><script type="text/javascript">var font=new Array();font[0]="Arial";font[1]="Comic sans MS";font[2]="verdana";font[3]="tahoma";var colors=new Array();colors[0]="blue";colors[1]="green";colors[2]="red";colors[3]="gray";colors[4]="orange";colors[5]="aqua";colors[6]="brown";colors[7]="black";colors[8]="purple";colors[9]="chocolate";colors[10]="magenta";colors[11]="violet";colors[12]="indigo";colors[13]="sienna";colors[14]="yellow";var i=0;function writemess(){ if (i==15)i=0;document.getElementById('name').style.color=colors[i];document.getElementById('name').style.fontFace=font[i];i++;setTimeout('writemess()',200)}</script></HEAD><BODY onload="writemess()"><div id="name">test</div></BODY></HTML>
  17. That is like the Doodle IMvironment available in the Yahoo Messenger
  18. I am currently using Windows XP Pro....but I will soon be switching to a Mac when I have earned enough money(I am 14) http://xortrox.blogspot.com/2006/12/stuff-i-want.html . I use Ubuntu in skool
  19. I am trying to make some boxes and lines on my HTML page throught JavaScript. This is the HTML file - <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"><HTML><HEAD><TITLE> gfx </TITLE><script src="gfx.js"></script></HEAD><BODY ><div id="me">I am a fool</div><script>initgraph(70,70,500,500, "white", "me");bar(10,10,100,1,"cyan","blue","box");xline(40,40,1000,"red","line1");</script></BODY></HTML> This is the gfx.js file that I have written - function initgraph(startx, starty, lenx, leny, bcolor, name){ here = document.getElementById(name); here.innerHTML+='<div id="gfxLib" style="position:absolute; top:'+starty+'; left:'+startx+'; hieght:'+leny+'; width:'+lenx+';background-color:'+bcolor+'"></div>'; gfxLib.style.height= leny+'px';}function bar(startx, starty, lenx, leny, bcolor, bordercolor, name){ gfxLib.innerHTML+='<div id="'+name+'" style="position:absolute;border:solid; border-width:1px;"></div>'; ibar=document.getElementById(name); ibar.style.top=starty+'px'; ibar.style.left=startx+'px'; ibar.style.height=leny+'px'; ibar.style.width=lenx+'px'; ibar.style.backgroundColor=bcolor; ibar.style.borderColor=bordercolor;}function xline(startx, starty, len, bcolor,name){ gfxLib.innerHTML='<div id="'+name+'" style="position:absolute;padding:0px;margin:0px;height:1px;"></div>'; iline=document.getElementById(name); iline.style.top=starty+'px'; iline.style.left=startx+'px'; iline.style.width=len+'px'; iline.style.backgroundColor=bcolor; iline.style.height=1+'px';} but the problem is that even when I specifiy the height of the DIV as 1px still the height visible reamins around 10-20px. but it you make an alert to tell the height then it shows the height to be 1px only. could anyone please tell me what the problem is??
  20. Thank You....the links are really helpul!BTW: 1500mb.com is showing 500 internal error if I try to register
  21. Hey man try this out in the CSS of the <DIV> or the body - background: #FFFFFF url("img\page.PNG") repeat-y 50% 0; I think it should work.just change the color and the URL of the image
  22. PrateekSaxena

    Buttons in IE

    use the word-rap property in CSS
  23. PrateekSaxena


    You can just not show the email addresses of the people that are posting on the guestbook. Probably you could ask for the URL of there website and link there name to that URL
  24. <a href="http://www.yahoo.com" style="text-decoration: none" >erer</a>
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