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Everything posted by PrateekSaxena

  1. Hmmm...sorry about that, I thought that the MIT license was given only to MIT people. Mad4Milk website is very nice to look at, very nice interface. What is the difference between GPL and MIT license? According to you, should I release my Library(whenever I do) with the GPL or MIT license?
  2. I am psychic. I know that you are reading this line right now. LOL
  3. PrateekSaxena

    Filter Help

    Well, if you want to make a website that can work on all browsers, I suggest you dont use filters. If you want there functionality you coudl probably put some padding around the image and then put a gradient like background-image repeat-y around it!EDIT: I mean something like this http://phoenity.com/newtedge/drop_shadow/
  4. Hmm....I mean you pay those about 150$ and they dont even let you see the database...plus i have no space where i could install phpBB....I will probably get a domain and hosting space on Yahoo Small Sussiness after my exams
  5. I really like it Avatar :D

  6. See this DHTML Gallery, It is very nice you can use some of them they are open source!
  7. downloaded .... thanks for the news
  8. It should be - setProperty(loadbar,_width,0);b_loaded = getBytesLoaded();b_total = getBytesTotal();l_width = 185;while (b_loaded < b_total) {p_loaded = b_loaded / b_total * 100;single = p_loaded / 100;new_width = single * l_width;setProperty(loadbar,_width,new_width);b_loaded = getBytesLoaded();}gotoAndPlay(2); Cause the code was still running when both were equal. I mean once b_total = b_loaded then none of the values will change cause it has fully loaded.
  9. I think the text is too close to the Car images in FF
  10. I really like the idea of changing the heading color when we change the page. This is very similar to Google Conversion University, I really like it
  11. Hello,As some of you might know I will soon be starting work on an open source forum managing software. So someone managing a forum(like our moderators) could you please tell me the different tables and there fields with an example that exist in your database. I just want to make sure that I am not missing out on something important!
  12. I think PhotoShop has a size for the banner as a preset
  13. You can make a DIV that contains the info that you require then hide it and display it on some mouseoever or somethingdivid.style.display="none";
  14. It is a form <form method="get" action="http://validator.w3.org/check" target="_blank"><p>Input your page address in the box below:</p><p><input name="uri" size="60" value="http://www.w3schools.com/xhtml/default.asp"/></p><input type="submit" value="Validate the page" /></form>
  15. kool! I really like it, i had played it somewhere else too
  16. Well for sometime we had acuallt come back to the topic and then "the girl" came along!
  17. mootools is totally great man...but it is made by MIT people..my library even after completion would be no match for that, I am just in high school and learnt JS by myself and W3schools
  18. Ya i am uploading it on GeoCities....wait a secondhttp://www.geocities.com/psaxena_17/html.html Here it is..I know it is very simple to make but I have just started making it so please dont laugh..I am making it so that I can make graphs with a spreadsheet web based app that I have made
  19. It is the best business solution if you are reaching a situation when you become broke LOL
  20. Ha ha..you are right there but they were one of the options so I added them!!
  21. he he.BTW I thought I would share the animation with everyone - /*Universal Variables*/boxopen1=0;boxopen1tick=0;/*Universal Variables*/function initgraph(startx, starty, height, width, color, name, inside){ var here = document.getElementById(inside); here.innerHTML += "<div id='"+name+"' style='position: absolute; top:"+startx+"px; left:"+starty+"px; width:"+width+"px; height= "+height+"px; overflow:hidden;'></div>"; var here = document.getElementById(name); here.style.height = height+"px"; if (color!="null") here.style.backgroundColor=color;}function growBar(x,y,height,width,color,bcolor,name,inside){ var here=document.getElementById(inside); if (inside!="already") { here.innerHTML+='<div id="'+name+'" style="position:absolute; overflow: hidden; background-color: '+color+'; border: solid; border-width:1px;border-color:'+bcolor+';top: '+y+'px;left: '+x+'px;width: '+width+'px;"></div>'; } var here=document.getElementById(name); if (here.style.height != (height+"px")) { var cur=0; var b = here.style.height; var temp = new Array(); temp = b.split('p'); cur=temp[0]; cur++; here.style.height = cur+"px"; timer= setTimeout('growWait('+x+','+y+','+height+','+width+',"'+color+'","'+bcolor+'","'+name+'","'+inside+'")',1); }}function growWait(x,y,height,width,color,bcolor,name,inside){ growBar(x,y,height,width,color,bcolor,name,"already");} <html><head></head><body><div id="main"></div><script src="js.js"></script><script>initgraph(0,0,700,700,"null","graph", "main");growBar(30,180,200,50,"#454545","blue","b","graph");growBar(180,130,400,30,"yellow","blue","b2","graph");</script></body></html> Enjoy! it will soon be on SourceForge.net
  22. oh! thats a good idea...why did I not think of that..thanks man!
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