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Everything posted by PrateekSaxena

  1. Thankks....I will try it ourEDITThis is my Js file : function loadRTE(){ RTE.innerHTML="<div id='menu'></div><div id='buttons'></div><div id='tabs'></div><div id='work'></div><div id='footer'></div>"; work.innerHTML='<iframe id="iView" style="position:absolute;top:5px;left:155px;width:706px;height: 600px;"></iframe>'; iView.document.designMode = 'On'; } And this is my CSS: html,body{ padding: 0px; margin: 0px; background: #DCDCDC url("img\page.PNG") repeat-y 50% 0; border: none ; overflow: hidden ;}textarea{ border: none; border-width: 0px;;}iframe { border-width: 0px; } And the grooves of the Textpart of the ifram are still not going
  2. Alright...any usefu links??which event did u come for? I was the coordinator of Senior programmingwhat is the URL of ur website?
  3. It is not a textarea...it is an iframe
  4. I still dont understand what he exaclty wants...an alert box or a popUp window
  5. I can get 1000 users everyday but they just dont clik. PLease suggest methods to increase my CTR. I would like to increase my CTR to 50%Which skool are you from? For which even did you come?
  6. cud rovide any help...not neccessarily JS
  7. And so the problem is solved before I could even see it
  8. I dont think there is any way uo can do that. Also if any person has opened your webpage then She/He already has all the images sotred somewhere in the internet explorer/firefox temporary folder. And if that person is willing he can take all the imagefiles from there. Give me your sites URL and I will try to extract images possible
  9. I dont think that irames completely support CSS I am trying something of the same kind
  10. I think there is something in JS like - objectmame.enabled - booleanValuetry it out
  11. Sometimes the right Search Term is what is required . Iwill use dompdf that can be found at http://www.digitaljunkies.ca/dompdf/
  12. PrateekSaxena


    hi,I want free hosting on the web. I need 10MB or above space. A text editor. PHP and SMTP. Is there any service that allows all this?
  13. why dont you make a link that would be similar to an anchor tag. then you would not need the TR inner class.Try the following code - <html><head><style type="text/css">a.tro{width: 50px;heighT:20px;background-color: #0e0e0e;}a:hover.tro{width: 50px;heighT:20px;background-color: #dedede;}a:visited.tro{width: 50px;heighT:20px;background-color: #0f0f0f;}</style></head><body><a class="tro" href="http://google.com">I love Google</a><a class="tro" href="http://yahoo.com">I love Yahoo</a><a class="tro" href="http://msn.com">I love MSN</a></body></html> does this help?
  14. Hi,I need to make something that would be able to create a thumbnail of an HTML page if the HTML code is given. Say for example if the HTML code is - <html><body><h1>this is some text</h1><p>thiis is some para text. thiis is some para text. thiis is some para text. thiis is some para text. thiis is some para text. thiis is some para text. thiis is some para text. </p><img src="http://geocities.com/psaxena_17/197.jpg"/></body></html> Then it should be able to make its thumbnail that would be something similar to this - Is this possible???
  15. PrateekSaxena

    iFrame's CSS

    Hi guys,I am using iFrames to make a WYSIYG editor. I want the border of the text area in the iframe to be completely gone. But when I say that border:none it does not affect the border at all. But if I wrtie border:solid; border-width:10px;, then a new border is formed around the iFrame. I just want to completely remove the border of the textare and also put some left and right padding to the text that will be written inside the iFrame. How can I do this. Please give even mall piece of information if you have it as I do not have any idea how to do this myself .
  16. http://oswd.orgYou need to know really good GIMP to make something similar to something made on PhotoShop
  17. Hey thanks man...I tried on google again and found out a really great article. It does use iframes. Check it out - http://www.devarticles.com/c/a/HTML/Buildi...-Editor-Part-1/
  18. make it - <body onload='popIt("Is this ok?")'></body> I am not sure what you are looking for
  19. Soory for calling them RICH text editors. I did not ind any turoials and I do not wish to modify others script. I want to make it from scratch!
  20. I mean it would be unethical to ask for money to register! Asking for money for hosting is totally ethical!!
  21. So wherever you have written alert("you got a new message dude") just replace that code with popIt("you got a new message dued") and add the neccessary JS/XHTML/CSS
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