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Get Amount And Put Elsewhere


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I´d like to get the amount between "(+$" and ")" and add it to the value of the inputbox. For example, you select the following:Solero Exotic (+$1.85)Cappuccino (+$2.49)iMac 27-inch 3.1GHz (+$1,999.00) These amounts will be subtracted from the options you've selected:1.852.491,999.00 The inputbox will display: 2003.34 But here's the tricky part, I need to do this without changing the existing attribute values or adding new attributes to the Option tag. Anyone know a javascript code that can do this? If possible, please post a sample.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><title>Get Amount And Put Elsewhere</title></head> <body> <form action="">   <fieldset> 	<ul style="list-style:none;padding-left:0;">	  <li>Ice Cream:		<select class="optionsIceCream" name="IceCream">		  <option value="IceCream01">Select Ice Cream</option>		  <option value="IceCream02">Solero Exotic (+$1.85)</option>		  <option value="IceCream03">Magnum Ecuador (+$4.85)</option>		  <option value="IceCream04">Cornetto Enigma (+$2.00)</option>		</select>	  </li>		  	  <li>Coffee:		<select class="optionsCoffee" name="Coffee">		  <option value="Coffee01">Select Coffee</option>		  <option value="Coffee02">Cup of Joe (+$0.99)</option>		  <option value="Coffee03">Cappuccino (+$2.49)</option>		  <option value="Coffee04">Latte Macchiato (+$2.99)</option>		</select>	  </li>		  	  <li>Computers:		<select class="optionsComputers" name="Computers">		  <option value="Computer01">Select Computer</option>		  <option value="Computer02">Dell Inspiron 620 (+$449.99)</option>		  <option value="Computer03">HP Pavilion dv7t (+$949.99)</option>		  <option value="Computer04">iMac 27-inch 3.1GHz (+$1,999.00)</option>		</select>	  </li>	</ul>			Total: <input class="totalAmount" type="text" disabled="disabled" value="0.00" />   </fieldset> </form> </body></html>

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assuming the convention is the same, in that there will always be a (+$ + some decimal + ), worst case scenario you could always use some of JS's string methods to extract what comes after the $ and before the first ). (or just the length of the string -1).

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I found a solution, thanks to Dominic H from Yahoo! Answers smile.gif It's simple but very effective and it works perfectly! Here's the entire code:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><title>Get Amount And Put Elsewhere</title></head> <body> <form action="">   <fieldset> 	<ul style="list-style:none;padding-left:0;">	  <li>Ice Cream:		<select class="optionsIceCream" name="IceCream">		  <option value="IceCream01">Select Ice Cream</option>		  <option value="IceCream02">Solero Exotic (+$1.85)</option>		  <option value="IceCream03">Magnum Ecuador (+$4.85)</option>		  <option value="IceCream04">Cornetto Enigma (+$2.00)</option>		</select>	  </li>		  	  <li>Coffee:		<select class="optionsCoffee" name="Coffee">		  <option value="Coffee01">Select Coffee</option>		  <option value="Coffee02">Cup of Joe (+$0.99)</option>		  <option value="Coffee03">Cappuccino (+$2.49)</option>		  <option value="Coffee04">Latte Macchiato (+$2.99)</option>		</select>	  </li>		  	  <li>Computers:		<select class="optionsComputers" name="Computers">		  <option value="Computer01">Select Computer</option>		  <option value="Computer02">Dell Inspiron 620 (+$449.99)</option>		  <option value="Computer03">HP Pavilion dv7t (+$949.99)</option>		  <option value="Computer04">iMac 27-inch 3.1GHz (+$1,999.00)</option>		</select>	  </li>	</ul>			Total: <input class="totalAmount" type="text" disabled="disabled" value="0.00" />   </fieldset> </form> <script type="text/javascript">	//<![CDATA[		(function () {			var selects = document.getElementsByTagName("select"),				L = selects.length,				i;							for (i = 0; i < L; i++) {				selects[i].setAttribute("onchange", "calcTotal();");			}		}());				function calcTotal() {			var icecream = [0.00, 1.85, 4.85, 2.00],				coffee = [0.00, 0.99, 2.49, 2.99],				computer = [0.00, 449.99, 949.99, 1999.00],				total = document.getElementsByTagName("input")[0],				select = document.getElementsByTagName("select");									total.value = (icecream[select[0].selectedIndex] +				coffee[select[1].selectedIndex] +				computer[select[2].selectedIndex]).toFixed(2);		}	//]]></script> </body></html>

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That solution may work now, but what if you wanted to add more options? Or rearrange them? Or add another select? You'd have to rewrite a bunch of code and add things to accommodate the new items. That code isn't very scalable. You'd be better to use the technique that scientist posted and write a generic function to calculate the total. Something like:

<form id='options' action="">  <fieldset>		<ul style="list-style:none;padding-left:0;">		  ...Select elements here...		</ul>						Total: <input id='total' class="totalAmount" type="text" disabled="disabled" value="0.00" />  </fieldset></form> <script type="text/javascript">		//<![CDATA[			    var optsForm = document.getElementById('options');			    var selects = optsForm.getElementsByTagName("select"),					    L = selects.length,					    i;					    			    for (i = 0; i < L; i++) {					    selects[i].onchange = calcTotal;			    }			    			    function calcTotal() {					    var totalEl = document.getElementById("total"),							    totalVal = 0,							    selects = optsForm.getElementsByTagName("select");					    					    for (var x=0, y=selects.length; x<y; x++) {						   var value = selects[x].options[selects[x].selectedIndex].text;						   value = value.substring(value.search(/[(]\+[$]/)+3, value.length-1);						   value = value.replace(/,/g, '');						   totalVal += Number(value);					    }					    totalEl.value = totalVal;			    }		//]]></script>

This is just off the top of my head. I haven't tested it yet so there's likely to be errors. EDIT: Tested and updated the code to a working version. Notice how I've given your form an id. This will allow you to limit the selects to only those in that form. If you have selects in another portion of the page, they won't interfere. You could limit that further by giving the id to the ul instead thereby limiting it to only the selects within that list, allowing you to have other selects within the same form.You get a reference to your selects by using the element you specify the id for when you use getElementsByTagName instead of using the document object.The guts of this thing though, is in the calcTotal function. The for loop in there loops through all the select elements (retrieved from the form using getElementsByTagName) and gets their text value. It extracts the portion of the string between '(+$' and the last character in the string, which should be ')' if you keep your convention the same. It converts that into a number and adds it to the total. Then it puts the total into your input.

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Sorry for the late reply. Your code is great, especially because it can handle commas (,) in the amount. There's only one problem: if you select, for example: Solero Exotic (+$1.85)Select CoffeeHP Pavilion dv7t (+$949.99) You get "NaN" instead of $951.84 P.S. Works in ie7 and ie8, but doesn't seem to work in ie6.

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to skip the top <option>'s you can probably just add an if check, by changing

var value = selects[x].options[selects[x].selectedIndex].text;value = value.substring(value.search(/[(]\+[$]/)+3, value.length-1);value = value.replace(/,/g, '');totalVal += Number(value);


var index = selects[x].selectedIndex;if (index) {	var value = selects[x].options[index].text;	value = value.substring(value.search(/[(]\+[$]/)+3, value.length-1);	value = value.replace(/,/g, '');	totalVal += Number(value);}

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I was wondering, is there any way to put a "$" sign in the inputbox, in front of the amount, without messing up the code?
Sure:totalEl.value = "$"+totalVal;Be aware, though, that if you want to save this value into a database you'll have to strip the dollar sign back off before you do. That's a pretty trivial task though.
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Thanks for the fast reply ShadowMage! It works perfectly :)

Be aware, though, that if you want to save this value into a database you'll have to strip the dollar sign back off before you do. That's a pretty trivial task though.
Good thing I don't have to save it in a database, for now at least xD
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You mean like this?

... Total: <p id="total">$0.00</p> <script type="text/javascript">function getAmountAndPutElsewhere(id) {  var checkForThisID = document.getElementById(id);  var getAmountSelects = checkForThisID.getElementsByTagName("select"),                  L = getAmountSelects.length,                  i;                    for (i = 0; i < L; i++) {                  getAmountSelects[i].onchange = calcTotal;  }   function calcTotal() {                  var totalEl = document.getElementById("total").innerHTML = value;                                  totalVal = 0,                                  getAmountSelects = checkForThisID.getElementsByTagName("select");                                                    for (var x=0, y=getAmountSelects.length; x<y; x++) {                          var index = getAmountSelects[x].selectedIndex;                          if (index) {                                  var value = getAmountSelects[x].options[index].text;                                  value = value.substring(value.search(/[(]\+[$]/)+3, value.length-1);                                  value = value.replace(/,/g, '');                                  totalVal += Number(value);                          }                  }                  totalEl.value = "$"+totalVal;  }}getAmountAndPutElsewhere("getAmountAndPut");</script>

P displays "undefined" :(

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No, where the total is assigned to totalEl.value totalEl.value = "$"+totalVal;document.getElementById('total').innerHTML = "$"+totalVal;ORtotalEl.value = "$"+totalVal;document.getElementById('total').innerHTML = "$"+totalEl.value;as totalEl.value has been assigned the value of "$"+totalVal beforehand.

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Actually totalEl should be a reference to the element that will recieve the total value (ie, the input in the old code, the p in the new code). So the only thing that would need to change is this line: totalEl.value = "$"+totalVal; to: totalEl.innerHTML = "$"+totalVal;

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Actually totalEl should be a reference to the element that will recieve the total value (ie, the input in the old code, the p in the new code). So the only thing that would need to change is this line: totalEl.value = "$"+totalVal; to: totalEl.innerHTML = "$"+totalVal;
Works like a charm, many thanks!
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I replaced:

totalEl.innerHTML = "$"+totalVal;


totalEl.innerHTML = "$"+totalVal.toFixed(2);

To get $1999.00 instead of $1999 I was wondering, what do you have to change to the code to get a comma (,) in the amount, so you get $1,999.00 instead of $1999.00 See an example of the code here

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??? run it through function you already have

 function addCommasandsign(nStr)   {nStr += '';x = nStr.split('.');x1 = x[0];x2 = x.length > 1 ? '.' + x[1] : '';var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/;while (rgx.test(x1)) {    x1 = x1.replace(rgx, '$1' + ',' + '$2');}return '$' + x1 + x2;    }

totalEl.innerHTML = addCommasandsign(totalVal.toFixed(2));

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??? run it through function you already have
 function addCommasandsign(nStr)   {nStr += '';x = nStr.split('.');x1 = x[0];x2 = x.length > 1 ? '.' + x[1] : '';var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/;while (rgx.test(x1)) {	x1 = x1.replace(rgx, '$1' + ',' + '$2');}return '$' + x1 + x2;	}

totalEl.innerHTML = addCommasandsign(totalVal.toFixed(2));

You're right, it works! I had no idea it was compatible with your code, thanks dsonesuk :) Updated code here
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AFAIK, JavaScript does not have a built-in function to add commas. I wrote a custom one myself that you could use if you like:

function format(num, dec) {   if (dec !== undefined) {	  num = num.toFixed(dec);   }    var numStr = num.toString();   var parts = numStr.split('.');   numStr = parts[0];   var decimals = (parts[1])?parts[1]:'';    var newStr = [], counter = 0;   for (var x=numStr.length-1; x>=0; x--) {	  if (counter >= 3) {		 newStr.unshift(',');		 counter = 0;	  }	  newStr.unshift(numStr[x]);	  counter++;   }   newStr = newStr.join('');   if (decimals != '') {	  newStr += '.'+decimals;   }   return newStr;}

You would use it like this:totalEl.innerHTML = "$"+format(totalVal, 2); EDIT: Guess I was too slow! :PEDIT EDIT: I really hate the way this new forum version messes with your code snippets after an edit.....<_<

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