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Validate again?


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the whole world is watching
There was a couple of friends that were offline, i punched them in the face so 100% of the world population is now watching. :good:
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Just 2 errors: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/frameset.dtd"><head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1"> <title>Eduard Lid</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=ex1.css></head><body><div id="floater"> <ul id="flags"> <li>eng<a href="english.html"><span id="amer"></span></a></li> <li>es<a href="spanish.html"><span id="spanish"></span></a></li> <li>d<span id="germ"></span></li> <li>nl<span id="dutc"></span></li> <li>f<span id="fren"></span></li> </ul></div><!--end #floater --><div id="vertical"></div><div id="main"> <p><img id="eduard" src="eduard.JPG" alt="img Eduard Lid"></p> <iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/h2AWKgU0cN4"></iframe> <p><img id="lake" src="lake.jpg" alt="img lake"></p> <div id="content"> <p>Web designer<span class="right">Diseñador de sitios web</span></p> <p>Translator<span class="right">Traductor</span></p> <ul id="links"> <li><a href="english.html">more</a></li> <li><a href="spanish.html">más</a></li> </ul> </div></div><!--end #main --><h1>Eduard Lid</h1><p id="copyright">Copyright © 2012</p></body></html>

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Guest So Called
Very simple! If I do that my website looks horrible and the whole world is watching (prospective clients!)!(would it be a good idea to have a beta version of a website?)
At the rate you're progressing by the time you can design websites worthy of charging for your work your present clients will have forgotten your name.
Good! for you, and.........
I don't know about anybody else but I'm not going to cut and paste his code into the validator myself. Too much work compared to just posting a link to the validation. Eduard, you can make a test site at least two ways: a subdomain: test.eduardlid.net a subdirectory: eduardlid.net/test/ Probably better the latter so that we won't have to explain how to use your cPanel to make a subdomain.
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Guest So Called

Yes, that brings to mind another thing. Frames are just wrong! wrong! wrong! Frames are old style HTML. Modern sites don't use frames except for very specific and unusual circumstances. Even using tables is better than frames for placing content. But... The modern way to do all that stuff is CSS.

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At the rate you're progressing by the time you can design websites worthy of charging for your work your present clients will have forgotten your name. I don't know about anybody else but I'm not going to cut and paste his code into the validator myself. Too much work compared to just posting a link to the validation. Eduard, you can make a test site at least two ways: a subdomain: test.eduardlid.net a subdirectory: eduardlid.net/test/ Probably better the latter so that we won't have to explain how to use your cPanel to make a subdomain.
Very good idea! But I do the first, I´ve done that before (last year!)
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Yes, that brings to mind another thing. Frames are just wrong! wrong! wrong! Frames are old style HTML. Modern sites don't use frames except for very specific and unusual circumstances. Even using tables is better than frames for placing content. But... The modern way to do all that stuff is CSS.
I don´t understand this reply very well! Frames are old fashioned (by Youtube!). But how do I put it in my present code?I´m waiting for replies to the remaining 2 errors!1 Why is the <body> not at the right place?2 Why is the </html> not closed well?
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Guest So Called

Frames are old fashioned because they've been made obsolete by CSS and other dynamic scripting techniques. Frames are very limiting. The new techniques are far, far more powerful. Why don't you put your code on the Internet and let us run the validator on it? I'm too lazy to look at your code without the specific validator error messages, in context. Maybe it would be too hard for you to put a little effort into making it easier for people to help you.

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Guest So Called

You know, if you just did what I said probably anybody and everybody who has posted in this topic could spot your validation error causes in about 5 minutes. One reason you're not getting much help is because you're uncooperative, and you're making it more difficult to help you than the bother is worth.

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You are confusing Frames with Iframes, Frames, true should never be used, iframes are widely used in there place, but never used as frames, frameset were used, they (iframes) are still used in HTML5. Youtube, google maps, facebook, all use iframe's to insert there apps onto your site.

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Do I understand it good?I make 1 html file with a <body>, without <frameset>, all those properties in my css file?

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You are confusing Frames with Iframes, Frames, true should never be used, iframes are widely used in there place, but never used as frames, frameset were used, they (iframes) are still used in HTML5. Youtube, google maps, facebook, all use iframe's to insert there apps onto your site.
Frames, iframes. frameset! Now I understand why I get crazy!
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same with Ford, Toyota, BMW, Audi do you get crazy over different makes of car.
But frames. iframes, frameset sounds familiar! No?
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There you go: www.eduardlid.net
Finally...Now, on the page you have there now, the first error the validator says is
Line 12, Column 6: document type does not allow element "BODY" here
OK, let's interpret this message, shall we?- "document type" - that's the thing you have at the first line. The full term is "Document Type Definition", but that is often shortened to "Document type", "doctype" or "DTD". The DTD is what tells the validator the rules that your code should fit.So... When the validator says "document type does not allow X here", it means X is not valid in the way you wrote it, although it may be present in another place at the document.Analogy time: If I tell you "The EU law does not allow smoking in the pub", this means a certain set of rules (in the analogy, that's "The EU law"; in HTML, that's the DTD) does not allow something ("smoking" in the analogy; 'element "BODY"') in certain contexts ("the pub" in the analogy; In your document, that's anything between "</head>" and "</html>").So... just as smokers have a choice, so do you - change the context to one that the rules allow, or change the rules.In the case of smokers, that means either going outside the pub, or moving to another country (sure, they could lobby politicians, but that's "advanced", as is the case with DTDs).In your case, this means you can either research the rules of the "frameset" DTD and follow them, or (as Ingolme already suggested), use the "transitional" or "strict" HTML DTD instead. In transitional, your document should validate. If you want to use "strict", you'll have to remove your iframe.
But frames. iframes, frameset sounds familiar! No?
You mean "similar"?In the computer world (not just web development/design... in general) things that sound similar, or even the same, can be very different depending on context. Terms are only to be used as guidelines within the context, not as absolutes. The term "tag" means one thing in HTML, and a very different thing in MP3 or in social networks. The term "table" is used to denote a presentation in HTML, and a structure in SQL.
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How do I get the video of my website (www.eduardlid.net) at the right size, on the right place? I know that´ll have to do in my css.file!But how? A <div> isn´t possible in the html file!

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Finally... Now, on the page you have there now, the first error the validator says is OK, let's interpret this message, shall we? - "document type" - that's the thing you have at the first line. The full term is "Document Type Definition", but that is often shortened to "Document type", "doctype" or "DTD". The DTD is what tells the validator the rules that your code should fit. So... When the validator says "document type does not allow X here", it means X is not valid in the way you wrote it, although it may be present in another place at the document. Analogy time: If I tell you "The EU law does not allow smoking in the pub", this means a certain set of rules (in the analogy, that's "The EU law"; in HTML, that's the DTD) does not allow something ("smoking" in the analogy; 'element "BODY"') in certain contexts ("the pub" in the analogy; In your document, that's anything between "</head>" and "</html>"). So... just as smokers have a choice, so do you - change the context to one that the rules allow, or change the rules. In the case of smokers, that means either going outside the pub, or moving to another country (sure, they could lobby politicians, but that's "advanced", as is the case with DTDs). In your case, this means you can either research the rules of the "frameset" DTD and follow them, or (as Ingolme already suggested), use the "transitional" or "strict" HTML DTD instead. In transitional, your document should validate. If you want to use "strict", you'll have to remove your iframe. You mean "similar"? In the computer world (not just web development/design... in general) things that sound similar, or even the same, can be very different depending on context. Terms are only to be used as guidelines within the context, not as absolutes. The term "tag" means one thing in HTML, and a very different thing in MP3 or in social networks. The term "table" is used to denote a presentation in HTML, and a structure in SQL.
Ok, many thanks!
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