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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. aspnetguy


    this is all I could find. It worksin FF and Opers but not IE (go figure)http://www.timrivera.com/tests/ol-start.htmlYou could use the IE conditional comments to hack in the <ol start=""> to make it work iin IE but there goes your strict validation
  2. aspnetguy


    is the start attribute depreciated?
  3. aspnetguy

    Drop-down menu

    duh I was thinking this was a custom javascript drop down menu. Ooops, sorry.
  4. aspnetguy

    Drop-down menu

    it is probably in the CSS like this background: url(url to arrow image);
  5. yeah, never use VBScript unless it is for writing ASP files. There is no other way to create a MessageBox, as far as I know, unfortunately it would not work with javascript disabled.
  6. I don't know which is better but I personally like using SQL to do the update in
  7. maybe <form target="frameName" ...
  8. aspnetguy

    Drop-down menu

    the arrow is probably just an image. You would have to get a new image and chaneg the url reference to it.
  9. aspnetguy

    Audio Ads

    I am liking Opera more and more each time I hear something new about it
  10. I have 2 Windows XP boxes on a LAN with a D-Link DI-524 wireless router. The 2 machines can talk back and forth (can ping no problem).My main computer is and the second PC, which I want to make into a webserver, is I have configured the router to forward port 80 to And I have my domain pointing to my routers IP Address. When I first did this (before port forwarding), my domain would take me to the routers admin interface. Once I turned on port forwarding the domain no longer goes to the router admin but it doesn't go anywhere, it just times out.Now I have apache installed on the webserver ( and have a test file in the server root folder. I can access this through localhost on the webserver but what to I put in httpd.config and the windows host file?I need help here, how can I get my domain pointing properly to the webserver root folder?Thanks,
  11. I found a solution instead of using SELECT * I needed to select individual columns like this SELECT columnName AS column1 etc so it would map to my DataSet fields.
  12. Isn't reading/writing xml files slower than a database???
  13. aspnetguy


    exactly, you cannot fix this you must inform the webmasters of these mistakes when you find them and hope they decide to fix them.
  14. you could setup a seperate SP like so SELECT fldnamesFROM tblnameWHERE listfldname LIKE '0%'OR listfldname LIKE '1%'OR listfldname LIKE '2%'OR listfldname LIKE '3%'OR listfldname LIKE '4%'OR listfldname LIKE '5%'OR listfldname LIKE '6%'OR listfldname LIKE '7%'OR listfldname LIKE '8%'OR listfldname LIKE '9%' or pass in 'all' to @alpha in your existing SP and use a IF ELSE to determine which to use.
  15. aspnetguy

    Audio Ads

    Why is that? The company pays for advertising space, my guess is that they paid extra to have an audio ad.These ads are what keeps w3chools free. There is nothing shameful about trying to keep this amazing resource available for free.If you hate ads that much just use FireFox and get AdBlock or disable Flash.
  16. aspnetguy


    Yup, they forgot to setup the w3schools.com host header. They only have one for www.w3schools.com.
  17. aspnetguy


    I have not heard of the PC you are using effecting this. THe only times I have seen this is if the host headers for the website are setup wrong.
  18. Isn';t still a string (varchar)? Why can't you just pass the number to the @alpha variable. Why doesn't this work?
  19. aspnetguy

    Crystal Reports

    I currently have the following:XSD <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><xs:schema id="GenericDataSet" targetNamespace="http://tempuri.org/GenericDataSet.xsd" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="qualified" xmlns="http://tempuri.org/GenericDataSet.xsd" xmlns:mstns="http://tempuri.org/GenericDataSet.xsd" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata"> <xs:element name="GenericDataSet" msdata:IsDataSet="true"> <xs:complexType> <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:element name="GenericElement"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence /> <xs:attribute name="column1" type="xs:string" /> <xs:attribute name="column2" type="xs:string" /> <xs:attribute name="column3" type="xs:string" /> <xs:attribute name="column4" type="xs:string" /> <xs:attribute name="column5" type="xs:string" /> <xs:attribute name="column6" type="xs:string" /> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> </xs:choice> </xs:complexType> </xs:element></xs:schema> C# private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { GenericDataSet genericDataSet = new GenericDataSet(); GenericReport genericReport = new GenericReport(); connect = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["Questionnaire"]; cnt = new SqlConnection(connect); string sql = "SELECT * FROM AccountFields"; data = new SqlDataAdapter(sql,cnt); data.Fill(genericDataSet, "GenericElement"); genericReport.SetDataSource(genericDataSet); CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = genericReport; CrystalReportViewer1.DataBind(); CrystalReportViewer1.DisplayToolbar = false; } I don't get any errors but when I load the page all that is there is the column headers (column1 ...column6).I have checked genericDataSet.Tables["GenericElement"].Rows.Count after the DataSet is filled and it says there are 15 rows. Why are they not being displayed?
  20. I usually use all CAPS for constants int NUM = 5;int[,] gameBoard = new int[NUM,NUM];
  21. .GIF is not hte same as .gif. Change it to src="block.gif" and it should be fine.
  22. ummm? Sam why did you just quote boen and not say anything else. Please don't do this.
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