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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. No it doesn't sound arrogant (to me). It is just how it works. The longer you work at this the better you get and the more you learn.If I were to compare myself 2 years ago (before I got a job as a programmer) and myself today there is a huge diffrence. The cause being practice everyday.
  2. You are correct, W3Schools does say that but that is for Level 1 DOM. In 2000 W3C made this a standard in Level 2 DOM. W3schools needs an update http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/core.html If you don't know then nobody will...you started the topic
  3. Are you using IE to view the page?If you are it may be a simple cache problem.Goto Tools > Internet OptionsOn the General Tab click SettingsMake sure 'Every visit to the page' is selected and hit OK.That may help if not post here again.
  4. Yes...let's just keep that between you an me :)Sometimes I feel like such an idiot when it is something dumb like that
  5. MS will never go Open Source. That I would stake just about everything on. And it is not that they can't improve IE its that they don't give high enough priority among all their other products.IE needs to be re-written not have more band-aids pasted to it...but again, probably won't happen in my life-time
  6. I have run into this problem before but chose to ignore it but this time I really need this to work.It works in IE but FF won't align the navigation menu to the right.The words "align me to the right" should do just that but will not in FF.XHTML <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"><html><head> <title>Untitled Document</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ecbb.css"/></head><body> <div id="wrapper"> <div id="logo"><img src="logo.gif" alt=""/></div> <div id="top"> </div> <div id="navigation"> align me to the right </div> <div id="middle"> <div id="left"> left </div> <div id="right"> right </div> <br class="clearer"/> </div> <div id="bottom"> ©2006 </div> </div></body></html> CSS html, body { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; background: url(body_bg.gif); } #wrapper { background: #fff; width: 625px; margin: 50px auto; border: 1px solid #818181; } #top { width: 100%; height: 147px; background: url(banner.jpg) no-repeat; } #logo { padding: 5px 0px 0px 5px; border-bottom: 1px solid #818181; } #bottom { font-size: 10px; padding: 5px; text-align: center; background: #fff; color: #818181; border-top: 1px solid #818181; } #navigation { font-size: 0.9em; padding: 5px; text-align: right: width: 100%; } #middle { padding: 0px; margin: 0px; border-top: 1px solid #818181; font-size: 0.9em; background: url(middle_bg.gif) repeat-y; } #middle #left { width: 150px; padding: 10px; float: left; margin: 0px; } #middle #right { width: 435px; padding: 10px; float: left; margin: 0px; } .clearer { clear: left; } EDIT: Nevermind I found the trouble. Thanks anyway.
  7. aspnetguy

    empty array?

    If the $array is empty nothing inside the forech loop will get executed.
  8. The reason you're getting hte error is because hte include files themselves are .asp. You cannot run ASP with ASP.Net. The names are similar but hte compilers are completely different.You should read through the ASP.Net tutorial first at www.w3schools.coom
  9. Well...you copied reportingjr's idea to start with. Jonas was just trying to improve on the idea the same way you were.Besides it is a list that was taken from w3schools website to begin with. It is not like you created some top secret code or something. Who are you calling ungrateful...I have no interest in duplicating somthing that can be already found on multiple websites.Why convert it to xhtml...Jonas already has. Are we in elementary school again? If you are only helping to get recognition then that is completely the wrong motivation. If you are that worried about not getting due credit then go ahead and remove your list.EDIT: BTW where did you get your list from. It looks suspiciously like this list.http://htmlfixit.com/tutes/tutorial_XHTML_..._attributes.phpUnless you came up with that list fro your head then you were just copying someone else too. Perhaps you should give them proper credit too
  10. <%Dim StrPage As StringStrPage = Request.QueryString ("StrPage")If StrPage = "on" Then %><!--#include file = "anything.asp" --><% End IfIf StrPage = "off" Then %><!--#include file = "anything.asp" --><% End If %> that should do it.As much as I cringe at seeing .net code written this way...it will work.There is very little benefit in using ASP.Net if you are going to continue coding just like ASP.It is recommended that SSI not be used in ASP.Net. ASP.Net makes using classes and objects very easy and they can handle this process more efficiently
  11. You don't have to use the ASP.Net Controls you can use the standard HTML controls...there is usually very little difference in features.eg <asp:TextBox id="txtMyBox" runat="server"/> is essentially the same as do this <input type="text" id="txtMyBox" runat="server"/>
  12. Dan if anyone coming ot this thread is serious at they will read the first few posts and see your link.the thread purpose was not for everyone to create a list and show it off.
  13. Who is negative??? LOL your quotes are missing the quoters name.
  14. Why does your page have to be mentioned in the first post? Then we should mention Jonas' page too. There is no need to delete the other list. You can continue with additional changes regardless.
  15. aspnetguy

    Does anyone

    There are lots of mehtods out there to TRY and hide your images and source code, etc...but there is always a way around it. You just have to understand how the method was implemented.As of now there is still no way to protect your content 100%.
  16. I can't find the tutorial but this building looks similar to the one in the tutorialIt is amazing what some people can do!http://www.dreamweavercafe.com/cafe/viewthread.php?tid=34785
  17. It is not possible to return a recordset twice if you only run the procedure once.I am not faliliar with Crystal Reports but are you using a programming language to process the recordset? Why not just pass the same recordset twice.Sorry if I don't understand your situation. Can you be more specific?
  18. var arr = document.getElementsByTagName('a');for(var i=0;i<arr.length;i++){ arr[i].onclick = function() { window.open(arr[i].href); return false; }}
  19. You are right...I wouldn't mind having highlighting when writing javascript.I wrote 30 pages of JavaScript in Notepad for our companies CMS to visual create web page templates. I got a headache trying to debug the quirks. So yes I must say highlighting would be good sometimes.Which of these editors just has basic features like highlight, but won't overwrite notepad?
  20. I am not very patient when working on images. I started a tutorial on how to create building graphics (like in Sim city). the buildings were very detailed and they looked really nice but the tutorial was 40 hours to produce 1 building....I couldn't finish it.I want to create nice graphics but usually have little patience for it. Maybe that is why I became a programmer and not a graphic artist
  21. Frontpage produces a lot of that garbage code too. You can turn most of the settings off but you still get awful code.If you are going to use an editor and can afford it Dreamweaver is by far the best commercial editor. If you can't afford or don't want to sapend that much then there are a lot of great free editors out there.
  22. Like Jonas said it is probably becuase I do a lot of programming and most documentation, example code, etc uses American English...it has just become a habit.
  23. No I will not try and persuade you to use them. They make reusing code a breeze. And when I said it wasn't like objects in javascript I meant the syntax is completely different and that php classes are more complex then objects in javascript.
  24. no worries it is actually not a button option. You have to choose code and then chage the tag from
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