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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. scrolling (yes|no|auto) <frame src="yourpage.html" scrolling="yes"/>
  2. how about this <script>function cForm(form){ win=window.open('','myWin','toolbars=0'); form.target='myWin';}</script><form action="http://google.com/search"> <input type="text" name="q"><p> <input name="submitButton" type="submit" value="Send" onclick="cForm(this.form)"> </p></form>
  3. use <form target="_blank" ... instead
  4. JS var radioButtons = document.form1.gender;var numberOfOptions = radioButtons.length;var i;var gender = "";for(i=0;i<numberOfOptions;i++){ if(radioButtons[i].checked) { gender = radioButtons[i].value; }} HTML Male <input type="radio" name="gender" value="male"/><br/>Female <input type="radio name="gender" value="female"/>
  5. view topic herehttp://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=3017
  6. aspnetguy

    address book

    View topic herehttp://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=3017
  7. Your welcome.You will run into that sometimes when dealing with tag attributes and CSS properties.Feel free to ask if you run into anymore troubles.
  8. hmmm...is this an access db? If so could you post a link to it so I can download it and test some queries...it would be much easier than me trying to recreate your db from scratch.Thanks,
  9. I am closing this post since it is asked in the General Forum and has been answered. Please avoid double posting. Thanks
  10. aspnetguy

    address book

    i386 please do not post the same question in multiple places. Only post once. If you are unsure where to place your question you can post here and if it needs to be moved a moderator will do so. Thank you.here is an article that lets you access Exchange Server with ASPhttp://www.codeproject.com/asp/serach_exchange_asp.asp
  11. I assume you have a database table to keep track of your polls?You could add a User_Polls table to keep track of what polls the user has voted in.haveUserId | PollId | Voted (y/n)When the user votes just flag the table.
  12. aspnetguy


    Are you asking for the connection string or a whole script to process your form? Do you have any programming experience or are you trying to learn?If you are looking for a whole script I can only provide a small sample but you will be able to expand it easily to include more form fields.Also are you using Visual Studio or Notepad? It will make a difference in the answer I can give you.
  13. aspnetguy

    ASP and ASP.Net

    You cannot have ASP and ASP.Net code on the same page but you can interact between ASP and ASP.Net pages.It would be the same as using PHP and ASP. Just because they have similar names does not mean they are the same. They are 2 seperate languages.As far as I know the only problems you will run into is Session variables ASP cannot read a ASP.Net Session variable and vice versa.I would only recommend doing this if you can only acheive your goal with .net and not with asp.You may need to consider just upgrading the whole program to .net.
  14. aspnetguy

    marquee in asp

    <td><marquee><%=Str_Scroll%></marquee></td> This is depreciated in XHTML but if you are using HTML or XHTML Transitional this will validate.
  15. try the query like this SELECT artist, count(artist) AS artist_count, [date] FROM song GROUP BY artist,[date] WHERE [date] > " & DateAdd("ww", -1, Date) & " ORDER BY count(artist) DESC When you are getting 'aggregate' errors it is usually because you need to place the problem field in the group by.Most likely you are getting multiple values (duplicate?) that need to be grouped.Let us know if that works.
  16. Have you tried copying it to the user accounts that won't work and see if it will run that way? It would help narrow the problem.
  17. aspnetguy


    http://www.spatterdesign.ca/sites/healthyb.../screenshot.gifWhat do you think of this layout? Any ideas to improve it? Thanks.This is for a Fitness Trainer and most of her clients are women. Keep that in mind. Thanks.
  18. aspnetguy

    ASP Form

    I would have to see the full code to be able to give an suggestions.
  19. aspnetguy


    you could do it in the .net code also DateTime d = DateTime.Now;Response.Write(d.ToShortDateString());
  20. do the users that cannot access the cd have any restrictions on those accounts. It sounds like permissions problems.
  21. This has ben brought up before but is just on 'do-able' at this time.
  22. I would recommend that you learn to code with notepad first. If you learn to write the code yourself first and not rely on an editor you will be better off in the future.There are many good products, I do not know which is best but just don't use Frontpage...it is the worst piece of trash ever.
  23. you cannot mix ASP{ and .Net on the same page but you can have some ASP and some .net pages that can interact with each other.If you send form data from a ASP page to a .net page you can still access the form data or vice versa.It may get confusing trying to manage this. I would only recommend this is if you have to use .net for something you cannot do in ASP or just upgrade all together.Session variables are not accessable over asp to .net pages though. Meaning you cannot read a ASP session variable with .net and the other way around too.
  24. aspnetguy

    How to Deploy??

    You can just remove them from the application folder and store them somewhere else. The application does not need them anymore (when you (re)build your project or solution in VS it reads your .cs files then compiles the .dll for the project and when the application runs over the web it actually is using the .dll files in your bin folder and ignoring the .cs files.
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