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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. What server side language are you using, what database are you using, and what is your stored procedure?
  2. you can't you will have to use javascript for that
  3. aspnetguy

    page height 100%

    no offense was taken. It was an oversight that as you mentioned had no effect.I played with the differing values for about 30 and when I realized that in that case 100% worked the same for both I forgot to delete the hack :)I agree with you 100% in hte JS thing. It is better to detect objects or functionality then to rely on browser detection.But in the end sometime hacks and unique code is necessary thanks to lovely gift for MS called IE.
  4. aspnetguy

    page height 100%

    ???? I used one hack!?! Can you show me how I could have done it differently with 'cross-browser-css'???I know no other way
  5. It can be done with divs easily if you have a bit of patience.Check out this page I made, much less code then if I used tables and easier to read.Gimp Layout
  6. If transitional lets you write sloppy code then it can't be the same as strict because strict won't let you write sloppy code :)The point of the Doctype is so the browser knows how to render the page.If all browser makers and standards people got togerther, agreed on a standard and followed it to the letter then ther would be no need for doctypes but since that is not the case and will probable never will be then doctypes help us define hwo the browser will react to our code.I recommend you go with strict since the next gen of browsers will all be standadrds compliant (IE too i hope ) and XHTML will take over.
  7. Yes all the data is stored in a database and it is retreived with a server side language and either sent to flash or another server side page.
  8. read this article about calling stored procedures form SQL Serverhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default....net09102002.asp
  9. aspnetguy

    ASP Form

    Is there any javascript code on the loading page??? JS is the only thing I could think of that would cause the popup to minimize.Strange issue
  10. aspnetguy

    parse error

    Here is an errorfont-family:"comic sans ms",sans- serif;remove the (")
  11. I don't undestand what you are asking.Do you have only 1 frame on your page??? The frame src takes the whole frame you cannot split a frame. You can add more frames to the framesset, is that what you mean?
  12. They seem to be very close...very minor differences. The calendar opened the same in both IE and FF for me. I am using FF 1.5. What version did you use?
  13. IE and FF render CSS diffrently.IE still uses CSS1 while FF uses CSS2. They both have some differences in JavaScript objects and methods as well.
  14. A good place to start is hereW3Schools.com and do the PHP tutorials.Once you have finished those feel free to ask where to go next. THe tuts should give you the knowledge you need.
  15. I would recommend ASP.Net. Everything you will need to get started is listed in my signature. PHP is also very good and works with MySql very good.
  16. aspnetguy


    is always 2 minutes exactly or does it vary?Are you talking about 2 minutes sitting inactive (no link clicking, etc) or 2 minutes of navigating around the site?
  17. aspnetguy

    Amazing sites

    I agreee that it is harder to get a CSS layout to look and function the same in all browsers but flash websites involve alot of actionscripting to get them to perform as they do.I guess it is just from what perspective you look at it from. Both have there pros and cons.My biggest thing about flash sites is that it leaves dial up users in hte dark and can just be plain annoying.
  18. aspnetguy

    xml book

    If you google for XML tutorials or look up specific topics you can find anything. I always recommend this first before buying books....even if you print the articles out it will save you money if you don't have to pay $50 for a book.thats my 2 cents
  19. Yes application. It was for a curling site. It had a user interface which showed the current positions of the rocks and the score, etc. It also had an admin backend that let a admin who was at the game to drag and drop the rocks to the screen and change values, add notes, etc and submit it then the users interface would be updated every minute or two to reflect the changes in the game...it was really fun to work on.It used flash as the interface and used ASP to talk to a SQL Server DB.You can view the website here....you will have ot wait for a future game to view the app but there should some games on the 24-29 of this month.
  20. you will need to check the 'motion detection' condition you have setup and then use the .disabled property of the objects you want to disable. This property has 2 values true or false. var myButton = document.getElementById('formButton1');myButton.disabled = true; This makes the button a light gray and unclickable on the form.If you want to hide it altogether you can use the style property myButton.style.display = 'none';
  21. aspnetguy

    page height 100%

    oh...hehe....I just start out my stylesheets like that...I did play with the values and found in that class they didn't need to be different....in that case that line can be removed. I used that method several times in other classes.Thanks for pointing that out.
  22. Glad that you have it working..cheers
  23. lol, those have been the last words of many a poor souls, lol
  24. aspnetguy


    Youdo not have to have a domain name...you can sign up for a free host and they usually give you a subdomain.I would recommend using the XHTML 1.0 strict Doctype...it will get you use to writeing standards compliant code.HTML and XHTML are very similar....in a way XHTML is just the next version of HTML. XHTML is more strict than HTML and requires you to follow the rules exactly while HTML lets you get away with I lot of bad habits.Hope this helps you out
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