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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. IE is very quirky...it sometimes takes a lot of effort to get IE to conform.Good to hear it is working now!
  2. set your iframe to <iframe src="..." allowtransparency="true"></iframe> FF defaults to Transparent but IE defaults to White.
  3. But you need to keep in mind that Cold Fusion hosting is less common (few choices) and may cost more. There are plenty of Free hosting plans out there for PHP and ASP but I do not know of any for CF.You should decide which one will suit your needs best and focus on that one...no need to learn 3 languages that will just do the same thing.
  4. what is the error? Can you post your codebehind as well.
  5. aspnetguy

    combine 2 codes

    Had you look a little closer you would have seen the post directly below yours about joining 2 update statements.No you cannot join statemenst except with selectsJust create the insert query seperately and run right after the select. The 2 queries have nothing in common...there is no need and no way to combine them.You could also create a stored procedure.
  6. Please note that this question has been answered several times. Please do a search before posting your questions.And no you cannot stretch a background image, you will have to tile it.
  7. You can start by posting your code . It is really hard to guess without seeing it.
  8. I don't know much about SEO but I heard Google is moving away from descriptions and keywords to determine rank because of all the 'off topic' keywords people place to try and boost their rank.One point that I have heard over and over is that if you get listed in the Yahoo and MSN searches it will greatly improve your google rank.Avoid creating pages with lots of hidden text. Google bases rank on how many times certain words are used ona page so some have tried to add lost of keyword text and then hide it or have those pages redirect to the real pages. BMW just got banned from google last month for this....that's right completely off Google.
  9. aspnetguy

    Web Templates

    I sounds too good to be true...so it probably is.I would never sell 7gb of temps for $10.I don't buy stuff off Ebay anyways. I have had a few friends get ripped off. Don't want the hassle.
  10. aspnetguy


    If you had done a search of this forum you would have fopund lots of requests for JAVA on this site among a hundred other things.This site (www.w3schools.com and the forum) only have only admin who writes the tutorials himself. He is currently working on new tutorials (perhaps JAVA is on his list, I don't know) so please be patient.Note: This is the 2nd or 3rd post asking why there is no JAVA tuts this week. Please search before posting your questions. 95% of the time it has already been answered.
  11. That is for sure...I would love to see a SEO tutorial here.
  12. The moderators are all well aware of how to correct it...they just don't have access. There is only one admin that has access to make these changes.He isn't on much...he is very busy...so hopefully it will get done soon...although it isn't that annoying
  13. That is completely up to the w3schools owner. He writes all the tutorials himself. I do not know if he knows Java.I guess the best I can say is just wait ans see. This has been brought to his attention before. He is working on new tutrials for the site so Java may be on the list.
  14. no he's right it is becuase the img does not have border="0" inside a <a>.I saved the image and that border is not there.It is not ther in Opera but is in IE and FF
  15. Most of the things you would use JavaScript for (for the project you described) can be accomplished with the Server-side language you choose (ASP or PHP). SO I would recommend not spending too much time on JavaScript but just learn the basics.You will then need to learn PHP/ASP of course and SQL to be able to talk the the MySql database or whatever database you decide to use.
  16. Custom controls are compiled controls that a devloper creates to do some functionality. For example if you wanted to extend the abilities of the DataGrid Control you would create your own, compile it and use much like you would anyother control included with the .net frameworkUser controls are strored in a .ascx file and are reusable parts of a page. I simple example would be a copyright notice stored in a user control to make it easy to reuse. In essence they are a lot like includes.Read this for a more in depth look.http://www.ondotnet.com/pub/a/dotnet/excer..._14/index1.html
  17. good to hear. I guess it was 50 lines of text, huh?
  18. change this ddlClassification.DataSource = dtrclassification to ddlClassification.DataSource = cmdSelect.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection) see if that makes a difference
  19. That will not work you can just execute the 2 seperate queries one after another....there is no need ot combine them but if you really want to just use a strored procedure.
  20. aspnetguy

    a:hover help

    Javascript... onmouseover and onmouseout events
  21. ok I did a bit of reading. I am new to PHP too. It is recommended that you use $_POST to get data sent via the post method and $_GET to get data from the get method (makes sense).$_REQUEST is not as secure as those other mothods so from what I understand you shouldn't use it.So if you change your form method to GET you should replace $_REQUEST with $_GET in the script above.
  22. Then you are on a windows server, correct? Or do you even have a hosting plan yet?If you don't have a hosting plan you need ot do some research because what plan you choose will dictate what language you use. IE if you are hosted on a Linux server you will have ot use PHP and MySql, if you are on windows you can use ASP and ASP.Net with Acces DB's and maybe even SQL Server.It all depends on the hosting companies setup and what they provide. I recommend Brinkster they have great plans that are very affordable. They have every possible combo you could think of.They do have free plans as well but hey are very limited (only ASP and ASP.Net) and you can only use ACcess DBs. They also have a banner ad at the top of every page.
  23. You can use the GET method for any HTML form no matter what scripting language you use to process it. The data will get passed in the url.if you are using PHP you would get the data like this.Say one of your fields in the form is named 'firstname' the get method will send the data in the url like thisyourpage.php?firstname=somevalueThen in PHP the variable name would be $firstname instead of using $_POST['firstname']. PHP grabs querystring into varaibles for you names the same as in the url.
  24. Or just do a Google search for JavaScript Calculator or something....do I bit of research before asking for whole scripts...better yet try coding it your self first.
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