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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. Don't make fun of me. Beaver skin is very fashionable...just kidding :)No seriously, Canada is not that much different than the northern US.
  2. I did some testing and it is indeed how to define methods and propertiesa:0 is the same as this.a = 0example var obj = { param1: "hello"}alert(obj.param1) //pops up "hello"
  3. so it is. Last time I went there it had a bunch of widgets like weather and news, etc, they must have changed it.
  4. you can remove reserveList = document.createElement('select'); from that block but the rest stays.Just modify what you have to reflect the few changes I made above, the rest stays the same.
  5. Thanks,Any idea about the major: 0, minor: 0 stuff inside the object?Is that methods and properties of the object???
  6. I've been looking at some libraries lately (mainly dojo) and have a few questions I hope someone can answer.Firstly what does this mean? var dojo = {}; I have seen var arr = []; used to define an array but not {}.Also I can't seem to understand what this is doing or what it means dojo.version = { // summary: version number of this instance of dojo. major: 0, minor: 4, patch: 0, flag: "", revision: Number("$Rev: 6258 $".match(/[0-9]+/)[0]), toString: function(){ with(dojo.version){ return major + "." + minor + "." + patch + flag + " (" + revision + ")"; // String } }} What is with the major: 0, minor: 0, etc and again there is the dojo.version = {...}, I assume the variable: value and {} are related but am not sure how.thanks
  7. I marked the changes I made with js comments var i;var reserveListLoaded = false;var reserveList = document.createElement('select'); //you did not declare this as a selectvar processLength, processGroup, process;function removeOptions(){for(i=processLength-1;i>=0;i--){if(processGroup.options[processGroup.selectedIndex].value != process.options[i].value && process.options[i].value != 'default' && processGroup.options[processGroup.selectedIndex].value != 'default'){process.remove(i);}}}function restoreOptions(){if(!reserveListLoaded){reserveListLoaded = true;for(i=0;i<processLength;i++){reserveList.options[i] = new Option(process.options[i].text,process.options[i].value); //changed this}}for(i=0;i<reserveList.options.length;i++){process.options[i] = null;process.options[i] = new Option(reserveList.options[i].text,reserveList.options[i].value); //changed this}} It is now working.
  8. Sounds a bit like Stalin. Will they shoot their own soldiers for retreating
  9. aspnetguy

    OT: Humans

    It is true everything we make is made with things from nature but the word means what the dictionary says it means...In that case we can call everything at the grocery store organic since the chemicals and injected proteins can be traced back to "natural" things.
  10. Personally I only support IE6+, FF 1.5+, Opera 9, and Safari. Other than that those 3-5% are on their own!
  11. well I need to come at this differently can you load the page then paste the HTML source it creates here. If I have the whole page to work with I should be able to find the trouble.
  12. Cliches are great...but it is different when it comes time to put it into action. There are times to not comprimise but there are times when it is necessary. an example being just because you don't think George Bush is the best thing that happened to the world that doesn't mean you are anti-US/Freedom/Democracy....as he seems to think.
  13. aspnetguy

    OT: Humans

    Stop posting spam...this is your only warning!
  14. aspnetguy

    OT: Humans

    Exactly, they say don't ask questions about what happened or existed before the big bang, just believe it....hmmmm....not really a scientific answer.
  15. aspnetguy

    OT: Humans

    Ible, according to the Bible humans were created 6000 years ago. Does 7 days mean literally 7 days? How long was the earth void and with out form before God created us???If 1 day is as 1000 years and 1000 years is as 1 day (meaning God is not constrained by time) we have no way of knowing how long the 7 day creation really was.
  16. what code...banners are images! Since you cliam you can make signatures surely you can make a banner.
  17. aspnetguy

    OT: Humans

    how is it that there was an explosion of nothing? Seems to me that belief in the Big Bang takes just as much faith and believing in God
  18. oh I saw that it started downloading and canceled it I did not see what it was. I realize it is a joke
  19. It is funny that people think it would be so obvious like the value of a name. that is like Hitler annoucing the Holocost as his main goal after being elected as his campaign moto.
  20. I have always hated reading and I can never remember what I have read. I never studied in high school or college. I just listened in class and did the assignments and I passed with honors!I am starting to like reading a bit more, I like a good true crime now and then
  21. aspnetguy

    OT: Humans

    I don't think it is narrow-minded to belive in God, but I do think it is narrow minded to think the earth is only 6000 years old. How do you explain dinosaurs then???
  22. I wonder what you actually download???
  23. change this SmtpMail.SmtpServer=""; to use your ISPs stmp service and see if that works. If it does then your server config is wrong. If is still doesn't work, your ISP may be blocking the SMTP port.
  24. yes in this case it would always be named newfile.mdb
  25. aspnetguy


    Seriously how do these people get to teach this stuff. My graphic design teacher rom college was the same way (not this bad tho). His designs were hideous, but I guess there was a shortage of people that know design AND know how to use Photoshop, :rolls eyes:
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