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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. The fields will not auto populate you need to do that with some code. Save the code below in a file called request.js and put in the same folder as the html page. //Request Object var Request = { QueryString: [],//return value of given variable } //load Request.QueryString var q = window.location.href.split('?')[1]; var pairs = (q != null) ? q.split('&') : []; for(var i=0;i<pairs.length;i++) { var pair = pairs[i].split('='); Request.QueryString[pair[0]] = (pair == null) ? pair[1] : ""; } then in the <head></head> of your page load the above file like this <script type="text/javascript" src="request.js" Then below the above line put this <script type="text/javascript"> onload= function() { document.getElementById('address').value = Request.QueryString["address"]; document.getElementById('city').value = Request.QueryString["city"]; document.getElementById('state').value = Request.QueryString["state"]; document.getElementById('zip').value = Request.QueryString["zip"]; }</script> This should work. If it doesn't post the whole code again so I can see if there where any glitches in implementing this. Good luck.
  2. aspnetguy


    That would work for a few weeks. As the forum grows so does the amount of spam. Having more mods to deal witht he increasing spam is not a good solution. We need to find a way to decrease spam. Since most spam is from spam bots we have implemented some anti-bot measures on the registration process. We'll see if this cuts down on the spam.
  3. aspnetguy


    They don't call it Cold Lake for nothing , today it is about +4C here.
  4. you probably need to run the page on a local server like IIS or apache. I was having the same problem lately but placing it on a server fixed the problem.You could also use a free host like awardspace.com to test your pages
  5. aspnetguy


    I live in Nova Scotia (Canada) and we do not have snow yet. We usually get it around mid to late December and it hangs around until late March.Alberta got around 30 cm of snow last week. I buddy of mine that is in the military spent a month in Cold Lake, Alberta living in a tent (training to go on tour). He said the last week he was ther was around -29 C (but no snow) :)Here is is ranging between +2 and +15 C
  6. yourdomain.com?var1=value1&var2=value2&var3=value3
  7. aspnetguy


    That is the warning system. You can only see your own warn status. If you are acting inappropriatly your warn level will be increased. If your warn level get high enough other actions will be taken.Some of you may notice you have a a warn level of higher than 0%. This means you were warned in the past (the system was there it was just not visible to you), probably through a PM.
  8. aspnetguy

    OT: Humans

    I had a seperate forum but the was not much activity after the first couple days.Perhaps if someone wants to set one up (or if there is enough interest I will setup one up again) and we can make it a sticky redirect topic.
  9. marquee has been depreciated in XHTML, so javascript would be the "proper" way to go.
  10. aspnetguy

    OT: Humans

    That has been brought up and discussed in the past and the site admind decided not to have an off topic area and wanted to stay more focused on web languages.This topic has illistrated Jonas' comments on it not being a good idea to discuss politics or religion here. People get worked up, defensive, aggressive, toward topics like this which can lead to resentment.I also feel it should be controlled (especially since I am guilty of "fueling the fire" on this) when topics like this oopen or get off track.
  11. aspnetguy


    really? I thought he was adding more problems that need solving not adding more effort to the problem
  12. Well we do not have a Java forum so posting int he General forum will cause less confusion. By posting your question in the JavaScript forum we all assumed you wanted a solution in JavaScript.To do this on server side you will have to capture the input field and use JSP version of the String.Replace function to change (") to (').As far as preventing the user from not even entering a double quote that must be done with Javascript since it is on the client side.
  13. aspnetguy

    OT: Humans

    No He wouldn't. It is stupid for anyone to say that God put fossils here to mess with our heads.Dinosaurs existed...we have proof. As for the age of them and how old the earht really is is something nobody can know for 100% sure...personally I don't spend to much time thinking about it.
  14. http://www.botmaster.net/more1/funny thing it was the first result when I typed xrumer into Google. You might want to try it sometime
  15. Yes alot of people are moving toward AJAX sites. However this has introduced new security, usability, and accessibility issues.Web Developement is definiately changing and will always be changing. If you can keep current and find a good balance between what is needed and what makes it nice (easy to use) then you will be fine.
  16. aspnetguy

    ASP Vs PHP

    IMO PHP is better than ASP and ASP.Net is better than PHP.PHP is easier to work with databases than ASP. ASP is a dying language. There is no more developemnt of ASP while PHP continues to add features.
  17. ok zach1. try being helpful2. stop being rude3. know what you are talking aboutTot he orginal question.contentEditable is an IE only property. You must use iframes and javascript to acheive this in other browsers. I good example of this is http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex16...ditor/index.htm
  18. Have you ever used ASP.Net. Is is very powerful and is very fast (arguably faster than PHP because it is compiled not interpreted at runtime.)If you are used to OOP style programming it is very easy to learn. Even if you do not use the OOP capabilities of .Net is still very poweful and easy.
  19. <td background="imagens/cse.gif" style="width:27px; height:27px;"></td> Columns like this are your problem. You must have content in a cell or the style will not apply. Place & nbsp; (minus the space) into every empty <td>
  20. pretty hard to do without access to teh Administrator account
  21. if you were viewing it is IE it had no chance of working since IE doesn't recognize min-width or max-width;Did you try style="width:27px;height:27px" ?
  22. As far as which will get you a job better, that can only be answered by you. What is the job market like in your area? You should keep yours eyes open on local job ads to see what employers want. Here (Nova Scotia) , for web development jobs, the biggest demand is for J2EE and ASP.Net and there is very little demand for PHP.And for programming jobs it is C/C++ and .Net (C#).As far aa which is better? Well that again depends. I think ASP.Net is great because it is compiled and I can hide my source code even if I distribute the program. PHP is very easy to write and I use it for small personal projects and use ASP.Net at work and for larger projects.Another plus for ASP.Net is the line of Express tools that allow error checking easily and intellisense. Also there is a growing market for ASP.Net Controls (treeviews, grids, etc) that are making development much easier.I watch a video tutorial yesterday morning on AJAX.Net. In 10 minutes (literally, I am serious) The guy had written (by hand from scratch) a web, ajax enabled, interface to insert and edit database records.
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