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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. for javascript do this var str = "my text goes like this and it has a :) smily face";document.write(str.replace(':)','<img src="url to image" alt="Smile"/>'))
  2. does my example validate?
  3. aspnetguy


    check the php.ini file and see what the stmp setting is...it is mostly likely your problem.
  4. aspnetguy


    I do not know much about PHP mail() but in ASP.Net if you do not specify what SMTP server to use then it looks to the server (the PC you are running hte code on) for the STMP settings. If these are not setup on your PC that could be why they are not sending. Just a guess. Is there a way to specify the SMTP server with mail()?EDIT: I found this
  5. maybe for the BIOS settings or something but your motherboard cannot directly effect windows passwords.
  6. aspnetguy


    it should send...can you post your modified code
  7. doesn't this work? <ul> <li> Item 1 <ul> <li>Item 1.1</li> <li>Item 1.2</li> <li>Item 1.3</li> </ul> </li></ul>
  8. AJAX is a combo of JavaScript and XML ...it allows javascript to execute server functions (PHP) without refreshing the page. This allows for great UI effects.
  9. aspnetguy


    you will have to use a scripting lanaguage. Pick one (PHP, ASP.Net, ect) and you will probably find alot of free ascripts already available.
  10. thanks Skemcin, I just received the same response on a nother forum...I should have known I would have to forward different ports.Thanks
  11. try this http://ajax.phpmagazine.net/2006/03/ajax_w...l_developi.html
  12. aspnetguy

    flash button

    When you click your button you want the page loaded in an iframe?Do you need help with creating the button or just getting the targeting working?Here is a good tutorial on flash buttons http://www.echoecho.com/flashbuttons02.htm
  13. php.net to the rescue http://ca.php.net/break
  14. drat, goes to show that not even all the moderators read all the annoucements
  15. aspnetguy


    dorothy's post seems to suggest it is a worm or hijack of some sort. Read the link in their post to verify this....if it is...get rid of it.
  16. cool, how is it coming along? need any graphics made or other help?
  17. I have a small network at home with a wireless d-link router.I have 2 PC I want to grant remote access to ( and 101)101 is my webserver and currently if I type my IP address all requests go to 101. How would I configure my router or setup up a domain name that would give me a choice of which PC to log into...even if I had to have different port numbers for each PC that would be fine.
  18. aspnetguy

    PHP5 on IIS6

    actually I did kinda give up on it. I have PHP4 and MySQL5 installe don the server but am using ASP.Net 2.0 and SQL Server 2000 as much as possible.
  19. how much is some? And how can we be garenteed you won't take off as soon as you get the code?Are you a real business or just some guy with an idea?
  20. aspnetguy

    Sourcode ASP.NET

    what kind of project...can you be more specific
  21. I think they have stopped makign the skin...see if you can find some free 2.x skins.
  22. despite this ever growing debate on whether we should or not really doesn't matter. I wouls bet my last dime that the admins will not take the timeto install such a module for the reason Skemcin mentioned and they have very little time for forum maintenence as it is.
  23. most free hosts will not let you upload sounds or movies because they eat a lot of bandwidth
  24. can you post the exact error you get...a screen shot would be best. It is most likely a asp.Net 1.1 project which will only open in VS2003 not 2005
  25. Cons (Web Matrix) 1. Only version 1.12. no code behind3. Its garbageVWD Pros1. version 2.02. intellisense3. ITs amazingLeave web matrix alone ... let it die in peace.
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