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Everything posted by pulpfiction

  1. Yeah, \n works for me too. but this site below says something about \r\n......http://www.rgagnon.com/jsdetails/js-0001.html
  2. Try \r\n\n for New Line and \r for Return. Use both to work in IE.reason="title:"+\r\n+"paragraph"
  3. pulpfiction

    sql question

    Not the website.... what serverside scripting language are you using [php, ASP...... ??] post the code from the file. guessing it should be Index.asp or Index.php... something like that.
  4. Customized alert message...http://slayeroffice.com/code/custom_alert/
  5. pulpfiction

    sql question

    Post your SQL query, should be something with syntax......
  6. Try this... SELECT Type, COUNT(*) AS CountFROM Tbl_Name GROUP BY Type
  7. Code below shows a simple demo..... <html><head><script type="text/javascript">function over() {alert("Onmouseover function working");}function out() {alert("Onmouseout function working");}</script></head><body><a href="#" onmouseover="java script:over();" onmouseout="java script:out();">Click here</a><!-- Calling javascript function defined in head/script section above --></body></html> More info.....Onmouseover: http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_onmouseover.aspOnmouseout: http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_onmouseout.asp
  8. Try this.....http://www.mioplanet.com/rsc/embed_mediaplayer.htmHTH
  9. Use CSS property float:left for the tables....
  10. [im not really good at PHP]Since you have given same name for all the checkbox, when you do a $_POST['delete'] you will get the values of checked checkbox seperated by commas. then you can split and then delete the records.<input type='checkbox' name='delete' value=......
  11. Try this... dim str, slt' some sample textstr = "With ASP you can dynamically edit, change or add any content of a Web page, respond to data submitted from HTML forms, access any data or databases and return the results to a browser, customize a Web page to make it more useful for individual users"dim st, i, size' Mention number of characters to splitsize = 10i = 0st = 1while st<=len(str) slt = Mid(str, st, size) st = st + size i = i + 1 response.write(slt) response.write("<br />")wend
  12. You need to use the correct server name to connect to the database. Since its not in your local machine then mysql_connect("localhost"..... will not work. put the correct server name.Try this code below to check database connection.... <?php$username = "uname";$password = "pass";$hostname = "servername"; $dbh = mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password) or die("Unable to connect to MySQL");print "Connected to MySQL<br>";mysql_close($dbh);?>
  13. It is not necessary to have but doesnt make difference in the SQL query. . [dot] is concatenation in PHP. so to join a string and a variable its like that.$str1 = "Bob";$str2 = "Good Morning" . $str1;echo $str2;Output: Good Morning Bob Since you are using SHA1() for password, so when you validate the login, you need to do the same process.... And now, if the password is correct then $_SESSION['logged'] will be 1.$pass = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['pass']);$pass = SHA1($pass);$search = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE `name` = '".$name."' AND `pass` = '".$pass."'");GET Method: In the login page where the user inputs username and password, you will have a <form> tag and in that change the "method" attribute to GET\<form method="get" action="nextpage.php">With this you must also change the current page too...$name = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['name']);$pass = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['pass']);
  14. Textarea is pretty much straight forward....<td><textarea rows="5" cols="20"><%= x.txtAreafld %></textarea></td>
  15. This might help.. [look for "Adding Users"]http://www.wampserver.com/phorum/read.php?...8927&t=8927
  16. Are you looking for something like this...http://www.asp101.com/samples/db_edit.asp
  17. This might help a little..http://www.serverwatch.com/tutorials/article.php/1476961
  18. Totally misunderstood the question, wrong post. sorry....
  19. First of all you will need a database to store all the employee information.... so when the user types the number then you can get the corresponding user information. so you need to decide on some database and get employee info. then learn ASP.NET/C# connectivity [with database]. query database and retrieve data. finally populate textbox with that data.ASP.NET & DB Conection.http://www.w3schools.com/aspnet/aspnet_dbconnection.asp
  20. I'm pretty new to PHP too.... eregi: Case insensitive regular expression match [Just make it easy to validate]. Email@domain.com is same as email@domain.com....Also it should allow .net and .co.in or anything like that...
  21. Try this to validate email.if(eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$", $YourEmail)) { // Valid Email mail( "author@tsrealms.com", "From $YourName", "$YourMessage", "From: $YourEmail" ); echo "<h1>Thank you for your message! One of the admins should be getting back to you via email within 24 hours.</h1>"; } else { echo "<h1>Please Enter a Valid Email Address</h1>"; }
  22. pulpfiction

    div questions

    Try this.... <html><head><title></title><style type="text/css">* {margin:0px;padding:0px;}body {text-align:center;}div#container {margin:0px auto;text-align:left;width:780px;height:800px;}div#left {float:left;width:30%;height:100%;border:1px solid #ff0000;}div#right {float:left;width:70%;height:100%;border:1px solid #0000ff;}</style></head><body><div id="container"><div id="left"></div><div id="right"></div></div></body></html>
  23. Google gave these results, checked first 2. they seem to be under $100....http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=m...amp;btnG=Search
  24. Well I tried the code and resize seems to be working fine. Are you asking about the "menu" frame size changing when the whole page [browser] is resized. i.e., when the browser window's size changed. Then you need to give a particular value [px] rather than giving a % value in the second frame.Replace <frameset border="0" cols="20%,*">with <frameset border="0" cols="200,*"> [200px]
  25. The order you check must be changed....1. isset($_REQUEST['Email'])2. ereg3. send email. if (isset($_REQUEST['Email'])) {if (ereg("^.+@\.com$",$_REQUEST['Email'])) {// Correct email idmail( "author@tsrealms.com", "From $YourName", "$YourMessage", "From: $YourEmail" );echo "<h1>Thank you for your message! One of the admins should be getting back to you via email within 24 hours.</h1>";}else {echo "ERROR: Enter valid email";}} //End of isset() IFelse{ echo "<h1>Please Enter an Email Address</h1>";}
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