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Everything posted by pulpfiction

  1. Try giving Response.write...... in next line.Response.ContentType = "application\octet-stream"Dim filename as string=new string("C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\tution\doc")Dim downloadFile As System.IO.FileStream = New System.IO.FileStream(filename, IO.FileMode.Open) Response.Write(downloadFile.Length() & "#")downloadFile.Close()Response.WriteFile(filename)Response.Flush()Response.End()
  2. To make it even simpler.... try this.<p style="color:red;" onmouseover="java script:this.style.color='blue';" onmouseout="java script:this.style.color='red';" >Thanks for reading! </p>
  3. Are you talking about this post of yours??http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.ph...c=11990&hl=
  4. Try this.... SELECT TOP 2 *FROM (SELECT TOP 5 * FROM tbl_Name ORDER BY Date1 DESC) tbl_NameORDER BY Date1 Inner query will give 11/24/200609/17/200609/02/200608/31/200607/30/2006and if you "order by" Date1 then it will be ascending order. then TOP 2 will give you the required date.Output:07/30/200608/31/2006
  5. Oh, was using alert for testing purpose...... try this code. <form name="qtn1" action=" "><p>What is 5+6?</p><input type="radio" value="4" name="ff">4<br><input type="radio" value="10" name="ff">10<br><input type="radio" value="11" name="ff">11<br><input type="button" value="Check!" onclick="checkIt('1')"> </form><hr /><hr /><form name="qtn2" action=" "><p>What is 10+6?</p><input type="radio" value="16" name="fi" >16<br><input type="radio" value="10" name="fi">10<br><input type="radio" value="11" name="fi">11<br><input type="button" value="Check!" onclick="checkIt('2')"></form><script>function checkIt(val){ var radioObj; var ans; if (val==1) { radioObj = document.qtn1.ff;ans=11; } else if(val==2) { radioObj = document.qtn2.fi;ans=16; } var radioLength = radioObj.length; for(var i = 0; i < radioLength; i++) { if(radioObj[i].checked) { if(radioObj[i].value==ans) alert('Correct Answer'); else alert('Wrong: Incorrect Answer'); } } }</script>
  6. Try this... code samples are both in VB and C#.. top right corner of page has option to changes language.http://quickstarts.asp.net/QuickStartv20/aspnet/Default.aspx
  7. Seems to be working fine. try this code... <html><head><title></title><script type="text/javascript"></script></head><body><form name="qtn1" onload="test()"><p id="changeThis" style="color:red;">Thanks for reading! </p><script>var para = document.getElementById('changeThis');para.onmouseover = function(){this.style.color = "blue"}para.onmouseout = function(){this.style.color = "red"}</script></form></body></html>
  8. http://andersmoen.hotserv.dk/How about having some background images for the top navigation links.......
  9. Try this code.... to change the answer, modify the variable "ans" in javascript code..... <form name="qtn1" action=" "><p>What is 5+6?</p><input type="radio" value="4" name="ff">4<br><input type="radio" value="10" name="ff">10<br><input type="radio" value="11" name="ff">11<br><input type="button" value="Check!" onclick="checkIt('1')"> </form><hr /><hr /><form name="qtn2" action=" "><p>What is 10+6?</p><input type="radio" value="16" name="fi" >16<br><input type="radio" value="10" name="fi">10<br><input type="radio" value="11" name="fi">11<br><input type="button" value="Check!" onclick="checkIt('2')"></form><script>function checkIt(val){var radioObj;var ans;if (val==1) {radioObj = document.qtn1.ff;ans=11;}else if(val==2) {radioObj = document.qtn2.fi;ans=16;}var radioLength = radioObj.length;alert(radioLength);for(var i = 0; i < radioLength; i++) { if(radioObj[i].checked) { if(radioObj[i].value==ans) alert('Correct Answer'); else alert('Wrong: Incorrect Answer'); } }}</script>
  10. If you are using onkeydown event, then the first time when a number is pressed, the value in textbox is null. instead use onkeyup event. try code below. <script type="text/javascript">function change(num){var c;c=num/3;document.getElementById("credits").value=Math.round(c)}</script><input type="text" size="2" maxlength="2" id="pages" name="pages" onkeyup="change(this.value)" />|--> It will cost you <input type="text" size="2" maxlength="2" id="credits" name="credits" />
  11. Remove period [.] from below statement...document.getElementById.("credits").value=Math.round©
  12. pulpfiction

    shopping cart

    Check this site for some ASP based shopping cart code.... You have to register[free] to get the codehttp://www.codetoad.com/asp/
  13. Are you looking for something like this...http://www.jakpsatweb.cz/css/css-vertical-...r-solution.html
  14. pulpfiction

    help me!!!

    Code will be...<% if request.querystring("id_map") = "1" then response.write "<img src='images/spinstar.gif'>" %>
  15. Look for "Navigation frame" in the page belowhttp://www.w3schools.com/html/html_frames.asp
  16. Oh ok, you already removed the ADs... look great now. [iE 6]When I click the link [left menu] once and then later on the hover effect does not appear for that link.
  17. Check 2 things, If path to database is correct. and modify this line... single quotes comes within double quotes......Con.Execute "insert into users(username) values ('"&username&"')"
  18. WOW!!! awesome... Like the color theme a lot. But Ad placement in between posts is kinda spoiling the flow...... also in IE 6, AD's are just a little out of place, slightly moved towards left.
  19. Does the JS error come up on page load or when you click the link. also post the javascript code [function: expandCollapse].
  20. Possible that should be a browser setting issue. check the option to enable/disable cookies.http://www.google.com/cookies.html OR http://www.timeanddate.com/custom/cookiesmozilla.html
  21. Here's list of reserved keywords for Access.http://www.databasedev.co.uk/ms-access-reserved-words.html
  22. Query looks fine, error could be because, one of the field names could be reserved keyword. AFAIK "year" is reserved keyword. to overcome this, you need to give field name within square brackets []Try this qurey,mysql="insert into fofo(FirstName,LastName,Month,Day,[Year],Email,Gender,Address,City,Country,Notes) values(" & fi & "," & la & "," & mo & "," & da & "," & ye & "," & em & "," & ge & "," & ad & "," & ci & "," & cou & "," & note & ")"
  23. Oh, now I understant the question, sorry about that pervious post. you can have a option for the user to set your page a homepage.. something like "click here to set this page as default page"http://javascript.internet.com/miscellaneo...-home-page.html
  24. Try this.....<head><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=RedirectPage.ext"></head>OR<head><script Language="JavaScript">location.href= ('RedirectPage.ext');</script></head>
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