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Everything posted by L8V2L

  1. L8V2L

    xml to xsd

    This seem to be for facetRestrictionAnd PatternAttributePattern These are the schema's elements you will need to make this work...<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XML/Schema" version="1.0"><xs:element name="name"><xs:complexType><xs:restriction base="xs:string"><xs:pattern value="[A-T]*[a-t]*" /><xs:attribute name="Number"><xs:simpleType><xs:restriction base="xs:integer"><xs:pattern value="[0-9]+" /><xs:maxInclusion value="100" /><xs:minInclusion value="0" /></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType></xs:attribute></xs:restriction></xs:complexType></xs:element></xs:schema>I'm on my phone doing this, so they may be errors. Please give me a like for my efforts.
  2. If I have been of help to you, do you think you could return the kindness, and seeing to answering any of my question in the xslt thread?
  3. Also check out xqib too. It's an alternative to JavaScript for handling the dom on server side scripting.
  4. I heard in passing from Facebook when they introduce flux and react of The Mythical Man-Month(that is in passing).There's this book that is coming out or is out on JS, and it's a beauty. It's a visual walk through, through the hold language. I can't wait to be able to read it. I can't remember the name sadly at this time.
  5. That's seem more of a concept book of how to go about with different programming situations.It's good to take them books into account for reading material, and farther help you have more of an in-depth view....
  6. The good parts..... I enjoy reading the definitive guide 6 than the good parts... To me it was way to much talking(didn't even finish it). I like information after information after information every word or on some occasion; every other word.And speaking JavaScript... Is okay... I like how they go over(could have went in a little deeper) the whole language for the overview. And later in detail(which I'm still reading, and still reading the pervious book I mention).Also studying on XML, and the likes.
  7. ... Mostly aiming to programming... You heard of(and this is very broad) of that man and I believe his two sons trying to start a slavery revolution in the slavery time. But it didn't go as plain, and they(I think) was gun down in a mine.
  8. Hey ladies and gent!What are~ you reading?
  9. what is apply-template? Is it use to call a template element by matching the match attribute context node with it's select attribute context node. Is this true? if so, does the path to the node matter when matching both attribute up(most the xPath syntax be the same for both attribute for the apply-template to be able to call that particular template)? And is this the only way to use apply-template element(can it not stand alone to match a particular node context by absolute path in the target or link to xml document)?
  10. He's right, there's a hack among us...
  11. I updated cause I knew it'll be some crud like that.
  12. What are these: []? What are your markdown language call? These ([) (])?The... Code you use to style the text in the post, what is the name of the language? And if not a language what is it?
  13. I'm guessing you can't just replace the one file.... What of xQuery? It's simple to learn and can do just about everything xslt 1.0 can and that was xQuery version 1.0. It being now version 3.0. It should be relatively easy.
  14. Is this a namespace infront of the colon? ecmascript:void setInterval(function() {scrollBy(0,10)}, 200);
  15. var i, ftd, arr; i = 0; arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] ftd = []; while(arr[i]){ftd[i] = (arr[i]>5)?(arr[i]):(null); if(ftd[i]===null){ftd.splice(i,1)}; i++;}ftd[2]; splice leaves undefined holes.
  16. Keep it as complex as possible. Or other will steal your ideal! :-) happy coding!
  17. What type of data format they hold their data in? Tubular right?
  18. Is that what you prefer? You a php programmer... What database would you prefer to work with?
  19. So this: (function(){ return(Boolean(return({}) === return{}))}())();/*return true? ...if it could actually be compare like this.*/Is true?Also, can you give me an example of database tubular data? And what SQL database data look like?
  20. With function, I'll get confuse when I see curly braces infront of the return statement: "use strict";function(baz){ If(baz === "?"){ //the curly braces return{foobar:function(baz){return{/*...*/}}; }}//Is that top function the same as:function(baz){ If(baz === "?"){//the parenthese warp/inclose the curly braces return({foobar:function(baz){ return({/*...*/})} ); }}
  21. Ingolme.... How old are you???? Where you there when God form the seas?P.s. We need more peeps in the xml area.
  22. Are you working on being a web developer?
  23. Do as3 support e4x?What made you learn as3???
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