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Everything posted by L8V2L

  1. Do you have findValue(); any where in the page? This will cause an invoke of it by the page.I really don't know what else to tell you but to go to this page: http://www.w3schools.com/ajax/ajax_aspphp.aspSadly I'm still a beginner myself.
  2. From what I can tell var nul = null;//nullvar nu0;//undefinedvar num = 0;var t = "truthy value";var f = ""; function findValue(li) { var sValue; console.log(li); if( !li ){ console.log("Not Found!" + " " + li); alert("Not Found!" + " " + li);} else if( !!li.extra ){ var sValue = li.extra[0]; } else{ var sValue = li.selectValue; } // console.log(sValue); }findValue(f);findValue(t);findValue(num);findValue(nu0);//errorfindValue(nul);//error/* function findValue(li) { console.log(li); if( li == null ){ return alert("Not Found!");} if( !!li.extra ){ var sValue = li.extra[0]; } else{ var sValue = li.selectValue;} *//* function findValue(li) { var sValue; console.log(li); if( li==null||undefined){ return(alert("Not Found!"));} else if( !!li.extra ){ var sValue = li.extra[0]; } else{ var sValue = li.selectValue; } console.log(sValue); }*//* function findValue(li) { console.log(li); if( li == null ){ return alert("Not Found!");} if( !!li.extra ){ var sValue = li.extra[0]; } else{ var sValue = li.selectValue;} */Initialize it with a empty string In php if it don't have a value on return period.Make sure you have your console open. I'm on my phone looking over this in a emulator.And you did look at the code I gave you properly; take out the invoke findValue(); part.Then try it again with that code.If don't work, edit this one to be put in place of that one.
  3. Give me the value in the variable to work with, so I can imitate what you are trying to do.
  4. shadowing variables, what it mean? :-)
  5. If my suggestion help you in any manner, do you mind telling me when you started learning js, and what books have you read?
  6. He must be saying to him the way it cut back to the image is cheap.What if you fade back to the image as the video is finishing?Or... If it's your video, have an ending scene fading to the image and then cut back to the picture.And even if it's not your video, downloaf and do so.Your the direct of this. Do what ever you wish.
  7. Try this:"use strict";function findValue(li) {"use strict"; var result; var sValue; if( li == null ){ //result = (findValue(li)); //<= stack limite reach alert("Not Found!"); } else if( !!li.extra ){ sValue = li.extra[0]; result = sValue; } else{ sValue = li.selectValue; result = sValue;} return(result);}findValue(); // alert => Not Found!
  8. You can defind a default namespace by xmlns="uri"Yes, attribute, child element, and even halfway through the document can have different namespace.I myself is below novice rank in this art, but am constantly studying.Read up on namespace, the Internet is full of resoruce. Tutorials are good for getting your feet wet, but that's all it's good for.
  9. L8V2L

    Xml books

    A xml book that is straight forward, have example for each subject and explain clearly.Do anyone know of any great books on xml.
  10. No one be in the xml thread.... But I'll try.
  11. You're absolutely right. Just got me a unhelpful response.
  12. Do anyone have a suggestion for an xml book?!
  13. x-p <== addresses that!
  14. JSG is giving you some great resource, but if you had or have your heart out to learn CSS and HTML, then do so. Those language are the structure of the web(in my opinion) programming isn't just a skill to learn(it's a life style to live by( in my opinion). More so I see it as a community of different sub-communities standing behind different language helping each other. I came into this world blind on the language I should learn, so far I am happy with what I choices. Follow your sense, the language(in my opinion) imitate the programmer persona. Etc, etc , etc. have fun learning.
  15. Do anyone know any good xml books out there. I search, and came up with nothing but bad comments on the book. And it seem to be that there is no recent printing of the topic.
  16. More so you'll have to help yourself. We'll help when can, but we're not going to hold your hand. There are many books you could read, if you have a question post it. But other than that, when it come to programming it's more of a self taught process. But like I said, if you have a question, ask in one of the appropriate forum's topic area.So fellow novice, what sorcery language/languages are you learn, or aiming to learn?
  17. I'm still learning myself. Make sure the formats right, validate it, if you haven't already. Rewrite it. Go over the material.
  18. JSG, could you give me your knowledge on prototype and constructor function?I have question, but it's more of a discussion then a straight out asking manner.If anyone would like to do the same Davej, and the others, you are more than welcome to do so.
  19. With this much detail, you'll do better going to stack overflow site to get help with this.
  20. I really don't know. I see this all as wizardry; I myself is aiming to be a master wizard at JavaScript, and knowledgable in the sorcery art of html, css, xml and the likes.So I don't know much at all about sax and only read in passing of it.If you could detail all languages you are sorcerying in, I can have a better ideal of what to tell you, or how to help/guide you.
  21. Thanks for the link! :-) I like your post for two reason. One, is to show my appreciation. And two is in the hope of this forums allowing it's user to browse by likes. So I can reference this again.
  22. And if you're like me(refer to signature that will refer you to picture) you can exclude yourself from the world, and as they said, obsess over programming.
  23. XPath and xQuery, more example please. I feel this site is great for creating your feet wet as stated many times. Even if. Some of(mostly all) the example are mimic from books(most online tutorial are.) w3s have a nice simplicity of presentation.Please!!!!!! You guys don't have to do a good tutorial on nodejs or mongodb, just an introduction would be nice with a few example. Please!!!! Get a portion of the tutorial from the sites themselves and transform them into w3s style. Please!!!!! Code academy teach other language. Please!!!!!!Finally... What is this: What is this: w3ctutorialCan someone explain to me what is this?
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