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Everything posted by L8V2L

  1. ... Yeah that's part of the beauty, and that type of information is obtainable if you need screen side via EMCAScript.
  2. .... Mayo long... I might come back to it.
  3. Try section and id, make it relative and place it where you want <body> <header> <div id="logoWrap"> <img class="logogram" src="images/logo.png" width="77px" height="50px" alt="Sunburst Rare Diamonds Incorporated Logo"/> <div id="logotype"> <h1>Sunburst Rare Diamonds</h1> <h2>INCORPORATED</h2> </div> </div> <a class="tollFree">1-844-RAREGEM</a> </header> <section id= "menu"> <p>Text 1</p> <p>Text 2</p> </section> </body></html>
  5. targetNameSpace is to set a name space for the xml element in my schema? yes or no then an explanation comment please. a xmlns:xsi="uri" is to set the prefix for the xsi namespace and axsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="uri" is to set the location of my schema? yes or no, then a feedback comment please. is the targetNameSapce needed... I find it non-necessary to do when it can(by what I'm reading) define top level element and complex type(another question is that by definning type level complex type, do that also mean that type level complex when use in a element that is nested in another element gain the namespace too?). I find it unnecessary to use targetNameSapce when it doesn't cover all element being defined in the schema.informational feedback please anyone!
  6. What all language are you learning, if you don't mind me asking.
  7. That's okay... Sadly, many developers would say it dead anyway.
  8. Php isn't hard, it just take time my friend. And what better place to spend that time than w3school's tutroails on php!Or partner up with someone who know how.
  9. adobe kill flash!!!!!!!!! do action script still support e4x? I'm asking since you choose a flash file, you most also know actionscript.
  10. Selecting a link on touch screen by touch, when pressing down for awhile, a menu well(in my experiance) open up with selection. What you might what to try is to put the file in another file. I understand you want ot provide ease~ for your cuostomer, but this to me would be ease~ enough.... and ones again we come to vie digital hand held device... why not the click event be a function that send the file via email instead of the click event be the file it self. And you should give the choice to either play the video vie broswer with out downloading or to download; i.e. two links with label before or above them indicating the choices. Are you doing this via php? What programming langauge are you writing this all in?
  11. Can I place an extension on a restriction type?And if so, how? Via what method? Directly? Via reference? Both? And if so for both, what other ways?
  12. Post this in php. This is more of a php issues than a xml issues to me.
  13. Could.... I don't know...All I can say is do what I would do. Start small. Start with one word and do the process again, make it simple, than after one success, add on to it until you have accomplish your goal.
  14. So in instead of this <ns:code>words</ns:code>You want this:WordsYou'll have to process it on either the server or client side and extract the characters. Or you learn exstenbile stylesheet language transformation, to transform your xml into HTML or XHTML.
  15. Is this legal:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"><xs:annotation> <xs:documentation> I'm warping a name simpleType name nameType in an element that have the attribute type with the value of nameType. Is this legal; to warp a name type as so: </xs:documentation></xs:annotation> <xs:element name="name" type="nameType"> <xs:simpleType name="nameType"> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:length value="25"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simplyType> </xs:element></xs:schema>
  16. To transforming xml into other format like HTML. No, it can be use to transform xml into other document, but it is mostly tie to transforming xml into HTML. Yes, that's what a lot of sites do in my opinion. Sites with large data xml database, use exstenbile style sheet language transformation, to transform selective document to the srceen that is of interest to the visitor. It can be performed on either the server side or broswer, most popular broswer have it inplanted, but most large(to my opinion) have it install to not worry of the broswers compabilities.Other tools can be made to mangage this data. After all, it is just text.
  17. :-) I'm lonely... I want to contribute.... What Hadien said.
  18. Can you clarify this: <!DOCTYPE html><html> <head> </head> <body> <script id="before"> //var class = 'y'; /*before the named element, its existence will prevent the element from getting a window property of its own*/ /*var x = document.querySelectorAll(".y")[0].innerHTML;*///window.onload = function(){ var clas = 'x'; var x = document.querySelectorAll(".y")[0].innerHTML; document.getElementById("p_elem").innerHTML = x;} </script> <h1 id="x" class="y"> ECMA-Script4Life! </h1> <p id="p_elem"> What programming language are you down for? </p> <script id="after"> //var id = 'x';/*after the named element, your explicit assignment to the variable overwrites the implicit value of the property*//* var x = document.querySelector("x"); Var y = document.querySelector("p_elem").innerHTML = x; */window.onload = function(){ var class = 'x'; var x = document.querySelectorAll(".y")[0].innerHTML; document.getElementById("p_elem").innerHTML = x;} </script> </body></html>
  19. L8V2L

    schema help

    Could you reword this?
  20. Or a solution to preventing an attack. Try using the escape one?It might just be a solution to prevent an attack against mailice code, or that how it was design.This would be the type of question you'll ask WHATWG for understanding.
  21. Do you need the second one? Can't you just use the first one?I Don't know with out seeing the whole source code.Try via js.
  22. Signature in mobile version too!As a automatic spoiler!!!
  23. L8V2L

    Creating php project

    I see that now, I was just trying to change it, but can't figure out the code to reduce the size... Could you post it for me, I'm on my cellphone, and the site won't show the menu for the GUI to do it(speaking of un-mobile version on the cellphone)
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