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Everything posted by Webworldx

  1. Two select boxes with "Add >" option to drop the options they want in the new box?
  2. What aboutonunload >> open small new window >> check if window.opener still exists?
  3. Set FireFox to start when your PC does, and use Greasemonkey to do the rest
  4. The link should look more like:<a href='http://my.url.com' onclick='openWin("http://my.url.com"); return false;'>Some Link</a>This provides compatibility for people who don't have Javascript enabled to still access the URL
  5. Why not just use Javascript to replace the image with the flash object?
  6. function openWin( url ){ window.open( url , ............. );}Then use:<a href='...' onclick='openWin("http://my.url.com");'>Some Link</a>
  7. 1. Try/Catch. Although I have hardly ever had a use for it.2. http://www.devguru.com/Technologies/ecmasc...ry...catch.html Just seems to me like it's avoiding the use of a function..3. such as class='something'? Classes are for styling the page, whereas the markup (HTML/XHTML) is supposed to be for the structure. So everywhere you're using style='this: xxx; that: xxx', or bold, italic, center tags etc, you should be doing that in your style sheet and referencing it through class= :)4. There are millions of things you can create in javascript, from floating fading windows to full blown RPG Hacks (with some server-side saving). It's up to you where you go :)5. Yes, say you're doing: var iTD = document.getElementsByTagName('TD');for(i=0;i<iTD.length;i++){ if(iTD[i].innerHTML.match(/something/i) != null){ iTD[i].innerHTML = "this instead"; break; }} The break stops after finding the TD, so you don't cycle through the rest of the elements unnecessarily.6. Not really sure what you mean.7. Sometimes you don't want the full date and time, or you need it in a different format. getTime brings up system time as far as i'm aware, more useful than the new Date() time if you're doing comparisons.
  8. I don't know if className is considered as standard [w3]. It's kind of a grey area in my opinion on whether support for getAttribute('class') is the correct method of access (mozilla supports getAttribute('class') whereas IE supports getAttribute('className'), .className is universal). I can see why MSIE decided against it originally (conversions from languages like Perl), but I do think it should be fixed in the next JS verison - although I didn't see it in Brendan's proposals at his latest conference...
  9. I have already suggested this and they are taking new steps on spam topics.
  10. Few else's fixed it: <html><head><script language="JavaScript1.2">hex=0; hex2=0;hex3=0;var m = 0;function fadetext(){ if( hex<250 || hex2<250) { hex+=10; hex2+=10; document.getElementById("sample").style.color="rgb("+hex+","+hex2+","+hex3+")"; setTimeout("fadetext()",100); } else if (hex == 250 || hex2 == 250){ setTimeout("fadetext2()",100); }}function fadetext2(){ if(hex3>0 || hex2>0) { hex-=10; hex2-=10; document.getElementById("sample").style.color="rgb("+hex+","+hex2+","+hex3+")"; setTimeout("fadetext2()",100); } else if (hex == 0 || hex2 == 0){ setTimeout("fadetext()",100); }}</script></head>
  11. Webworldx


    I'll have to get that one Jonas, looks good!
  12. Webworldx


    I've tried both SuSE and Ubuntu, and preferred the latter under Gnome. Wait for the new Dapper release before downloading though, it'll be much better.If you really want the KDE, go with Kubuntu, but I much prefer the functionality and little quirks of Gnome, the seethrough taskbar, the nice Gnome styling, and it's always nice to be different than "windows"
  13. Site Name: iFCode.comSite Description: A small website linked to a larger resource forum, supplying mods for remotely hosted board systemsSite Owner/Developer: MyselfSite Address:http://www.ifcode.comExtra Comments: The site's in need of a refit, but the links to http://blogs.ifcode.com and http://planet.ifcode.com look better, and the forum is a lot more interactive.
  14. document.getElementById(imgName).src = clickedImage(imgName).src;to: document.getElementById(imgName).src = clickedImage[imgName].src;Does that help?
  15. I apologise if this rolls over from the Tables or CSS topic, but the topic creator wants the topic closed, so I thought i'd continue the main theme of the debate here.What are your thoughts on XHTML and the future of coding the web?You can find my pseudo-rant here: http://blogs.ifcode.com/webworldx/53/is-xh...ange-the-world/but i'll be happy to discuss comments and other things here
  16. Webworldx

    Blog Post

    Fair enough :)I didn't think other topics would be relevant except coding, considering this is a coding board. But yes.. i'll post in the other thread I guess then
  17. You say the map will be 100x100, will the map actually be larger, and when they move, more will get "loaded" in?You could use the google map method of pick up and place, so the browser doesn't get overloaded with images if so, otherwise, if the map's just going to go off screen and just be 100x100, you don't need AJAX at all
  18. Webworldx

    Blog Post

    I didn't really want to show off my site, as I think anyone could post any type there, design, random, communities, rpg's etc.I thought a good post restricted to just blogs, and coding ones, could be cool?
  19. Webworldx

    Blog Post

    How about a thread where we share each others blogs (related to coding)? Or any good blogs we find?
  20. Does: function isExist(url,queries){ var xmlHttp; try { xmlHttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { try { xmlHttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { try { xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch (e) { xmlHttp = false; }}} xmlHttp.open('POST',url,false); xmlHttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); xmlHttp.send(queries); var result=(xmlHttp.responseText); return result; } work?
  21. I thought we agreed earlier that we weren't going to look for security holes in this....
  22. Can't you set and get from style.height?
  23. Agreed, the name was arbitrary, i'm sure they could think up better. I think things like MSN Messenger has gone through relatively successful rebranding to the Live name, and a tagline for instance:"VistaBrowser: The New Name for Internet Explorer" would help new users greatly. The name isn't my main focus though, it was more Microsoft deciding to rewrite the age old engine. While I think we've all realised XHTML won't change the web world (see recent HTML 5 proposals revival), but the internet will change over the next 5 years. I just don't want to be seeing Internet Explorer 9 running off the same Trident engine with patchy CSS 3 modular support, and more propietary stuff like TIME... </rant>
  24. I don't think a Download Manager should be made a priority. The current programs available are more superior than it would be, and the "lite" download window they offer at the moment is fine for files smaller than 5MB methinks.SVG/XML yes.I think everyone should also watch the video that boen_robot added up before writing on Connect. IE7 isn't a great update to IE5.5/IE6 in terms of rendering or support.. and I think they're fixing things from the top-down instead of the base-upwards. Apparently there's people already working on IE8 (says the video). I wish those persons would consider rewriting Trident and renaming it VistaBrowser 1.0
  25. It's this line:document.write(str.fontcolor(colors[i++]));There's no such thing as str.fontcolor in your code
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