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Everything posted by Webworldx

  1. Webworldx


    Yes, it's the zone alarm external script to block popups. You've got no need to worry (unless you don't want ZA doing it.. then you can turn it off in the options panel)
  2. Webworldx


    Uhh.. isn't it just ZoneAlarm's popup/ad blocking code inserting itself on the page?
  3. don't you wantpopup('$url') instead?
  4. Isn't it just the onChange event? And 500 combo boxes? That seems a little excessive?
  5. Webworldx


    It's just the name of a function, it could well be: <script type="text/javascript">french_fries();</script> :)Somewhere else in the document, there'll be: function postamble(){} With what the function actually does
  6. I think the problem with CSS is you can't really "teach" it, you have to learn from examples and over time.
  7. Agreed, look at standards compliant web development to better your skills. You can't go far wrong then
  8. Like:var myArray = new Array();myArray[0] = new Array( "value in [0][0]" , "value in [0][1]" );myArray[1] = new Array( "value in [1][0]" , "value in [1][1]" );?
  9. No need for SQL, but just a server side language like PHP
  10. Wouldn't referencing just work? <script>placer:for(i=0;i<5;i++){ for(j=0;j<3;j++){ break placer; } alert(i);}</script> ?
  11. O'Reilly's java script: The Definitive Guide (4th Ed)Is a great book.
  12. Say you've got:document.getElementById('something').innerHTML = "....";document.getElementById('something').style.color="#FF0000";document.getElementById('something').style.backgroundColor="#000000";document.getElementById('something').title = "this";you could instead do:with( document.getElementById('something') ){ innerHTML = ".." style.color = "#FF0000"; style.backgroundColor = "#000000"; title = "this";}
  13. I'm slightly confused on what you're looking for. Is it, say you've got a paragraph:"Some text in here needs to be translated"and all the words would be individually converted to the new language? If so, the simple way to do it would be a myArray = theString.split(/ /gi)then pass all the values of myArray through your function.
  14. Why not use a table to do this and show/hide the rows dependant on the options selected?I've noticed a few of the option lists contain exactly the same information too, would it not be worth restructuring the whole code and "loading in" the select boxes and their values dynamically?
  15. Can you not set up the domain name server side to point to a certain place on the site?
  16. Was just about to say, your code should look more like: <script type="text/javascript">function validate_form(thisform){ with (thisform){ if ( validate_required(fname,"Name must be filled out!") == false){fname.focus();return false } if ( validate_email(email,"Not a valid e-mail address!")==false) { email.focus();return false } }}function validate_required(field,alerttxt){with (field){if (value==null||value==""){alert(alerttxt);return false}else {return true}}}function validate_email(field,alerttxt){with (field){apos=value.indexOf("@")dotpos=value.lastIndexOf(".")if (apos<1||dotpos-apos<2) {alert(alerttxt);return false}else {return true}}}</script><form action="submitpage.htm" onsubmit="return validate_form(this)"method="post"><input type="text" name="fname" size="20"><input type="text" name="email" size="30"><input type="submit" value="Submit"></form>
  17. It'd be great to see a working example of where you are at the moment for this, as i'm slightly lost on where these layers are appearing on the page!
  18. Javascript should be your choice, it's cross-browser and much more widely used.
  19. How far is your form going up to? If you're having more than say, three select boxes, it may be worth holding the chosen numbers into an array (select 1 = 0, select 2 = 1, select 3 = 2 etc etc), and querying that at the end. You can always then checkif(selectBox[x] == 0) skip
  20. Webworldx


    Well, it's certainly possible - but it's probably better spending your time learning more useful Javascript things Have a read through the W3Schools JS tutorials
  21. <html><head><script type="text/javascript">function PrototypeFunction(){rental=prompt("Type the word","");document.getElementById('formname').box2.value=rental}</script><body onload="PrototypeFunction()"><form id="formname"><input type=text name="box2" ></form></body></html>
  22. Webworldx


    Why would we help you create such an annoying script? Javascript was meant to aid users link with pages, not make them inaccessible.
  23. And take out things like: else { NatwestCount = NatwestCount + 0; } As it's not needed
  24. Wouldn't: <script type='text/javascript'>var randomBG = [];randomBG[0] = "http://here.here.com/image.jpg";randomBG[1] = "http://here.here.com/image.jpg";randomBG[2] = "http://here.here.com/image.jpg";randomBG[3] = "http://here.here.com/image.jpg";var rand = Math.floor( Math.random() * randomBG.length );document.getElementsByTagName('BODY')[0].style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + randomBG[rand] + ')';</script> Work?
  25. No worries, good luck investigating!
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