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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. Ingolme


    Tables are only as wide as the content within them. You could specify the width to be 98%, rather than max-width. The max-width property only tells the table the width that it cannot exceed, but it doesn't force the table to be that wide.
  2. That page you linked to relies heavily on Javascript. Lots of geometry, programming and mathematical formulas to make something work like that. HTML and CSS can't do that.
  3. Ingolme

    php and text file

    I don't really understand what you're asking for. If the zone.txt file is located in the document root directory then it will be displayed under localhost. The directory might be named www, or htdocs, or public_html or something else depending on how your server is set up.
  4. I think that the Javascript form works well for all Javascript framework questions. Having a forum just for angularJS won't automatically bring in AngularJS experts. Just see how well the VBscript or CGI forums are going.
  5. Ingolme

    position fixed trick

    I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve. The example you show simply keeps the background in the same place, while using fixed position keeps the entire element in place.
  6. Ingolme

    position fixed trick

    If you want the element to be in a particular part of the screen you would use position: fixed. For example: .menu { position: fixed; left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%;}
  7. What does your query look like? I would assume you're supposed to know the structure of the database tables you're querying.
  8. That is just a variable. Its meaning depends on the program that is using it.
  9. If PHP code is being shown in the browser, that's because the server isn't executing the PHP. Perhaps you forgot to give the file a .php extension, or you're opening the file from your computer's filesystem rather than using localhost..
  10. Resource #4 is just the name of the resource you're printing out. Instead of echo $result, try echo $row['a']
  11. I found this in the jQuery documentation: New events have to be added when new elements are created.
  12. This query should work SELECT first.*, AVG(second.rating) AS ratingFROM firstJOIN second ON first.id = second.relatedGROUP BY second.rating
  13. You need to put these lines inside the function that updates the values: document.getElementById("mobhealthbar").innerHTML= "MOB HP: " + mobHP;document.getElementById("userHealthBar").innerHTML= "USER HP: " + userHP; If you have them right in the HTML document they'll only execute once.
  14. When you generate new HTML with Javascript or jQuery, you need to bind the events to the newly created elements. I assume bits[1] is HTML code. So what you would do is bind the event to that. var newElement = $(bits[1]);newElement.click(function() { // event code goes in here});newElement.insertBefore( "#comments-control" );
  15. It looks like you're not using a proper code editor to write your code. Your code has curly quotes “”, while the code is meant to have ordinary quotes " "
  16. I think the problem is the way you worded your post. You might need to work on your social skills. I can't see how this could be interpretted as anything but an accusation: Comments like these naturally give people negative responses: This is obviously an attempt at ridicule: Your subsequent posts did not make things any better by furthering your accusations and making more assumptions about the person. I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that they have no interest in learning. Their negative response to your post was not due to that, but due to the fact that the wording of your post is extremely negative and accusatory in tone. I wish for people to have a positive experience on the forums.
  17. I don't think there's anything you can do to stop it. While ARIA properties and aural CSS rules can apply to screen readers, what the text-to-speech tool seems to do is extract the text content from the page and read it as it is without actually paying any attention to HTML or CSS. I think that maybe if the number is part of a <li> or added with a ::before pseudo-selector it might not be read by the text-to-speech tool.
  18. What does the comparemail() function do? I'm pretty sure the blur event should fire in IE11. There might be a Javascript error in your function.
  19. You have to access the element using DOM methods. The easiest way is to give the element an ID. Once you have the element, you have to use the value property to get the user's input. HTML <input id="form-input" type="text" name="field-name"> Javascript // Get the elementvar element = document.getElementById("form-input");// Get its valuevar value = element.value;// Do something with the value, for example:if(value == "something") { // Do something}
  20. imagejpeg() will just output the image data straight to the browser unless you pass it parameters. If you want to save the result in a file then add the file name in the second parameter. $destination = 'file.jpg';imagejpeg($rotateFoto, $destination); You should remove the content type header() line if you want to see text output from your PHP script.
  21. It needs to be wrapped in backticks, not quotation marks. CREATE TABLE `$table_name` Make sure that $table_name is properly escaped before putting it into the query. MySQL doesn't see a variable there, it sees the value that was contained in the variable, the variable is a PHP thing.
  22. Calling imagejpeg() twice is going to output a corrupted image. You have two separate images there, what did you want the result to look like?
  23. Where's the documentation? I suspect they're asking you to send HTTP headers along with the request. How are you sending the XML?
  24. I'm surprised to see they don't have it in the reference. Regardless of whether it's a good idea or not to use it, it's part of the CSS specification.
  25. What does the server-side code look like?
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