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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. Ingolme

    XML seeing

    XML is not usually used on the front end of websites, it's used in other applications to transfer and store data. It's not something you can see in your browser.
  2. How are you generating the random number? What you need to do is run that code every time you want a different number. It should be an expression that involves Math.random().
  3. Oh, in that context, an aggregate value is a value returned by the aggregate function, for example, an aggregate value could be the sum of all the rows.
  4. Ingolme

    XML seeing

    Most websites don't have any XML.
  5. There's nothing saying aggregate value, it's an aggregate function because it aggregates the results. See the dictionary for what aggregate means: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/aggregate Adjective: And verb:
  6. Ingolme

    sql group by clause

    They're not showing all the records in the database table on that page, they only show three from each table.Most likely, in the orders table there are multiple different orders with the same ShipperID.
  7. Javascript doesn't have memory. Everything resets when you reload the page. You can store the value in a cookie or in localstorage if you want it to be remembered in the future. Cookies and localstorge will remember the number for an individual user, but if you want the number to be global to the website, you will need a server-side language. Javascript can't do it.
  8. Any psychologist or professional designer knows how important typography is to the user's perception of a website. You're correct that if the user doesn't like the font they'll have a less positive perception of the site. If you're stuck to using the defaults they have on their computer, you're limited as to what you're able to present to them. Design plays a lot on the user's subconscious. Colors, fonts and layout are all important aspects into selling a product to the user. They don't consciously care what the font looks like, but the page looks more or less desirable based on these subtle aspects. You're not taking away any control from the user by using web fonts. They still have their own browser stylesheet if they want to. You're already selecting a font for them by choosing the generic "sans-serif", or "monospace", it's no different than using a less generic font name. I can only see positives and no negatives in using particular fonts for your website.
  9. Ingolme

    sql group by clause

    I don't really know how to put it simpler than it is in the tutorial. If you have multiple rows with the same value, you use GROUP BY to only return one result with that value. Aggregate functions can be used to operate with the values of all the rows that have been grouped.
  10. A majority of websites today use Javascript. This editor you're using to write your posts uses Javascript. Click the "B" button and the text becomes bold, that's done with Javascript. Any part of the page that changes after the page has loaded is done with Javascript.
  11. A variable should work. Try this: <?php$picture = '../images/summer/PC051103.JPG';?><img src="<?php echo $picture; ?>" width="200" height="300" /> I would recommend updating your knowledge of HTML. Learn HTML 5 and CSS. Your current HTML is really outdated. It would be good to go through the PHP tutorial as well. "<?php" should be lowercase and when printing a variable you shouldn't wrap it in quotation marks.
  12. I'm not sure if that is sarcasm or not. If you still disagree with me, all you need to do is describe a scenario where imposing my own font face (while providing a generic fallback) would be detrimental to the user. I'm open to changing my mind if I see that I'm wrong.
  13. The mobile-friendly thing was clear because they announced it themselves. When it comes to basic HTML validation, I believe it holds much less weight than proper <title>, <h1-6> and <p> usage and a whole lot less weight than having a large amount of quality backlinks. You're free to bring in your research statistics so I can review them. I hope you're counting all possible influential factors when doing your tests. Many high ranking websites have invalid HTML: http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=google.com http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.coca-cola.com%2Fglobal%2Fglp.html http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=nike.com
  14. Search engines actually don't care if the code is invalid. It's just that valid HTML is easier to interpret than invalid code. If the browser can read it, so can the search engine robot.
  15. Perhaps only the results of the last query are displayed. I don't know how phpMyAdmin displays results of multiple queries. I usually don't use it.
  16. Put your own code at the bottom of the page, before the closing </body> tag. The language attribute is deprecated and not needed, the type attribute in HTML 5 is optional, so I'd remove all of those attributes.
  17. Are you doing this through the command line?
  18. Did you include jQuery at the beginning of your page? Press F12 to open developer tools to check for any Javascript error messages.
  19. They probably prevent direct-linking to their website to save bandwidth. Save the stylesheet to your own web host and include it from there.
  20. This is why we use ems and relative font sizes. The font face, like the website's color or layout, is up to us. Should we also give the user the option to use one, two or three column width or have a grey site and give them a color picker? There is no usability or accessibility problem with using your own custom font as long as you provide a fallback, I challenge you to describe a scenario where using my own font is in some way detrimental to the user. I understand your mode of thinking, it's a phase people go through as they're gaining experience. At this point, you're caring more about adhering strictly to a set of "best practice" rules than using your own judgement to decide what to do.
  21. You probably should be putting the picture as a background image of the header instead of using an <img> element. The background-position and background-size properties gives you many options as to how to show the image.
  22. This is probably not a good task for Javascript. Have your HTML editor convert the page to UTF-8. As for the font, you choose that with CSS. You can use the lang attribute to tell the browser which sections are written in hindi, then CSS can select those elements using the :lang() selector and choose a different font.
  23. They're all just semantic and don't necessarily do anything specific. It's to indicate to the entity that reads the HTML that what's between the tags is code. I use the <code> element for code examples when writing documentation for my libraries. There's no need to wrap it in <pre> like the tutorial says, just use CSS to tell it how to deal with whitespace: http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_text_white-space.asp
  24. That only works because the syntax for multiple background images uses a comma. Browsers that don't support multiple background images will not work with that syntax.
  25. Ingolme

    sql group by clause

    Did you read the tutorial page? http://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_groupby.asp
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