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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. The documentation is right on their site. W3Schools teaches web standards, this is just one of hundreds of technologies that they could put tutorials about.
  2. Are you talking about this? http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/dom_obj_canvas.asp Perhaps there might be one or two things missing, I haven't done a direct comparison to the MDN reference, but there's more than enough content in the W3Schools reference for a beginner.
  3. The code looks just fine to me. If this is an external stylesheet make sure that the image URL is relative to the directory the stylesheet is in and not the one that the HTML document is it.
  4. I'm not sure how your text editor works, try using uppercase letters: #5C5CD6
  5. I think the problem is probably that your editor doesn't highlight values for incorrect property names. The CSS property is "color:" rather than "colour:"
  6. You haven't described what your application is supposed to do.
  7. If the reason you don't want to use AJAX is because you're not good at it you're going about the problem the wrong way. An engineer (or developer) has to use the proper tools to get the job done. You should learn to use AJAX, it's not that difficult.
  8. I can't extract any information necessary for this task from your current code. Surely you have an HTML <input> element somewhere on your page with name="pricelevelid" You have two radio buttons with "yes" and "no" next to them. You need to access these elements using DOM methods, such as getElementById(), getElementsByTagName(), childNodes, parentNode, nextSibling, previousSibling... Then you change the value property as shown in this W3Schools page and set it to "USD - Tax Included -" or "USD - Without tax -" based on which radio button was selected.
  9. That function is global, therefore "this" refers to the window object. The scope of a function is the same as the scope of a variable, it depends on where it was defined. Most of the time functions are defined in the global scope. If you want to pass the element to the function, use this inside the onclick attribute: <p id="myPa" onclick="myFunction(this)">function myFunction(element) { alert(element.id);}
  10. PHP doesn't run on the client side. In order to get a PHP script to execute you have to load the page again. Javascript is constantly running on the client side which is what allows AJAX to work. There is no client-side PHP.
  11. Either Javascript, using the Date() object or PHP using the idate() function
  12. What code did you try? You can edit the value shown in a text input using the value property.
  13. It looks like you might have an incorrect path. It seems your website is in a directory "Final" so the path should be: $path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/Final/admin/uploads/' . $filename;
  14. You have to put the label before the input in your HTML. Your code should be like this: <label for="contactName">Name</label><input id="contactName" class="required" type="text" value="" name="contactName">
  15. Reinstalling MySQL probably would fix the problem.
  16. What feature do you want in Javascript? I'm quite sure it's not missing anything that you could possibly need. Yes, everything jQuery does can be done in Javascript, but you have to be very good at Javascript to do it.
  17. It could be shortened by changing the HTML a bit: HTML <button class="opener" data-dialog="1">open the dialog</button><div id="dialog1" class="dialog" title="Dialog Title">I'm a dialog</div><button class="opener" data-dialog="2">open the dialog 2 </button><div id="dialog2" class="dialog" title="Dialog Title">I'm a dialog 2</div><button class="opener" data-dialog="3">open the dialog 3 </button><div id="dialog3" class="dialog" title="Dialog Title">I'm a dialog 3</div> Javascript $( ".dialog" ).dialog({ autoOpen: false });$( ".dialog" ).dialog( "option", "width", 500 );$( ".dialog" ).dialog( "option", "height", 400 );$( ".opener" ).click(function() { var selector = "#dialog" + $(this).data("dialog"); $(selector).dialog( "open" );});
  18. APIs give Javascript access to data that it can't get on its own. jQuery is a program created using Javascript that makes some tasks easier.
  19. Yes, and you need some code in that page that determines whether a message should be shown or not. For example, something like this: if(!empty($_SESSION['success_message'])) { echo '<div class="message">'; echo $_SESSION['success_message']; echo '</div>'; unset($_SESSION['success_message'];}
  20. You're going to need code in that target page that checks that an action was performed previously.
  21. I'm not sure if browsers care about case in the attribute, but you wrote rel="Stylesheet" with an uppercase S while the standard values are all in lowercase.
  22. It looks like an empty option element is not permitted in HTML I notice people using as text content <option value=""> </option> When I want a default option I usually use a dash: <option value=""> - </option>
  23. External Javascript files don't have any HTML in them. A .js extension is correct.
  24. Just put the URL of the file in your address bar.
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