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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. I can't replicate your problem in any browser. The comma separates selectors, what you have there are two separate selectors. #top_menu ul li:last-child a, a:visited {} is equivalent to #top_menu ul li:last-child a {}a:visited {} The solution: #top_menu ul li:last-child a,#top_menu ul li:last-child a:visited {}
  2. I'm trying simply this and it works fine: Remember that for CSS to work correctly you must give your page a proper <!DOCTYPE> tag.
  3. There's no problem with doing it. If the function returns a value that is going to be evaluated then there's no problem.
  4. Contact forms require a server-side language like PHP in order to automatically send an e-mail.
  5. Ingolme


    Have you checked what parameters the SetFillColor() method accepts? Check what value $getcolour has and make sure it's what you expected it to be.
  6. There's no need for an empty code block. Just use the logically inverse statement: if($gallery_cache->check_cache() === false) { $gallery_cache->start_cache(); //stuff $gallery_cache->end_cache();}
  7. Considering you've found your way to the W3Schools forums, surely you've noticed the Javascript tutorial on the W3Schools website.
  8. You're not wasting your time reading those books. You're wasting time when you're not reading them. I don't know of any books that are written the way you describe, but there are resources like that: The W3Schools tutorials and the MDN Javascript guide, among other resources. They're straight to the point and don't have any "small talk" in them. But you don't seem to be learning from those places either. The W3Schools tutorial should be more than enough to have a basic understanding of Javascript, something you clearly don't have yet.
  9. Book writers don't say random things for no reason. The book is designed with teaching in mind. Read it, read all of it. You might think some parts aren't relevant, but perhaps you just aren't educated enough to judge that. Learning requires an effort from your part. We can point you to books, tutorials and documentations. We can point out and correct mistakes in your code, but we're unable to put knowledge into your head. You have to put your own effort into learning.
  10. Flash is still the most widely compatible system to make sound players. Some mobile devices don't support flash, though. HTML 5 has a new <audio> element, but if you want to create a playlist with names of songs and the rest you're going to need to program it in Javascript. Perhaps somebody has already made a playlist Javascript program, I'd search for that.
  11. I wouldn't recommend frameworks to anybody who doesn't have good experiente with plain Javascript.
  12. Oh, yes. It is just a working draft and has warnings. W3C says: MDN says:
  13. I'm not aware of a remove() method, it's not part of the DOM specification. removeChild() is the proper way to remove an element from the tree.
  14. The only problem with having every single image in one file is that it's going to take minutes before you can see any of the images. Image files load from top to bottom (or bottom to top if it's BMP format), so if they're all horizontal to each other you won't see any of the images until all of them have loaded.
  15. SVG is XML, so you can only modify it using XML DOM methods. As the property name indicates, innerHTML only manipulates HTML. I've worked with SVG using Javascript before, but not when it was embedded in HTML. Here's an example: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/27077732/svg3d/index.html
  16. The reason for using lists is for semantics. If what you want to show is a list of links then you use one of the list elements (<ul> unordered list, <ol> ordered list, <dl> definition list). In a semantic page, the HTML tags describe the content that is contained within them.
  17. CSS doesn't have any way to select the second letter, but you could choose to omit the quotes and use the :before and :after selector to put them. p.quoted:before, p.quoted:after{ content: '"';}p.quoted:first-letter { font-size: 4em;}
  18. The shading on the <hr> element is a border-style of type "inset" or "outset". Check out all the available border styles here: http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/playit.asp?filename=playcss_border-style&preval=groove
  19. There's no need for an image. Any elements can have a color. By overriding the default style from the <hr> you can make it look however you like. hr.blue { /* Remove default styles */ border: none; outline: none; background: none; /* Add new styles */ background-color: blue; height: 1px; /* Make the bar only 1px tall */ width: 80%; /* Can be pixels widths too */}hr.red-dashed {/* Remove default styles */ border: none; outline: none; background: none; /* Add new styles */ border-bottom: 2px dashed red; height: 0; /* No need for height since the border is aroundthe element */ width: 80%; /* Can be pixels widths too */ padding: 20px 0; /*20px separation between the <hr> and any content above or below it */}<hr class="blue"><hr class="red-dashed">
  20. You can change the appearance of an <hr> element using the CSS border property. Alternatively, you can just put a bottom border on a content's container. .separator { padding-bottom: 0.8em; /* You can add separation between the text and the border */ border-bottom: 2px solid blue;}<p class="separator">This paragraph will have a "horizontal rule" under it.</p>
  21. I don't think you'll find a consensus among experts, really, because the benefits or disadvantages of one or the other are insignificant and they're both valid. It's best you don't worry about it.
  22. It seems HTML 5 does support closing tags with />. If you validate as HTML 4.01 it does show a warning.
  23. As long as you have it clear which language you've decided to use to make your website in you shouldn't have a problem deciding which syntax to use. Either you're using XHTML or you're using HTML, it's not wise to mix them together. There's an alternative syntax for HTML 5 which they've called XHTML 5. If you start your HTML 5 document with an XML declaration <?xml version="1.0" ?> then it's valid and preferable to use XHTML syntax.
  24. You're free to make a Javascript application that reads SVG files and draws them on a canvas.
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