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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. This thread was made because of the amount of people that come to us asking about this particular error.
  2. If it's the same function being called over and over, a call to setInterval() is good for animation.SVG is for vectors and canvas is for raster graphics. SVG is better if you have a single object and want to move it, because you don't have to worry about redrawing. However, the object you draw can't be very complex.
  3. That's the representation of the image data. You can put the header back. There are no PHP errors shouwing. I think you might have some whitespace or line breaks before or after the PHP block which is corrupting the image.
  4. Make the background-color black and the text black. Use the :hover pseudo-class to make the text white when the mouse is over the link.
  5. Ingolme

    session problem

    You should only get the error if the setcookie() or header() function is being called. If you're not getting the error it's probably because they aren't getting called. According to your code, you're only calling those functions when this condition is met: if(isset($_POST['submit'])&&(!empty($_POST['remember'])))
  6. Ingolme

    problem with login

    This thread has the answer to your problem http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=44106&view=findpost&p=245750
  7. I see this has to do with background-attachment. I haven't looked deeply into how it works. Have you tried changing the background-position of the image?
  8. Can you show the source code of the page it's being included into? PHP's include() directive is just like copying and pasting the code into the other document.
  9. Ingolme

    session problem

    You'll get a headers already sent error as long as the header() function is called. Most likely it isn't called sometimes because the conditions of your if() statement aren't met.
  10. Tables are allowed in HTML 5, the problem is the same as with HTML 4.01: It's not intended for page layout and is far less efficient than other layout methods. You've got quite a high density of errors in your code there. Missing closing <tr> tag, missing one of <td> or <th>, incorrect closing <table> tag. To center a flash document, just apply text-align: center to the parent element. Flash documents are inline-block elements.
  11. There's nothing in the official specification about six rules, just definitions on how tags, attributes, comments and text nodes are written. HTML doesn't require lowercase tags, nor does it require closing certain elements.
  12. I can't imagine how your invert effect would work without using Javascript. When the logo is over two different sections you're going to need to create additional elements to show the colors over both sections.
  13. Ingolme

    SQL Double

    If you open insert.php accidentally in your browser it will add an empty entry to your database. That's probably the cause of the extra entries.
  14. Ingolme

    SQL Double

    There don't seem to be two queries. Another possibility is that you're loading the page without sending a POST request. There are a lot of dangerous security issues on your page.
  15. Ingolme

    SQL Double

    It sounds like your PHP script is sending two INSERT queries.
  16. Sounds cool. The problem is that AJAX still requires a server-side language.
  17. You could store the IP address of the person that's trying to log in and block it after a certain amount of failed attempts as well. But because the IP could belong to a legitimate user who forgot their password you should make sure to unblock it after a certain amount of time.
  18. Sessions rely on the user sending a cookie or query string. A brute force attacker could just not send them. I think systems have a field in the database "number of failed login attempts" which resets to 0 upon successful login or after a certain time has passed (perhaps there's also a "last login attempt" field with the timestamp). When that number is above a certain value logins will no longer be accepted until a certain amount of time has passed after the most recent login.
  19. I guess the PHP script is using extensions that aren't available on one of your servers.
  20. Javascript can't do it. You need a server-side language and a database. The database table probably will have the IP of the user and the timestamp that the user was last seen.
  21. Check the moveTo(), moveBy(), resizeTo() and resizeBy() methods on this page: http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/obj_window.asp
  22. repeatID doesn't change when clearInterval() is called. repeatID just tells the system which timer to stop, but the variable itself doesn't have any significant information so it doesn't need to be changed.
  23. CAPTCHA is the name given to any system that attempts to distinguish robots from humans. There are all kinds of CAPTCHA systems developed by many different people, so we really can't help you unless you specify which one you're using or who made it or what its source code is.
  24. The type attribute is not required in HTML 5 as it's assumed that Javascript is the only scripting language.
  25. Check strlen(). $e = '';if(strlen($str) > 20) { $e = '...';}$output = substr($str, 0, 20);$output .= $e;
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