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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. The <html> or <body> element has a default margin and possibly padding. Use CSS to set them to zero. html, body { margin: 0; padding: 0;}
  2. Do you know object-oriented programming? And if you do, do you know how to implement it in Javascript?
  3. Ingolme

    Auto bots

    You want to record a game battle online.Alright. First of all, what game is it?
  4. You would have to create your own new date object that took all that into account.
  5. Yeah, we've heard of that site. They're not absolutely wrong but they aren't exactly right either.
  6. Thanks for providing me with entertainment. I like solving problems, until it starts getting tedious.
  7. Ingolme

    Auto bots

    What's an auto bot?
  8. width and height need a proper value."Button input" is probably not the selector you want to use. You can't create anything in CSS, just style existing elements. You're allowed to put a background image on any element, but you need to give the element the right width and height to show the image at the correct size.
  9. This looks a little crazy. So much repeated code. Well, an idea of how to start is to condense the first part of the code into a loop: $tr = array();for($i = 0; $i < 26; $i++) { $n = $i ? $i : ""; // I have no idea where $award is coming from but there probably is a better way than concatenating numbers to its value // I don't know what getHasItInfo() is but it probably has something in it that could be optimized. $check = getHasItInfo($award . $n, $member_id); if($check > 0) { $tf[i] = true; } else { $tf[i] = false; }} The second part seems to do the same thing in every condition except for one difference. $value = 0;$i = 0;// Count the amount of consecutive true valueswhile($tf[$i]) $i++; if($i > 0) { // Did you really mean to use the + operator? // Because of that, we need to turn $i into a decimal number while($i > 1) $i /= 10; $newAward = ($award+$i); // This code was the same in all your conditions $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); echo " <div style='display: none' id='successBox'> <p align='center'> SUCCESS! -- <br> Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br> Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted! </p> </div> <script type='text/javascript'> popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox'); </script> ";}
  10. Since it's on the client side, just update the saved scroll data every time the scroll every happens.
  11. You use the function like this: echo uc_names("Name goes here");
  12. There's a simpler way to do it: As long as $a is not 0, perform the division. If $a is 0 then check the value of $b. If $b is 0 then there are infinite possile answers, otherwise the answer is infinity.
  13. Your code doesn't seem to be accurate for negative values of A and B. It seems you did note that in your post. Is this the equation you're trying to solve? x = -(b/a)
  14. Is it not already designed? All you need to do is implement it using a <table> element. http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_table.aspFor cross-browser compatible column styling, give the cells of each column a class attribute.
  15. Absolute positioning will be relative to the closest ancestor that has positioning different than "static"
  16. Ingolme

    Password update

    Use an SQL UPDATE query. I even linked to it in my previous post. http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_mysql_update.asp
  17. It sounds like you first need to learn Javascript and PHP in depth.
  18. There is an element that isn't represented textually in the DOM. The "document" object accessible to Javascript. I'm not sure if it's used by the browser as an element or not but it can have event listeners and other properties pertaining to ordinary nodes.
  19. The <br> element is probably the cause of this problem. You can never predict how much vertical space a <br> element will take up, it's used to separate lines of text, not for page layout. Instead of <img> elements you should use the background-image property and use a different element. Besides that, inline elements leave a bit of space below them for letters that go below the baseline like y or g.
  20. Ingolme

    Password update

    First of all, I'd ask for the old password before changing to a new one. If somebody hi-jacks the session they can lock a user out of their own account. You should read the SQL tutorial, the answer to your question is there. In fact, the answer is even in the PHP tutorial.
  21. I think that idea is way out there. Nobody uses the exact same timing for their keystrokes every time they type their password because milliseconds are a very short measurement of time. Using a form of artificial intelligence you could possibly discover if a typing technique is similar, but that requires advanced knowledge. Then there's the accessibility issue of people trying to log in using browsers that have disabled Javascript and, of course, the fact that the password is saved unencrypted.
  22. Maybe you haven't included jQuery or whichever library is using the $ symbol.
  23. Which part are you trying to replicate, the graphical interface or the login functionality?
  24. I don't know why it's looking like that. Without knowing your current code I can't figure out where the problem is, it would be even easier to find a solution if you can give a link to the page itself.
  25. It does follow the rules when it comes to colors and boxes. Your co-designer does not seem to have enough knowledge. If you provide the code we can probably find the mistake.
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