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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. It's never needed because the ID and the class can select the element on their own, one of them is redundant.
  2. In PHP's DOMDocument there are no text nodes. The node value belongs to the <li> element itself. echo $li->nodeValue
  3. Ingolme

    looping through...

    You have to validate each field individually, a loop just can't do that. The page has to be built for the data it's going to receive.
  4. That's silly. Do you have a grudge against Oracle or something?Possibly an adequate solution requires deep investigation.
  5. iframes have been working correctly in all browsers for years. What is your code?
  6. I think it's been a while since a security breach in the Java browser plug-in was found. Java in itself is still OK. I'm not sure why they haven't found a solution yet, it's been months.
  7. The text-align: right declaration should be on the <li> element rather than on the <a> element. The text-align property does nothing when applied to an inline element. This isn't an XML problem, it's a CSS problem, I'm moving the thread to the appropriate forum.
  8. Not relative to its original position, but if an ancestor element has relative, absolute or fixed position then the element will be positioned relative to the top left corner of the ancestor.
  9. The refreshing might be the result of not cancelling the event's default action when you click on a link. Remember to return false and call preventDefault() in your event handlers.
  10. Links are inline by default, you shouldn't have to set it. The problem seems to come from the #sitelogo A selector, in which the line-height is being set to 0. Perhaps you didn't properly close the #sitelogo element. That reminds me, a lot of problems are usually due to bad HTML, you should check that your HTML is right using the W3C validator: http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fhouserepublicans.wa.gov%2Fbrad-klippert%2F&charset=%28detect+automatically%29&doctype=Inline&group=0 Your page has a lot of errors on it.
  11. Authentication just means confirming the user's identity to the server, in other words, logging in. That's all it is.
  12. Ingolme


    To preload the image you need to call new Image() with an uppercase I, otherwise the browser will throw a "call to undefined function" error.
  13. A <meta> tag would be more effective, as it doesn't require Javascript to be enabled. <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;http://example.com"> Ideally, though, you would use the server to send a redirection header and a 301 status code so that search engines know the page has moved.
  14. It sounds like a program is executing upon start-up and isn't working correctly. Only you can figure out which program is doing that. The window that shows the message probably tells you the path to the program that's showing the error.
  15. This is the W3Schools CSS tutorial: http://w3schools.com/css/
  16. Ingolme

    CSS on table

    Set the width of the table cell to something that will fit all the text.
  17. You can use CSS to set the width of the table or the table cells. Have you looked at the W3Schools CSS tutorial?
  18. I see that, the proper solution is to set a correct min-width. But what's the solution you're proposing? Would you have the element wrap above the menu instead of below?
  19. I can't make much sense out of what you're asking for. Can you give a graphic example? Tables won't and should never become obsolete because they serve a particular function. This is the forum of a tutorial website, W3Schools doesn't have any control over CSS or HTML.
  20. It seems like they have a code on their page to break out of frames so that people won't do exactly what you're trying to do.
  21. They're just showing how passing by reference works. If you didn't have the & operator then that code would not work properly.
  22. The innerHTML refers to every single thing that's between the <table> and </table> tags. There are other ways to access elements, besides getElementById(). I use getElementsByTagName() a lot. For example, to get all the table cells inside the table: var cells = document.getElementById("test").getElementsByTagName("td");for(var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) { cells[i].innerHTML = "123";}
  23. Removing the position, top and left properties will stop it from sticking to t he top of the page.
  24. Putting them in is easy enough. It's knowing where and how to use them that's more complicated.
  25. I'm not sure what you mean, or what this has to do with PHP. The width and height of a table depends on its content.
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