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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. No, Javascript shouldn't be used to style pages. This can be done with CSS but you have to start off by fixing some problems in your code.An ID attribute can only be used one one single element in the document, so to start off, instead of id="box" use class="box". Remove everything in the #box rule and you'll be able to use the more fluid approach.Use this: .box { background-color: purple; width: 500px; height: 500px; margin: 0 auto;} Your other technique may work, but getting it to work properly means doing things in a specific manner. The first thing is to set the parent's position to relative. Then you set the box position to absolute before setting any numbers.
  2. The problem with fixed position is that the footer is at the bottom of the window, but not at the bottom of the page. The technique called "sticky footer" is there to make a footer at the bottom of the page.
  3. I believe in browsers other than safari, the <body> element catches all the key events.
  4. I moved the topic. But I don't understand exactly what you want. An "object array" really is just an array of objects. The only difference is that the objects are forced to be of only one type.
  5. I don't believe there is any code. He's asking what kind of code he needs and I actually don't see a starting point in this case.The question here involves overriding a browser feature. Since I don't have the browser to test, I can know if this feature can be overridden or not. All that can be done is experimenting.
  6. It sounds like a subset of version control to me.
  7. That's the foreach() loop.
  8. Ingolme


    I'd love to go, but that's quite a distance from where I am.
  9. The XMl won't do anything on its own. You can manipulate the application that's reading the XML to do whatever you want it to.
  10. There's no such thing as an object array in PHP. Just an array of objects.
  11. Ingolme

    Web Speed Help

    One problem is that you're loading full size images and only showing them at a very small scale. You should make smaller copies of the images to show as thumbnails.
  12. The MySQL manual says that the backticks should be applied to each word in the hierarchical syntax: `portfolios`.`order`
  13. Oh, perhaps he's trying to use PHP's register globals.
  14. Have you checked mysql_error() to see if it tells you anything?
  15. I'd rather call it the conditional operator. Because in the unlikely case that another ternary operator shows up, the term "ternary operator" will become ambiguous.
  16. It depends on what you're using to manipulate the XML.Why do you need to? What's important in XML is the data, which hasn't changed.
  17. Have you looked up what the dataType property does? I have a feeling that it creates <script> tags, which can actually be cross-domain. It only works, though, if the file you're trying to call is a Javascript file.
  18. The float property will make an image float relative to any content that follows it. Content that is before it will not be affected.
  19. Ingolme

    MP3 HTML

    You'll have to ask the person who made the flash player about that. This isn't something HTML can fix.
  20. OK, so Internet Explorer has a trashy garbage collector. But it looks like it's not harmful to do it that way anyways: I suppose the best thing is to have data stored in another object independent from the element.
  21. What happens when you try it in Internet Explorer 8?I was under the impression that jQuery takes care of cross-browser problems. Perhaps you have use an uppercase or lowercase letter in the URL you're requesting where it shouldn't go. Edit: Oh, wait a moment. You can't use AJAX for cross-domain requests. Perhaps newer browsers support it in some form, but older ones don't.
  22. In what way?Is this floated element inside the positioned one or is it independent?
  23. No, it's not possible. But XML's tree structure allows you to represent the same data with child elements: <book> <name>Need</name> <name>Help</name> <price>10$</price></book>
  24. have you checked that d.getElementById("can") is referencing an element? It's possible that you're trying to access the element before it has loaded.
  25. An attribute can only contain a string, because an attribute is supposed to be representable in printed HTML. If you want to add a Javascript object to the DOM of an element you'll have to add it as a property: var div = document.createElement("div");div.obj = this;
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