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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. Obviously, a picture isn't going to provide any indication of where in the code the problem may be.
  2. The function is getElementsByTagName() and, as the name implies, it returns multiple elements in the form of a node list. To access one of the elements you use the node list like an array, with square brackets. var x = document.getElementsByTagName("table");var firstTable = x[0]; The HTML table object has multiple properties and methods which you can see here: http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/dom_obj_table.aspYou're looking for the rows property: http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/coll_table_rows.asp
  3. Ingolme

    About Heroku

    These are questions you should ask the company yourself. They can explain their services to you better than anybody else.
  4. If you set the height to 100% it will be exactly as tall as the window. This means that if it is not stuck to the top of the window some of it is going to go outside of the bottom. If you won't want the text inside the box to flow outside of it, you use the overflow property to tell it to hide it or put a scrollbar.
  5. In standards compliant mode (a page with a <!DOCTYPE>), if you don't specify units for a CSS property the value will be ignored. This is because it could be pixels, centimeters, ems, or any other unit. Since you haven't specified the browser can't know. I don't know if jQuery requires it, though. jQuery might add the px internally.
  6. You have to set a height or max-height if you don't want the column to extend further.
  7. You can read more about it in the AJAX tutorial: http://w3schools.com/ajax/default.asp
  8. I see no scrollbars. Try clearing your cache or looking at the page with a different browser.
  9. If you can learn PHP and Javascript properly without classes then C and C++ aren't much different. Most likely if you did take some C or C++ classes you would find out a lot of details you overlooked when trying to learn PHP. Programming principles are the same for every language.
  10. When I viewed the page, the only thing stopping the overflow property from working was the missing semi-colon. I modified the CSS myself to make sure. The semi-colon isn't required for the last rule, but it's a good practise to put it.
  11. No. There's no variable called "Accesslevel1"You have to pass a reference to the element in the function. <select name="Accesslevel1" onChange="DbRole(this);"> function DbRole(el) { var value = el.options[el.selectedIndex].value; if(value == "Database Role = ") { // There is no document.myform, this is non-standard and shouldn't be used // Use getElementById() or getElementsByTagName() }}
  12. Maybe it's your browser's cache. Though maybe it's server-side cacheing. I've only ever experienced server-side cacheing with SWF files, though.
  13. I just tried your new file but it's not giving me that error message. It's working fine for me. What error message do you see?
  14. The onchange event has to go on the <select> element. Then you have to check the value of the selected option.
  15. I'll tell you what's going on: Those aren't ordinary spaces in your code. I don't know what they are but you should remove them and press the space bar. Specifically the spaces on all your if() {} blocks. Did you copy that code from somewhere else?
  16. Can you upload the file as an attachment on the forum? I cannot see anything in the code you pasted on the forum that would cause that error.
  17. The form submits to a particular page, you can choose which page by setting the action attribute of the <form> element.
  18. The body's overflow property is being ignored because you forgot a semi-colon after height: 90%
  19. I copied your code and I'm not getting the error message you mentioned. And that error message shouldn't be there.
  20. Hmm, I don't know what "Yetii" is, but you should look at documentation from the website you got it from. It looks like the code I gave you complies with their documentation. Don't forget to create the proper HTML elements and classes.
  21. You should have the code inside the document.ready handler. Why not just make a second instance of the rotator? <script type="text/javascript">$(document).ready(function(){ var tabber1 = new Yetii({ id: 'productImages', interval:3 }); var tabber2 = new Yetii({ id: 'somethingElse', interval:3 });});</script>
  22. If you haven't fixed your regular expression and simply switched to the match() method then it's going to return true even for invalid postal codes.
  23. Try match() instead. Search could return a 0 even if the match is found in the string. You still have double vertical bars in your expression which I mentioned is a problem. You should only need single vertical bars. It's returning 0 because the first match for an empty string is at position zero. Your current expression is like this:var postalcodes = /(AA|[empty string]|AB|[empty string]|AC|[empty string] ...
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