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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. Not the parent, but the closest ancestor that has a set height.At the moment the problem is that #column3 element doesn't seem to have a height assigned anywhere.
  2. Ingolme


    It means that people can't add unwanted HTML to your page.
  3. The best idea would be to ensure that the databases are UTF-8 to start off, but if that's not possible you'll have to do it with PHP.I'm not sure which PHP library you're using to generate the XML files but depending on which one you're using there's a way to set the character set of the connection.MySQLhttp://es.php.net/ma...set-charset.phpMySQLihttp://es.php.net/ma...er-set-name.phpPDO: $pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=world;charset=utf8", 'my_user', 'my_pass'); Using a MySQL query: SET CHARACTER SET utf8
  4. Anything that the user is going to read. Words like "Name" and E-mail", anything you're displaying on the page. Variable names and code don't need to change.
  5. Either translate it yourself or hire somebody to translate the website.
  6. What you've seen is this:window.onload = function() { // Code}
  7. Inside the function you can give it value you like. var ct = new Date();var h = ct.getHours();var m = ct.getMinutes();$time.military = h + ":" + m; However, you'll need to put that value into an HTML element.The easiest way to reference an element is by its ID. var clockElement = document.getElementById("clock");
  8. There are multiple errors. This syntax is incorrect:window.onload = function time_func() {It's eitherwindow.onload = function() {orwindow.onload = time_func; In order to pass a reference to setTimeout you must omit parentheses. The parentheses tell the function to execute immediately.This is the correct way to pass the function to setTimeout: setTimeout(time_func, 1000); This object is using "h" and "m" which are not in the global scope. This means that they don't really exist: var $time = {military: h + ":" + m} What you really need to do is update this object inside the function and use it inside the function. This code will execute once and then won't execute anymore: document.write($time.military); What you need to do is to make the function update the contents of an HTML node every time the value changes.
  9. Yes, that's supposing it has a unique key, you can use isset().
  10. Flash player is the program parsing the XML. I'm not sure if it's able to load youtube videos. You'll have to ask the template makers about that.
  11. Browsers don't send checkbox data if the checkbox is not checked. You will need to find another way to obtain the data. One way is to have it already on the server. Hidden inputs is another way.
  12. What program is parsing this XML? XML files on their own don't usually do anything.
  13. Perhaps you saved the file as ANSI instead of UTF-8 before uploading it to the server. Open the file in a text editor and change the encoding.
  14. <embed> and <object> are for content that needs to be loaded by plug-ins. For the browser to load files it's best to use the <iframe>.
  15. The first thing is to learn regular expressions. A good resource is http://regular-expressions.info
  16. That's because the expression doesn't match anything in the string. Also, the "." character has a meaning in regular expressions, and your expression is missing delimiters.
  17. echo does not upload files, all it does is send strings to the client.I see no uploading code here. If the file "Precocious.jpg" is not already on the server then the image will not appear on the page.
  18. Well, one problem may be that your string doesn't start with "~&". Also, the expression is telling the interpretter to replace the entire string with a single asterisk.
  19. Maybe the path to the background image is incorrect.
  20. If I'm remembering correctly the first number is the font-size property, the second one defines the value of the line-height property.
  21. str_replace doesn't use regular expressions. Try preg_replace()
  22. It's all in the reference. Each row has a list of table cells.Here's the reference for a row: http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/dom_obj_tablerow.aspAnd there's a link on that page to the reference for the cells property: http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/coll_tr_cells.asp
  23. You seem to have missed the second half of my post. And the code I provided in the first half was just to copy and paste, it needs to be particularized for your case. I can't know if the table you're trying to access is the first one in the page or not. The first thing you need to do is access the table, that's what the code I showed you does, but once you have a reference to the table you then have to count the rows that it contains.
  24. It sounds as if there were multiple <people> elements (or it seems to be expecting multiple people elements). If you just say <people> and there's more than one <people> it wouldn't know which one to select. A foreach loop will go through all of them.
  25. I'm getting a 404 error for this URL: http://santahustle.c...kins/curse.woffThe main source of the problem, it seems, is the www. on the URL. When you remove the www the font shows up properly. Perhaps you are not allowed to call fonts across subdomains. Wordpress is making requests to http ://santahustle.com while the CSS file is on http ://www.santahustle.com I think if you change the <link> element from href="http://santahustle.com/wp-content/themes/santa/style.css" to href="/wp-content/themes/santa/style.css" it will work.
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