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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. Develop in anything but Internet Explorer, but check your site so that it works in all browsers.
  2. There aren't entities for all the other fractions because there aren't more unicode characters assigned to it.You could do something like this: <sup>2</sup>/<sub>11</sub> or use an image.For things like square roots and other more complex things the only thing I know of is MathML and there isn't a lot of support for that yet.
  3. Ingolme

    centering stuff

    Centering vertically is very hard.You can do it with absolute positioning, but your elements will be required to have a defined height.First you have to give the parent element a fixed height. If you want it centered in the whole window, you'll have to use 100% for the html and body elements: html,body { height: 100%; } After that, you have to give your element a fixed height: .myElement {height: 10em;} Then you have to position it absolutely and move it 50% from the top: html,body { height: 100%; }.myElement {height: 10em;position: absolute;top: 50%;} This leaves your element halfway down from the top of the document. Now you have to use a negative margin to move the element back up. You'll move it half of its height: html,body { height: 100%; }.myElement {height: 10em;position: absolute;top: 50%;margin-top: -5em;} Now your element will be centered compared to the window.If you want it centered compared to an element rather than the full window, be sure to make the parent element have a relative position: .parentElement {position: relative;height: 400px;}.myElement {height: 10em;position: absolute;top: 50%;margin-top: -5em;}
  4. In fact, justsomeguy isn't a moderator either.I think the moderators do a good job. This is the most peaceful forum I've ever been to.
  5. Ingolme

    Tables or Css?

    It's not necessarily dynamically generated. And not just any kind of data either.A table is for tabular data, meaning it has two dimensions. Nothing more than that,
  6. Ingolme

    Tables or Css?

    Stop bumping old topics. And I completely discourage the use of tables for website layout. It's not what they were made for.CSS is the correct and proper way to go.
  7. There's not a lot of difference. HTML doesn't require closing certain tags, like <img> and <hr>, and you can have characters like < and & around without any errors.The advantage of XHTML is being able to embed namespaces for different kinds of data. It's a little complicated and I never use it. I write my pages in HTML because Internet Explorer doesn't support the application/xhtml+xml MIME type.Edit I just realised this topic is old. Don't bump old topics, it doesn't help anybody.
  8. Ingolme

    Pseudo-class Issue

    Hey, FirefoxRocks, please stop digging up old topics. It's not helpful to anybody and it's spamming the forum.Did somebody hack your account? You're also responsible for posting a topic with no content and then replying to it as if it hadn't been yours.
  9. Ingolme

    PHP Tutorial

    There's no exact age for learning any language. But you should find tutorials about the basics of programming first.Here's basically what you need to know:1. Commands:if()while()for()switch()...2. Data types:StringsNumbers/Integers/FloatsDates...3. Variables4. Operators:+ - * / .5. Logic:AND, OR, NOT
  10. There's no difference between static or dynamic pages, there's no difference in which server-side language you chose to program it. The things that matter are accessibility, good content and reciprocate links to sites with high pageranks that have content similar to yours.
  11. PHP and SQL do almost every data manipulation on the internet. Forums, blogs, content managing systems, file uploading. Between PHP and SQL you can do it all. Most of the SQL you need is directly in the PHP tutorial, but you can get deeper into it with the SQL tutorial.
  12. Well, there are only forums covering the tutorials shown on the website, http://www.w3schools.com
  13. To center something you don't have to do that, this solution works to center everything cross-browser:<div style="text-align: center"><!-- IE centers with the above code --><div style="margin: 0 auto; text-align: left"><!-- Other standard browsers center with "margin: 0 auto", I use "text-align: left" because the "text-align: center" from the parent is passed down to all the descendant nodes inInternet Explorer --></div></div>
  14. Ingolme

    Where are you?

    I've added myself! I'm on some tiny islands off the coast of Africa. It's a nice and comfortable temperature here at this time of the year.
  15. The original Notepad is just a text editor, it's from Microsoft Windows. It really does nothing but writes plain text. Notepad++ is not from Microsoft, it's an open source project by some other people.
  16. That's the one I've been using since a few weeks ago, I used Notepad before that.
  17. <body style="text-align: center"><div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 650px;">Content</div></body>
  18. Hello! I'm Ingolme.Web programming (not as much designing) is one of my favourite hobbies.For years I've been learning from W3Schools, I went and checked out and understood basically all the tutorials there. These days I can do basically anything on a website, given (X)HTML, CSS, Javascript and PHP.I like following web standards, so rather than using methods like document.write(), properties like innerHTML or onclick type events I try to work around it with createElement(), appendChild() and addEventListener() (Though I try to make things crossbrowser and will apply attachEvent() for if the other method isn't available)Other hobbies of mine are drawing and videogames.I'm a big fan of Tails(), a videogame character. I hope somebody's familiar with him, though I don't know what interests a large part of the web developer community has.
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