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Everything posted by Jerome

  1. Hi Siva,You should create a .txt file called, for e.g., counter.txt and place it in the adequate root directory. In this file you only should write the number zero (0). Then use this code to increase the number contained in the file : ' Here you just open the conter.txt file and read the number... Set FS=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")Set RS=FS.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath("counter.txt"), 1, False)fcount=RS.ReadLineRS.Close' You increase the number...fcount=fcount+1' You insert the new number in your conter.txt file ...Set RS=FS.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath("counter.txt"), 2, False)RS.Write fcountRS.CloseSet RS=NothingSet FS=Nothing You can also use some cookies or a session object to prevent a user to increase your counter more than once on the same day.This helps?
  2. Try this : http://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_create.asp
  3. I voted Yes - I'm tired of writing - "show me the code"Althought we have more than 1000 members, it's just a few people that takes part to the pools... where are the 990 others?
  4. What are you exactly looking for?
  5. The syntax you are using is not corret. To save you some "typing work" you can use : INSERT INTO pradyumna(field1,field2,field3) SELECT 'pk','2000','india'UNION ALLSELECT 'sk','12000','USA'
  6. sure you read ALL the tutorials? http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_links.asp
  7. Jerome

    timed adrotator

    Hi, here you have an image contained into a cell that will change every hour, you would need 24 fotos to use it.What is the time period you need? <%@ Language=VBScript %><%Dim timeHour, imageCelltime = hour(now)Select Case timeHour Case 0 imageCell = "image_0.gif" Case 1 imageCell = "image_1.gif" Case 2 imageCell = "image_2.gif" '... Case 23 imageCell = "image_23.gif"End Select%><html><body><table border> <tr> <td background="<%=imageCell%>"></td> </tr></body></table></html>
  8. One day, I tried to change the complete aspect of a combo box and I found out that it was not possible unless you create your own combo box object...I think it's the same problem with the radio buttons, you can change some global properties and that's all... but I'm not an expert in CSS...
  9. Jerome

    Append Query

    ... with access, sql server, mySQL ?Did you try manually?
  10. Jerome

    Need Help

    this is not the right place for these kind of questions...
  11. exampass2000, I have been looking and asking but it doesn't seem posible to specify more your sql query when working with an excel file...But I hope I'm wrong...Does anybody have any idea?
  12. I think you should first follow this tutorial : http://www.w3schools.com/ado/default.asp
  13. Hi Denis,You should have a comments table with those fields : nick, comment, newsID, time"Donald", "This is a comment",123, "10/11/2005"Where newsID contains the id of the news related to one comment in particular.So, at the time a user inserts a comment, you should also insert the id of the news that he is commenting. sql="INSERT INTO comments (nick, comment, newsID)"sql=sql & " VALUES "sql=sql & "('" & Request.Form("nick") & "',"sql=sql & "'" & Request.Form("comment") & "'," & newsID & "');" Now when you display the comments, you can use the id of one particular news to make a selection in your comments table : dataSQL = "SELECT nick, comment, newsID, time FROM comments WHERE newsID = ID" What is the url of your site?
  14. Hello there!What is the value of HARDWARE?Try this : rstExcel.Source = " SELECT * FROM STOCK_RR WHERE STOCK_TYPE = '" & HARDWARE & "' "
  15. Jerome

    Problems with Script

    Why are using the application object?
  16. Jerome


    You can start here : http://www.microsoft.com/com/default.mspxWhat exactly would like to do?
  17. Jerome

    ASP and Databases

    Everything you need is just right here : http://www.w3schools.com/ado/default.asp
  18. Jerome


    Is your problem related to asp?
  19. ok, but access and mysql are not the same kind of database.Is it running now?
  20. Jerome

    Send Message

    This is spamming But I really don't know if it's possible, why do you need this?
  21. Before you try to query your excel file, you should first simply try to display all the data of your excel file into your asp page. Follow this tutorial (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/q195951/)If it works, pls let us know!
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