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Everything posted by Jerome

  1. You have to change the type of cursor you are using while running trought your recordset... What does this mean? There are diferent ways to navigate throught a recordset. The default property is adOpenForwardOnly and it does'nt allow you use the RecordCount property. So, when openning your recordset, try using this : Recordset.Open sql, con, adOpenStatic and visit the page : http://www.w3schools.com/ado/met_rs_open.asp
  2. dataSQL is a variable that only contains your query string. You use it to create your recordset (that contains the data you want to display). Now if you want to display a particular field of your recordset you call it like this : Response.Write(rs("news_content")) Here is your code : <% Dim ID, conn, rs, dataSQLID = Request.QueryString ("ID")Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")conn.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"conn.Open(Server.Mappath("news-database.mdb"))Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")dataSQL = " SELECT news_content FROM news_tbl WHERE ID = '" & ID & "' "rs.Open dataSQL, conn'here you just use a loop that runs trought your recordset, it stops when it reach the end of the recordset (End Of File) Do While Not rs.EOFResponse.Write(rs("news_content")) rs.MoveNextLooprs.closeset rs = nothingconn.closeset conn = Nothing%> Happy programming
  3. Or try the (free) Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine. You can find it here.
  4. In wich language are you writing your code?
  5. As far as I know, it's not possible... But I was not sure so I have just tried it, and Access gave me the same error as you... you should better use something like sql server
  6. I was curious to know what <isindex> was, here is the answer : You can find more here, but you should better use the form tag rather than the isIndex...Why don't you try to put the second tag your are asking for into an html document just to see the result?anchor.html<html><head><title>Anchor</title></head><body><a href="http://w3schools.invisionzone.com">w3schools</a></body></html>
  7. First of all you should control the input in your database... if an account already exists then you should update it and not insert a new data... Now if you want to clean your database, try some count(distinct) queries to catch the duplicates...
  8. Hi there,I just wanted to salude all of you! I'm from Belgium but I'm working in Mexico as a web developper. Hope we are going to make this forum grow!Happy programming
  9. relax...I have been looking at your site and it seems to work fine... Did you fixed the problem?
  10. Jerome

    reload page

    You should be keeping the selected item of your first listbox into a variable, no?
  11. I fully agree with all of you! Hope this will work!
  12. Could you paste your code pls? The part where you are trying to delete some elements of your array... I suppose you should redimensionate your array...
  13. Ok, I still don't see what's going wrong... could you paste the code where you are trying to add a record?
  14. Jerome

    Drop down boxes

    ok,I have just noticed that what I explained you seems not to be posible with IE, but it works with Firefox... Does anybody have another suggestion?
  15. Jerome

    Drop down boxes

    I don't think you can't prevent that...I have just been trying your combo box : - If you type one letter after the other ('p' then 'a' then 'r' then 't'...) then you are linked to the letter 'p', then 'a', then 'r',...- Now if you write quickly 'partridge' it will link you to the word 'partridge'So just write it quickly
  16. ok,there are problems with :http://www.troop911.mfhosting.com/calendarhttp://www.troop911.mfhosting.com/gfxdesign- The movement of my mouse is really slow on your site and I can't figure out why - You should change the grey color - You should change the text police- You should put some imagesGood luck
  17. Hi there,Please paste the complete error code and your asp code/sql query...
  18. Jerome

    listbox in html

    Hi, You will need to use a server side language.Are you planning to work with ASP, ASP.NET or PHP?
  19. Jerome


    Ok, try to use an absolut path like this and tell me if its works : Set rs = fs.GetFile("c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\app1.asp") If you get any error message, pls paste it here.Good luck
  20. Ok, so fisrt you need to recuparate the id value from your url string like this : Dim idid = Request.QueryString("id") Then you just insert this value into your query like this : <%'here you open the connectionSet rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")sql = " SELECT * FROM newst_tlb WHERE ID = '" & id & "' "rs.Open sql, con'here you display the fields and close connection and recordset%> Last thing, instead of using a SELECT *, you should better specify wich fields your looking for : SELECT news_header, news_content for example. That is a good way to gain some loading time.
  21. Jerome


    Are you sure the file app1.asp exists on your (local) server?I just tried out your code and it worked fine...
  22. Jerome


    Arianna,How do you make the link to the URL? You should be passing the login and the password as arguments, no? Could you paste your code and/or the (problematic) URL?
  23. Jerome

    Why no ASP in XP Home?

    You can try PHP... I suppose that there is no problem installing easyphp on xp home edition...
  24. Bear,No, (Flag & 4) is a way of saying (Flag AND 4) but at a bit level. Here is an example inspired from this URL : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitwise_operation.Imagine that the value that represent "Flag" is equal to the number 2, in binary, you write it like this : 010. The number 4 from your query is written like this : 100. Now you make your logical AND operation :010100 AND----000If the two bytes are equal to 1 then the result is 1, else it is 0. Once you have your result (000), you translate it to his decimal representation, in our case it's the number 0.Another example with Flag = 4100100 AND----100The result is 100 --> the number 4.Hope this help.
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