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Everything posted by scott100

  1. The non use of curly brakets I've never seen that either, it's like asp'ish
  2. I love the "Try-It-Yourself!" examples, the editor rocks The site is great for looking up bits and pieces.
  3. scott100

    Blank screen

    Try this Boen, it will display errors with the connection using mysql_error() function. I think it is good practise to use this within die() to report any errors, saved me lots of time.<?php ini_set ('display_errors', 1);error_reporting (E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);// Connect and select.if ($dbc = @mysql_connect ('localhost', 'root', 'admin')){if (!@mysql_select_db ('demo')){die ('<p>Could select the database because: <b>' . mysql_error() . '</b></p>');}} else {die ('<p>Could not connect to MySQL because: <b>' . mysql_error() . '</b></p>');}// Define the query.$query = 'SELECT * FROM members';if ($r = mysql_query ($query)) { // Run the query.// Retrieve and print every record.print '<table border="1"><tr><td>First Name</td><td>Surname</td></tr>';while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($r)) {print " <tr> <td>{$row['firstName']}</td> <td>{$row['lastName']}</td> </tr>";}print '</table>';} else { // Query didn't run.die ('<p>Could create the table because: <b>' . mysql_error() . "</b>. The query was $query.</p>");} // End of query IF.mysql_close(); // Close the database connection.?>
  4. Looks like your under attack, that's why you bought Norton, to help protect you, just make sure you download your updates regularly
  5. You cant just use paint and save as .ico You need special software that converts the pic to an icon, like in the link i gave you earlier.
  6. What software are you using to save the picture as an .ico?
  7. Your knowledge of php is impressively endless How long have you been involved with it
  8. I didn't realise that was his foot, i though it was a bone or something What's the hairdoo all about anyway, why didn't his owners trim off that white bumfluf, suppose that was the least of his worries
  9. You can use z-index.remember to put this in your flash parameter<PARAM NAME="WMODE" VALUE="transparent">See this example: http://www.flashdesignerzone.com/tutorials/t1026.php
  10. Jesus man wtf is that Don't scare me like that again Is that thing for real? some kind of offspring of Cerberus
  11. You should probably take a tour of the CSS Tutorial and in this case CSS Text I'm glad you changed your avitar, that last one freaked me out
  12. scott100

    div rollover

    Yes, but you would need an image editor that allows you to set transparency, then it's just a matter of changing the background color with css.
  13. scott100


    Good question I have never though about or tried it, try it and see what happens, i'll try later too.I think that they might but i realy don't know for sure
  14. <embed> was a tag created by netscape but works in most browsers. It was never part of w3 recommendations, so since it never officaly existed it can't be deprecated.W3C recommend using the <object> tag.
  15. Get a copy of the picture you want and then turn it into an .icohttp://www.freedownloadscenter.com/Best/create-ico-free.html
  16. scott100

    div rollover

    You would have to use pseudo for this to work, IE6 only supports hover on anchor tag so that should be used. Just change the image/text color on :link, :visited & :hover <html><head><style type="text/css">a{width:234px;height:91px;font-size: 200%;color:white;}a:link {background-image:url('http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/style_images/w3sbanner.gif')}a:visited {background-image:url('http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/style_images/w3sbanner.gif')}a:hover {background-image:url('http://www.w3schools.com/images/w3default80.jpg');color:red}</style></head><body> <a href="#">I am Text</a></body></html>
  17. Some older browsers only support onmouseover etc on the anchor tag, so if you wan't to reach max audience then that might be best bet.<a href="#" onMouseOver="go()"><img src="xxx.gif" /></a>
  18. scott100

    for newer

    Very nice Do you have a problem with your code or are you just sharing your script with us?
  19. It defo means english, EN is the two-letter abbreviation for the language of the document the DTD applies to.Official ISO (International Organization for Standardization) list can be found here: http://www.unicode.org/unicode/onlinedat/languages.htmlAs you can see, EN = english
  20. Try this, just inputing the value directly from the post contained in squiggly brackets <?phpprint " <input type=\"text\" name=\"Name1\" size=\"11\" maxlength=\"11\" value=\"{$_POST['Name1']}\"> ";?>
  21. Use the code below, this will reload() the window that opened it, thus refreshing your page with the updated data window.opener.location.reload();window.close();
  22. Click on my computerClick Tools -> Folder OptionsClick File Types tabScroll down to HTM and highlightClick on AdvancedClick on Change IconClick on Browse - Go to C:\Program Files\Mozilla FirefoxHighlight firefox.exe and click OpenYou will now see icons for firefox - select one and ok all the windowsFollow same steps for HTML as aboveYou now have a firefox icon for all pages with extension .htm and .html - but the default browser is Opera.
  23. Yeah it's a favicon, check out this site: http://favicon.com/
  24. It's a html tag, not recognised by w3 though: http://www.w3schools.com/media/media_browsersounds.asp
  25. Yes that's the only way this will work (if you target an iframe), otherwise one form never gets submitted.You don't have to display the iframes, you could set there visibility to hidden.
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