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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. hey, ffrocks, thought I recognized you. Howsit going? Aren't you at Asta now?And yes, what justsomeguy says, add a wrapper or container div to centre that stuff works well.
  2. The page I viewed says there are no galleries. Maybe check that the pictures are uploaded and the correct path to the pictures is being used.
  3. Depends on the units you specify.1.5em or 1.5% is possible, but you can't display 1.5 pixels.
  4. Precedence is determined by the Cascade (they call them Cascading Style Sheets for a reason) and the "weight" of a selector.It is a bit technical, but here is a link you should read a couple of times. It discusses how selectors can over-ride or be over-ridden by being "more specific" with your element selectors. Example, when does a class help or hinder a selection...http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/cascade.html#cascade
  5. Why is everyone being so antagonistic?If the member want to use custom tags that don't validate, that use more bandwidth, that don't work in most Browsers, that potentially screw up their pages, that defy current and future standards, that can be easily replaced with valid code... I say let them use them. I'll take the job to repair those sites on an hourly contract...
  6. Prateek,See the post immediately above you. Scrollbar colouring is an IE proprietary code and doesn't work except in IE, basically, so your code, and the examples from the link two posts above yours are not Standard Compliant and can not be relied upon to work.Although there are ways to style scrollbars using javascript and images. Google is your friend.
  7. You needed to be more specific in your use of the styling and I reordered some stuff. The <a> styles are above the li styles now. I think maybe they were overriding the li styles.And I removed the <br />'s from the list. Use padding or margins to space them apart instead. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"><html><head><title>North Queensland Wildlife Care Home Page</title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"><style type="text/css">body{ background: url('images/logo.gif') no-repeat fixed 750px 80px;}p { font-family: arial; }li.menu{display:inline} a{float:left;width:11em;text-decoration:none;color:#996600;background-color:white;padding:0.2em 0.6em;border-right:1px solid white;}a:hover{background-color:whitetext-decoration:none;color:#333300;}ul.menu{float:left;width:100%;padding:0;margin:0;list-style-type:none;font: italic small-caps 900 15px arial}ul.list{position:absolute;left:100px;width:100%;padding:0;margin:0;list-style-type:disc;font: 900 15px arial;color:#996600;}</style></head><body><ul class="menu"> <li> <div align="center"><a href="index.htm">Home</a></div> </li> <li> <div align="center"><a href="help.htm">Help for animals</a></div> </li> <li> <div align="center"><a href="contact.htm">Contact us</a></div> </li> <li> <div align="center"><a href="links.htm">Other wildlife sites</a></div> </li> <li> <div align="center"><a href="query.htm">Submit questions</a></div> </li></ul><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <font size="4" color="#996600">Why do native animals come into care?</font></p><br><ul class="list"> <li> Road accidents</li> <li> Habitat destruction - urban development</li> <li> Dog and cat attacks - be responsible with your pets</li> <li> Disease - adverse weather conditions</li> <li> Flying into windows</li> <li> Poisons in the environment -many household substances are toxic to wildlife eg. fly spray, herbicides</li></ul></body></html>
  8. the curly brace will likely give you a parse error and I think OB will dump on terminate. I'll try it and let you know how it works.
  9. http://www.brunildo.org/test/#iefNotice all the tests for IE and IE Floats? Those are all due to not handling Floats properly. If you look carefully, you notice an occasional reference to Mozilla or Opera, but most of the tests on this page are due to IE and its non-standard behaviour.IE floats has its own section, for gawd's sakes. IE does NOT handle floats at all properly.
  10. I'll bet you'd remember once the page came back blank.
  11. Check out cutenews. It is a content "filler" system sort of like a mini-CMS. You have exactly the functioning you are asking about but it inserts into your page structure.Sample site here
  12. Anders,Nice work there. I have enjoyed watching it develop since you first posted a reference to it. It is coming along nicely. Have you seen "cutenews" yet? Might want to download a version and tear their code apart to get some ideas...Couple of small things that I would change, though, but it is your Project, so do as you see fit:1.) Add height: 100.1% to the pages so that a scrollbar shows all the time. When you go between long pages and short pages, the short pages, or vice versa, "joggle" a little due to the addition/removal of the scrollbar, so adding that css will force the scrollbar to be present always and no "joggle" occurs.2.) Use either the gold or silver colours on your buttons. It will integrate the graphics better. Maybe with transparent backgrounds to let that nice graphic appear through them?3.) Using the admin link took me to a 404 page, not the Index page.Keep up the good work...
  13. jlhaslip

    Centering Objects?

    Depending on the Browser, you might need to add "text-align:center;" below the "margin: 0 auto;". Some older Browsers don't recognize the margin command by itself.
  14. I am not arguing about you points, justsomeguy, simply trying to assist the OP.Many times, though, the client has the softwares on their machine that come with the box and don't know to use the type of software we as web-developers use, so the features we look for are not readily available to them. I'll bet placing a password would be sufficient in over 95% of the cases.
  15. I thought that was a Meta-tag???
  16. http://www.whitsoftdev.com/unfreez/
  17. Here is a look at the Security available using the pro version of cutepdf. It allows you to place a Master password and a user password as well as selecting available options on the level of security.Printscreen Image Here
  18. What justsomeguy says is absolutely correct, but here is one alternative: Convert each page to an image and display that instead of the pdf. In order to protect the page contents, place a password on the PDF source. There are softwares which allow you to password pdf's. One I use is called CutePDF[/ur] (or something near that).
  19. jlhaslip

    PHP color read

  20. jlhaslip

    PHP color read

    For editing, Google "conText editor". It has a colour-coded display format, selectable based on the file type.Some Forum have a "php" bbcode. Is that what you mean?
  21. Post a link to the code and someone will assist you. It is all theoretical until the code is available. There might be something outside of the Ul/LI which is affecting the display of those items.
  22. Checking it at 800 wide and 1280 wide produces different results on the fly-outs. Sometimes they fly-out all the way right, othertimes they partially cover the originally hovered item and don't move right all the way.
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