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Everything posted by PrateekSaxena

  1. Thanks! Quite suprisingly I was viewing the same tutorial right now!!
  2. try document.myform.isub.clicked=true;
  3. yup..that seems more simpler...:)Why does not anyone look at my topic ???
  4. What you can do is that, when writing the PHP file ...ummmm...you know...see have the php file iin such a way that it can accept things such as whatever.php?pagename . then when you get the page name just put an if condition to make that pganames bg green and the rest would be blue!
  5. Make an ultra flexible and dynamic CMS that uses AJAX, XSLT and stuff. That would use up half your brain
  6. Hello ,This might be a little bit off-topic but I would love it if I could get your reviews on this . I have written a Console or a Logger if you may in JavaScript. This Console allows you to log information from you JS code that can be used for debugging purposes. The user can also add watches on variables and stuff. This is for JS Developers. You can download it from here SF.net Download. You can see screenies over here Console Screenshots. I would like your feed back on the following - Features: I have added the features that I felt were useful. I was thinking of adding some CSS and PHP features too. If there are any features that you would like please tell me! Bugs: Are there any bug that needs to be squatted immediately? License: Currently it is under the MIT license, and that is only because it is the only License that I have read fully. Even thought it seems nice but that part that says that I allow the user to make sub license and stuff is not good . So is there any Open Source license that you know of that I can use?? Thanks in advance for any help! I know that code is not good but I made this in like one and a half hours for a quick job and now I will be optimizing everything or js.console 1.5. :ph34r:Thanks,Prateek
  7. I am not sure what you are saying but I think you can do this by writing a simple PHP include file that has the menu's HTML code and then you could actually include this PHP file inside a <DIV> in the html page and through CSS you can change the style you were talking about!
  8. What you can do is the you can put a function on window resize and then though JS only you can reposition your image. If you want the precise code to do the same, tell me and I will post it, that is IF you wanna use JS
  9. What you can do is <form action="xx" method="xx" name="w3c"><other form stuff/><input type="submit" name="iSub" /></form> and in the JS write document.w3c.iSub.clicked; I hope this works!
  10. Well, I need to put a breakpoint due to some reasons that you will know about soon if you check out the "General" category of the forum and I will tell everyone!!! :)So can someone please help me out??
  11. Sorry, but it will have to be an image or a Flash file if you wanna display it!
  12. There are two guitarists. The total band is - Bono - vocals The Edge - Main guitarists Adam Clayton - Bass Larry Mullen Jr. - Drums This is officially off topic....my bad
  13. Do you want something like this - http://www.iribbit.net/i/_files/javascript-snippets.htm. the slidinig navigation one??If yes then here is the code - <!--// author: prateek// description: Navigation effect that slides the link from left to right a certain amount of pixels.// necessary mods: nonefunction shiftMe(object, direction, pixels){ if (pixels==0)return; var obj = document.getElementById(object); if (obj.style.marginLeft=="") obj.style.marginLeft="0px"; var marginLeftVal=obj.style.marginLeft; var marginLeftInt=new Array(); marginLeftInt=marginLeftVal.split('p'); if (direction=="r") marginLeftInt[0]--; if (direction=="l") marginLeftInt[0]++; pixels--; obj.style.marginLeft=marginLeftInt[0]+"px"; timer=setTimeout('shiftMe("'+object+'","'+direction+'",'+pixels+')',1);}--> <div id="main"><a href="google.com" id="h2" onmouseover="shiftMe('h2','r',7)" onmouseout="shiftMe('h2','l',7)">Google</a><br><a href="google.com" id="h3" onmouseover="shiftMe('h3','r',7)" onmouseout="shiftMe('h3','l',7)">Google</a><br></div>
  14. So how does it feel that you are about to become an Intrigued Member??
  15. If you want, I will share the emoticons that I make for my CMS, that is whenever I have time to make it! LOL
  16. Do you mean something like this - <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"><HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> New Document </TITLE> <META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="EditPlus"> <META NAME="Author" CONTENT=""> <META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT=""> <META NAME="Description" CONTENT=""> </HEAD> <BODY> <form name="q" action=" "> <p>What is 5+5?</p> <input type="radio" name="fi" >4<br> <input type="radio" name="fi" >10<br> <input type="radio" name="fi" >12<br> <input type="button" value="Check!" onclick="checkIt()"> </form> <script> function checkIt() { if (q.fi[1].checked) { alert("Thats right!"); } else { alert("Go back to kindergarden!!!"); } } </script> </BODY></HTML> To test this code just Tryit Editor ! Copy this code and paste it on the left textarea!
  17. You can see this - http://www.mysmiley.net/Also FamFamFam has a very good collection of icons, I am not sure if they have smilies though!
  18. something similar to this - http://huligar.com/portfolio.html!!Click on the small link on the right hand side!
  19. Larry Ullman isnt that the name of U2's guitarist or was the Larry Mullen??
  20. That is what is I was looking for, thanks!!EDIT: by the way aspnetguy, I wanted to tel you that I have posted the code of hanman and nrvtac4 on the so many langs thing!! see it
  21. Hello ,When a JS file is running and we put an alert in between using alert("hi"); then the whole code that we have written stops working and the alert is displayed. Only once after we have pressed the OK button then only the the rest of the code is executed. While the alert box is being displayed no code is being executed right ?Now I want to know how I can stop the execution of the code in the same way but without the alert box being popped up every now and then ??
  22. This link maybe useful - http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/progphp/
  23. I already know that I can do it in this way, and I said so in my initial message. I want to know some other way to do the same!!
  24. How do I get and edit the whole documents innerHTML??I mean should I enclose everything that is in the BODY into a DIV or is there a way to edit the documents HTML??I want to add a new DIV to the body, how do I do that??
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