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its a bit better..but..the overall colour scheme is horrible..also, looks like you spent about 10 seconds doing the menu, rather than looking like it took 10 hours like all good menus should (well..maybe not 10 hours..but at least look like some effort went into it) :)plus, best get a php or asp contact form rather than a mailto email link. much less spam that way.:)

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Hmm....I'm not sure what to say. It's a clean site, but I didn't like those colors very much. It's like...too much one color, but it's better than having just lots of random colors like this text

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- most of the games seem to be catering to the younger male audience - is pink really the right color for the site.- and are you sure you have rights/permission to link/embed these files on your site? And, "everyone else is doing it" is not the right reply.

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hi im am not responsible for the Slashdot design and i do not own playgames2.com
You have to admit there is a striking resemblance - particularly to the latter. I would assume that if you had anything to do with playgames2.com that you would not have any problems putting together you site.In any respect, there are a lot of loose ends to tidy up on your site:a.) personally, I do not like the pinkb.) the blue links do not contrast well with the pink backgroundc.) your section boxes (the white to pink gradients) do not blend with your design - consider a hairline border (like on playgames2.com)d.) use a bolded font that contrasts better for the section box headers (like on playgames2.com)e.) reduce the amount of wasted space in your header, trim it down to use the space more effectively (like on playgames2.com)I see a pattern here, just print out playgames2.com and make it look like that - you might get some spoof traffic.Sorry for the underlying sarcasm, I just think that you could challenge yourself a little more by coming up with something a little more original.[note to self: stop getting involved with get rich quick web site developers, keep it real Skemcin, keep it real they'll never make it doing it this way you know it so stop worrying about it]
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Whats with all the gradients?and the pink?Its a good site but it looks like its been made with no real thought into the design.If Miniclip was Pink...i doubt it would get hits.You just need to think about the target audience. In your case gamers.How many gamers would choose to go to a pink badly designed website over minclip (used as an example).Think.Good luck =]Ed

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Unless you're trying to cater this site to girly-gurlzz who don't mind doing very typically boy things, than I highly agree with what others have said--ditch the pink. If you must have a pink site, go for a hotter pink as an accent over a neutral gray background or something similar.The red on pink is hard on my eyes. The blue is almost better, but still tough. And at my res computer (1440x990), really hard to read as well. Overall, this site needs a lot of tweaking for contrast.I know you're probably still filling them in, but the blanks/white spaces make your layout look like swiss cheese in a bad way.I think it would also be nice if you did a simple border around the images for the games.Also, there's no uniformity in size for your categories, so the slightly darker pink boxes don't line up very well in many places.It also looks like you might still be working on those inner pages. I noticed the link for Puzzle is a non-link on all the inner pages I quickly scanned through.I can't say it enough--ditch the pink, and work on your contrast.

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Here are my comments on the site as it looks today - since some changes seem to have been made since my last post.a.) I do not understand at all why the first main thing I see (outside the whitespace surrounding your logo) is a banner that links to another play game website - especially one that would be considered competition.b.) as quickly mentioned already, there is a lot of whitespace around your logo and it pushes content down the page and below the fold. If you got rid of the direct competitor banner, pushed yours to the side a little, then moved the adwords banner next to your logo you would get Most Played Games, New Games, Driving Games, Sport Games above the fold - that would be a huge usability benefit.c.) I skipped over the parent navigation completely - never saw it - it blends in too much with the backgroundd.) your links also do not contrast enough with the background color they appear one.) the lack of any CSS worries me as does the excessive use of tables and the bgcolor attribute abuse.Sorry, I hate to be brutally honest, there is alot that even this old school HTML'er wouldn't do in this code. There is a lot of work to do to make this site close to being manageable to maintain - let alone appealing to visit.

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i have to agree with skemcin and aspnetguy.Your code is messy and very very old school. The menu is hardly see-able etc etc..And the comment line that aspnetguy has pointed makes me think you stole the design from that very similiar site using a program.

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wow at 1440x990 I imagine most things would be hard to read without increasing text size.
I actually have pretty good eyes for the distance between the screen and myself, and nowadays a lot of sites have the resize that would normally be unreadable for me otherwise. (Hooray for that.) But when you've got a small thin font, and so little contrast, I do indeed have to squint. :)
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  • 2 weeks later...

The game parking perfection shows the following error - http://www.2playgames.co.uk/click%20counter/click.php?id=7You haven't changed the Menu Links CSS at all. If you wish to generate some revenue of this site then I must tell you that the ad placements aren't too good either. Try something like this - http://iphotoshop.blogspot.com give me 7%-13% CTR!

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kool! I really like it, i had played it somewhere else too

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