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Russian spammers


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I've noticed something..90% of the spammers their IP address are in the 81 region around Russia most of the time...How come? surely Russia isn't the spam capital like what we see...

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Haha, its probably because its illegal to own a spam server, anywhere, period. Thats a good plae to go to do illegal stuff. Its all desolate and such unless you are near a huge city, not very likely though. My uncle used to travel to russia about 1-2 times a month to buy titanium. He used to bring us stuff back :).

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One reason is because there is money in spam. Russian organized crime has started to turn to the internet to make their money. One of the things you'll also notice is that a lot of viruses and malware also come out of Russia. The programmers get contracted by the criminals to make a program to, say, compromise 50,000 computers and bring them under control to either send spam, get email addresses, get identity information, etc. So that's one reason, criminals in Russia in particular, and other countries as well, are making money from it. You'll see the same thing from China, but China mostly has hackers that constantly ping our servers. Another reason why you see spam coming from Russia is because that is where the mail servers are. Scott Richter might go out and decide he wants to spam 50 million people today, so he routes all of his email through Russia to hide where it's coming from so that the Colorado attorney general can't shut him down. To you it looks like it's coming from Russia, but the US is still the #1 source of spam. There's too much money in spam for various social parasites like Richter to be able to resist.

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This sounds like one of those PC vs. Mac situations.Go Mac!!:-D
That's why we have Linux. Then you don't need Windows or Mac :)Anyways, probably because of what justsomeguy said. I have a friend that's obsessed with Russia, I'll ask him why they are spamming lol
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