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Validate again?


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You are all(= every W3Schools member) right! But as I wrote several times that my conditions are (very) poor! I´m sure that when you were in the same circumstances, you would do the same or even worse!

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Once you're ready to go at it again... Look at the part
<form method="post" name="nav" action="insert.php"><name="lang" onChange="document.location.href=document.nav.lang.options[document.nav.lang.selectedIndex].value"><option value="portfolio.html" selected >English </option><option value="portfolio.html">Español </option><option value="portfolio.html">German </option><option value="portfolio.html">Dutch </option><option value="portfolio.html">French </option></form>

And have a look at this example from the HTML tutorial. Tell me what's the key difference you notice. Hint: It's not the DOCTYPE, it's not the head either.

Also this example isn´t good: ´form´ action isn´t good!
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Guest LH91325

Just how's that going to work? All your values are all the same. Did you look at the example?

<!DOCTYPE html><html><body> <form action=""><select name="cars"><option value="volvo">Volvo</option><option value="saab">Saab</option><option value="fiat" selected="selected">Fiat</option><option value="audi">Audi</option></select></form> </body></html>

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where what? You still don't know?http://w3schools.inv...showtopic=43179 that's your own thread where you use forms. Granted maybe you don't really understand anything and you just say you do, but at least you had it right there. and if you really are that clueless...
<form ACTION="form_submit.php" method="get">...</form>

oh my gosh, an action attribute! right on the line it told me I needed to put an action attribute! Right where all the tutorials tell me! Just like I've done before in my own code! Right where people have been telling me to put one for the past three pages.... What are the odds...

I understand this! But NOT the error message!
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How can I find the attribute belonging to this element: an attribute specification must start with a name or name token <name="lang"> onChange="document.location.href=document.nav.lang.option…

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What´s the value of: onchange? <div id="lang"> <p>Chose your lenguage:</p> Seleccione su idioma: <form method="post" name="nav" action=""> <a name="lang" onchange=" document.location.href=document.nav.lang.options[document.nav.lang.selectedIndex].value">

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An Argentinian wrote that part!
Did he also write the onchange part? Do you know what that's about? No? Remove it!
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SPOILER ALERT: THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH PROGRAMMING AND WILL PROBABLY BE CONSIDER A STUPID REPLY BY CERTAIN PEOPLE I hate commenting in such topics but some times i can't watch things going on and not participating. Eduard, you are trying to use PHP and JavaScript in your website, yet you lack basic knowledge of HTML. You want to make money out of your websites, you don't expect to do that only by making one website right? You should read the tutorials in w3schools in an order. If you keep coming back to us and asking questions for such basic things as HTML validation, you will NEVER learn. I am pretty sure if you start making a website right now you'll even forget the basic structure tags. I am not saying this in a bad way, i know you'll probably ignore me but we are trying to help.

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Guest LH91325

I was thinking of this overnight and already had some ideas: 1. He starts out with some HTML that doesn't work. 2. Instead of fixing that he adds some PHP. That doesn't work either, nor does the HTML. 3. I've just realized that in the last day or two some JavaScript has been added to the mix. The HTML and PHP still don't work. 4. Maybe we should look at adding some CSS, some AJAX, maybe a bit of ASP and .NET, possibly some Perl. I think this person has a more of a wanting attention problem than a coding problem.

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Did he also write the onchange part? Do you know what that's about? No? Remove it!
Ok, I´ll!
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I was thinking of this overnight and already had some ideas: 1. He starts out with some HTML that doesn't work. 2. Instead of fixing that he adds some PHP. That doesn't work either, nor does the HTML. 3. I've just realized that in the last day or two some JavaScript has been added to the mix. The HTML and PHP still don't work. 4. Maybe we should look at adding some CSS, some AJAX, maybe a bit of ASP and .NET, possibly some Perl. I think this person has a more of a wanting attention problem than a coding problem.
Unfortunately, you haven´t read my other posts!JavaScript is not my part! (I don´t know it yet!)Html is validating now!Php works off-line!Final sentence No comments (too ridiculous!)
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I removed the <selecr> part! (because it was written by an Argentinian I don´t like!). Now. just 4 errors to go!

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Guest So Called

Unfortunately you haven't noticed I just had my member name changed today. I've read all your posts, and replied to many of them. Your onchange statement is JavaScript. What do you think document.location.href is? Okay, so your HTML validates. Congratulations! How about starting a new topic on your next bug? Whoops! You just added a post as I'm writing this. I thought you had your code validating. It does no good to post part of a tag and ask what's wrong. It's difficult or impossible to address your problem without knowing the context. Why don't you post it on your website like I and others have told you to do? Then we can look at the whole document and validate it and see for ourselves what the problem is.

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this is just going off the last code you posted a couple of pages ago because you never give us the code or a link, so all we have is an out of context error message.. and someone already pointed the issue out before one page ago... but anyway...

I don´t understand this error? error.png Line 33, Column 17: there is no attribute "SRC" <iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/h2AWKgU0cN4" frameborder="0" allo…
<div id="main"> <p><img id="eduard" src="eduard.JPG" alt="img Eduard Lid"></p> <iframe><src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/h2AWKgU0cN4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Something seems wrong with your <iframe> element. Check the HTML tutorial again and compare your code with the one that is on W3Schools.
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Unfortunately you haven't noticed I just had my member name changed today. I've read all your posts, and replied to many of them. Your onchange statement is JavaScript. What do you think document.location.href is? Okay, so your HTML validates. Congratulations! How about starting a new topic on your next bug? Whoops! You just added a post as I'm writing this. I thought you had your code validating. It does no good to post part of a tag and ask what's wrong. It's difficult or impossible to address your problem without knowing the context. Why don't you post it on your website like I and others have told you to do? Then we can look at the whole document and validate it and see for ourselves what the problem is.
Very simple! If I do that my website looks horrible and the whole world is watching (prospective clients!)!(would it be a good idea to have a beta version of a website?)
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iframe will not validate in Strict doctype, it and its attribute will produce error, Iframes are allowed in transitional, frameset doctypes.
Thanks! I changed that!
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