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Well yes i cant be seen by google when i try and verification it it keep saying ""We weren't able to verify your domain: ronuk.org"" ive got kaspersky could it be that? Ive got it in a folder on the desktop is there anything wrong with that?

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Just to check.You bought domain 'ronuk.org'You have uploaded your files to you domain document root folder which could be a folder such 'ronuk.org' or 'public_html' these are the folders that the user is directed to when the user enter your domain url address.You should enter the google verification code into the <head>...</head> area of the index page, then you verify at google that it can find the verification on index page.

Edited by dsonesuk
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Yes i got a domain

yes i Have got my folder(ronuk.org), but have i got to put it somewhere specific ? ive just got it on the desktop at the mom. Could i use dropbox? Whats my ""domain document root folder"" I should have loaded it up too?

Ive entered the (google) html in the html part of index.html (<meta name="google-site-verification" content="MleUBmNj7fKfjSVF32pukZHIo3Gr5JoYAA7tiCmspfM" />

But that's where im going wrong, theres something in the way that google cant see (firewall? or something else ive got KASPERSKY)


SO its on the d/top

i go to "google search console"

put in ronuk.org

it ask me to verify it

and it should be verified (but its not)

should i be doing something else?

Edited by ron101
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It is not usually run directly from your desktop, unless you specifically set it up that way. The norm is buy domain name along with hozting package windows or linux, along with specific features which depend on what you are looking for.You then login to your hosting site which take you to domain/hosting package control panel where can upload your files to specific document root folder using app directly OR you are giving a ftp address where you can use ftp program such as filezilla to upload files from you desktop to your hosting server domain document root folder.Usually when you do it this way, and you enter the domain name a default hosting index page comes up, which yours does not do, so either you have just bought the domain name and not hosting package, or it still been processed, or you have not confiured correctly to run from your desktop if that is what are looking to do.

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